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Thread: H.R.5087 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

  1. #31
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    The thing about all of this hoopla is that the weapons used at all of these mass shootings have been legally purchased. So armed with that knowledge, how does the gun show loophole even come into play? Chicago has the toughest gun laws around and yet they are one of the highest in the nation for gun crimes. How did the laws help out there?

    The Sandy Hook shooter stole his weapons out of his moms safe and killed her, those were legally purchased and in a safe. The left just does not understand that the person deciding to do the killing of another human being will get it done however they can find a way to do it.

    Mike is right, this law will never go anywhere, it is nothing but a campaign strategy going into the midterm elections. Red meat for their crazy base, it will not stop anything, yet the base laps it up like it's nectar of the gods, when in actuality it is nothing but sewer water.

    It does go to prove what Conservatives and the NRA have been saying, the Liberals are after your guns.

  2. #32
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    Also I saw on Tucker Carlson the other night, where he asked an anti gun person he was interviewing, "How are you proposing to take the guns away from citizens". He went on to ask her if she thinks that it would not cause a huge amount of bloodshed as people are not going to allow jack booted thugs to kick down the door of their home and storm the gun cabinets, not going to happen.

    As they have been saying, there are over 300 million guns out in the public hands, probably several hundred million rounds of ammo for those weapons and do they think that the local police, the State police and the military would be able to take them all? That is crazy, most of the officers and military for starters, would not do that to American citizens. That is tactics the gestapo would use and they are not about to lose their life for something as stupid as this. They have friends and family to go home to and by them doing that would put a target on their back.

    That is exactly why the 2nd Amendment was written, to keep a tyrannical government from doing just that action right there.

  3. #33
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    As long as you guys continue to equate regulating certain types of weapons with total confiscation you are just prolonging the solution.

    At some point as the next generation becomes voters the final straw will be reached and then you will indeed have a total ban.

    It would make more sense to settle now for common sense regulations.

    I really can't understand why anyone would want criminals to be allowed to purchase firearms. But that is where we are right now.

  4. #34
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    You do not even understand what you type. We all know the Dems end game is to remove guns, this is just the first step. Trust, it is something they are not worthy of.

    I seem to recall the last idiot that told AMerica that his new plan would save every taxpayer 2500 bucks a year on healthcare and it would be cheaper after that. And Dems wonder why nobody believes their BS anymore.

    You need to either be quiet or educate yourself on the term semi automatic. That basically covers everything but a bolt action or a break over single shot rifle and an old west revolver.

    I will tell you the same line that women try to use on men "If you do not have a uterus then do not try to tell us what to do with ours." You are NOT a gun owner so you should not get to decide what we do with ours.

  5. #35
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    You do not even understand what you type. We all know the Dems end game is to remove guns, this is just the first step. Trust, it is something they are not worthy of.

    I seem to recall the last idiot that told AMerica that his new plan would save every taxpayer 2500 bucks a year on healthcare and it would be cheaper after that. And Dems wonder why nobody believes their BS anymore.

    You need to either be quiet or educate yourself on the term semi automatic. That basically covers everything but a bolt action or a break over single shot rifle and an old west revolver.

    I will tell you the same line that women try to use on men "If you do not have a uterus then do not try to tell us what to do with ours." You are NOT a gun owner so you should not get to decide what we do with ours.
    I am not the one to decide. That will be the children who grow up and have gone through watching their teachers and classmates murdered and the ones who are now having to go through active shooter drills in their schools.

    When I was in school it was Duck and Cover for when the Russians attacked.

    Maybe that is why to this day I do not like Russians and do not consider Putin as a wonderful friend. Those things stick with you a long time.

    Fix it now or they will.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    I'm through responding to your trolls, Don.

    Now, for the rest of you, the proposed bill does not do much other than ban new sales of certain weapons and magazines. It still allows for the sale and transfer of those weapons already in the wild. It is a bit similar to the "ban" on NFA weapons without jumping through hoops to obtain one.
    Yeah I'm through with him too. Once it became abundantly clear to me that he gets his kicks and Giggles yanking people's chains instead of contributing to The Forum I decided that I will not respond to any of his post and I encourage everybody on this forum that cares about it to do the same.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  7. #37
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    Guess who else used kids ......
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  8. #38
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    Debbie has lost her ever loving mind.... WE DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO OWN BULLETS!

    Seriously, people need to quit saying "Can they get any stupider" the Dems are starting to take it as a challenge. Folks, you just can't make this stuff up.
    In the wake of the “March For Our Lives” rally Saturday, and with no legislative appetite for more gun control laws, Democrats in both the House and Senate have introduced a bill requiring background checks for purchasing bullets.

    “You do not have the right to bear bullets,” said Congresswoman and former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz at a press conference Monday announcing the introduction of a bill that would require instant background checks to purchase ammunition.

    “You do not have the right to bear bullets.”

    Yeah… because when the Second Amendment was written they obviously only meant they wanted you to have a gun… and no way to use it.

    The Ammunition Background Check Act was introduced by Wasserman Schultz in the House and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) in the Senate. Like its name implies, it would require anyone looking to buy bullets to be subjected to background checks, similar to the one required to purchase a firearm in the first place.
    We’ve seen how well gun laws work… so surely the same people who obtain guns illegally wouldn’t just obtain bullets illegally, right?

    Congrats on the start of a thriving bullet black market, Deb!
    The thing that scares me more than this is, just how ignorant are the people voting for these fools?

  9. #39
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    Yeah I'm through with him too. Once it became abundantly clear to me that he gets his kicks and Giggles yanking people's chains instead of contributing to The Forum I decided that I will not respond to any of his post and I encourage everybody on this forum that cares about it to do the same.
    As long as "contributing to the forum" means agreeing with any radical opinions posted by some here I will always be out of step.

    If you can't stand a differing opinion without personal attacks or raising your blood pressure you probably ought to just ignore my posts.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    The thing about all of this hoopla is that the weapons used at all of these mass shootings have been legally purchased. So armed with that knowledge, how does the gun show loophole even come into play? Chicago has the toughest gun laws around and yet they are one of the highest in the nation for gun crimes. How did the laws help out there?

    The Sandy Hook shooter stole his weapons out of his moms safe and killed her, those were legally purchased and in a safe. The left just does not understand that the person deciding to do the killing of another human being will get it done however they can find a way to do it.

    Mike is right, this law will never go anywhere, it is nothing but a campaign strategy going into the midterm elections. Red meat for their crazy base, it will not stop anything, yet the base laps it up like it's nectar of the gods, when in actuality it is nothing but sewer water.

    It does go to prove what Conservatives and the NRA have been saying, the Liberals are after your guns.
    Yep and yep.......

  11. #41
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    he thing about all of this hoopla is that the weapons used at all of these mass shootings have been legally purchased.
    Yeah, about that. Legally purchased weapons are being used to commit mass murders.

    It is not about the weapon but about those allowed to purchase and bear that weapon.

    Most of the mass murders are committed by what would be considered a responsible gun owner.

    Closing the gun show loophole would not stop those guys, it would only stop the violent convicted criminals from getting them due to no background check.

    If you guys are not willing to try to keep the weapons out of the hands of criminals what do you propose to keep them out of the hands of potential mass murderers?

    Or do you even see a problem that needs a solution?

  12. #42
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    We had a ban on selling scary-looking guns in the 90’s, as I recall and it was not renewed when Bill Clinton’s own commission did endless research with the result that the stats showed the ban did not lessen gun crime one iota.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  13. #43
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    We had a ban on selling scary-looking guns in the 90’s, as I recall and it was not renewed when Bill Clinton’s own commission did endless research with the result that the stats showed the ban did not lessen gun crime one iota.
    It was allowed to expire.

    So do you see any problem that needs correction? We did not seem to be having as many mass school killings in the 1990s as we do now.

    Oh, and good evening Counselor, the book is great so far. Thanks for that recommendation.

  14. #44
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    It builds.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  15. #45
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    I do not know who keeps repeating that lie, the one about no background check is required, that is a total lie, unless you get your gun from some shady dude at night in a back alley. You have to fill out and answer the NICS questionnaire and it is checked out. Now the person can lie, like the Cruz kid that shot up the Florida school did, and if the Fed Govt did not follow the laws already in place and report like they should, as in the case of the church shooter in Texas, the laws already in place do no good.

    It goes to say, that MURDER is already against the laws of our Country, there is no going around that one, so the stupid parroting of "another law would have stopped this" or the even dumber "assault rifle ban" would have stopped this, is lying to nobody but the fools saying it. You can not obtain one weapon you will use another, it really is that simple!

    Knives and fists have been used to murder more people than guns every single year, the facts are there to look at. DUI kills many times more people than guns, texting kills more, etc.

    The liberals are after the guns, period. They will not get them, and I will take any bets.

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