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Thread: I Did Not Realize Just How Far

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Colorado Springs , Colorado

    I Did Not Realize Just How Far

    Down the rabbit hole you guys had sunk.

    You want to spew about "Liberals" and claim to be conservative but you are all really sad freeloaders that want to have everything given to you but never pay the cost.

    You claim to be Conservative Republicans but Ike would slap the crap out of you if he was still around with your fiscally corrupt ideas and Russian loving traitorous ways.

    Here is just another example of your neo-republican concept of "Make Someone Else Support Me" idea of what a true Conservative believes.

    On today’s episode of the “WallBuilders Live” radio program, right-wing pseudo-historian David Barton suggested that the separation of church and state should mean that Christians do not have to pay taxes.

    While Tim Barton, who serves as president of WallBuilders, was discussing the Florida Supreme Court’s decision not to hear a challenge to the state’s school voucher program that allows students to attend religious schools using public tax dollars, David piped up to wonder why people who support the separation of church and state have no problem collecting taxes from Christians.

    “If they really believe that, why do they take tax money from people who go to church?” Barton asked. “People who go to church shouldn’t have to be required to put tax money into the state if there is a separation of church and state. Religion is funding the state, so how come they don’t argue that?”

    “They are saying I can’t take my kids and take them out of state education because that is religious,” he added. “If they think I’m religious, why would they take my tax dollars and put it into the state?”

    “Right,” Tim Barton replied. “Because now, a religious person is helping fund the public and there has to be a separation of church and state.”

    “Maybe I ought to file a lawsuit on that,” David Barton mused
    So you guys just continue your echo chamber wishing everyone on the East and West coasts would just die and continue worshipping the Russian but for me, I'm outta here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sorry you decided to leave..........
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

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