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Thread: Trump is learning the tricks of the trade

  1. #1
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    Trump is learning the tricks of the trade

    Did not take Trump long to figure out how to box the opposition into a corner of their own making. I have been wondering why the usual windbags like Schumer and Pelosi have been so quiet as of late.

    He keeps telling the people, although we know it is directed at the DACA folks, that the Dems have not voted or voted against everything the Repubs have brought up allowing them to remain and to gain citizenship. He makes sure that when a bill containing anything about DACA is brought up and the Dems refuse to allow it, that he points it out to them very publicly. Now the Dems have grown silent about anything DACA related and the liberal MSM has quit making stories about anything DACA. Strangely quiet.

    He is also driving home the point that with the uprising with the Hogg punk and the anti-gun marchers, that if Dems are elected they are very much involved in wanting to take our guns and to repeal or replace the 2nd amendment. Seems to be working as many on social media are speaking in a much louder voice and standing up a bit straighter.

    Just like when Obama was trying his gun grab, he was responsible for more gun sales than the NRA ever was. New NRA membership is rising and more guns are being sold due to the constant rants from the left.

    Trump has figured out the system, with his "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" attitude and his way of working the system, he gets better every day. He takes the very thing his opponents throw at him at hits it right back at them. Just what many of us elected him to do, clean the swamp.

  2. #2
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    We have the 2th amendment so maybe a little tinkering with it is OK, but lets honer our Constitution.

  3. #3
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    refresh my memory, when did Obama try to "gun grab"?

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  4. #4
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    Look it up.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Look it up.
    you made the claim, show it to be true or you are are willfully lying

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  6. #6
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    Yep, thats me, I must be lying. If you are not interested enough to even try to look it up, I will not spend more time trying to entertain you further. Here....

  7. #7
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    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    Of course......proven wrong and not adult to admit it......

  9. #9
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    Really folks it took all of .03 seconds to generate about 10 pages related to Obamas gun grab. He must have wanted our guns so that he could use them in Fast and Furious.

    The Dems are just so outclassed on this type of a fight, they have grown so used to starting a rumor and then having their intended target shrivel and scatter, they are in awe of why their childish antics are not working now. They start a major lie with the Russia collusion BS, they bring a washed up old whore into the mix and that does not work either, so now they have to bring a bunch of kids trying to get guns outlawed into the mix.

    Meanwhile the Dems are putting all of their resources behind these three things, Trump sends the hounds off in yet more paths by saying a few words about a totally different subject and the MSM and the liberal base is loading up the clown car and chasing yet another false lead. While he has them focused on BS, he calmly attends to his agenda, which by the way IS working and checks another box as being complete.

    It is quite comical to watch and listen to, Sara Huckabee Sanders is now riding roughshod over the liberal lemmings at CNN and the other like networks and their stupid questions and things are getting done. Unemployment is down again, taxes are lower and people seem a bit more relaxed, well except for the liberals, they are worn out from chasing ghosts. Oh wait, Trump just sent them on another mission, wonder what they won't find at the end of this new trail?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Really folks it took all of .03 seconds to generate about 10 pages related to Obamas gun grab. He must have wanted our guns so that he could use them in Fast and Furious.

    The Dems are just so outclassed on this type of a fight, they have grown so used to starting a rumor and then having their intended target shrivel and scatter, they are in awe of why their childish antics are not working now. They start a major lie with the Russia collusion BS, they bring a washed up old whore into the mix and that does not work either, so now they have to bring a bunch of kids trying to get guns outlawed into the mix.

    Meanwhile the Dems are putting all of their resources behind these three things, Trump sends the hounds off in yet more paths by saying a few words about a totally different subject and the MSM and the liberal base is loading up the clown car and chasing yet another false lead. While he has them focused on BS, he calmly attends to his agenda, which by the way IS working and checks another box as being complete.

    It is quite comical to watch and listen to, Sara Huckabee Sanders is now riding roughshod over the liberal lemmings at CNN and the other like networks and their stupid questions and things are getting done. Unemployment is down again, taxes are lower and people seem a bit more relaxed, well except for the liberals, they are worn out from chasing ghosts. Oh wait, Trump just sent them on another mission, wonder what they won't find at the end of this new trail?
    do you know what a "gun grab" it was not providing a list of SSI recipients, that were literally adjudicated by the crt as not having the mental capacity to receive their own welfare check in their name. When all the conservatives start talking about mental health everytime we have a mass shooting, one would think hmmmm well we have a particular segment who can't even be trusted to pay their own rent with their disability,,, thats probably a good place to think hey, maybe thats the 1st group that shouldn't be able to purchase a gun.

    Course there's pages of google search n Gun grabbing, cause the NRA defined it as "send us more money to ensure that this dem can't take your guns" and then conservative bloggers pick it up and plaster it all over the net like playbills for a circus. Funny you would try to pass that propaganda as proof, they played you guys like fiddles.. 1st a huge segment of men don't know that SSI isn't social security and that this wasn't about preventing the elderly from 2nd A rights.. DUH.. then right here at the CB, the counselor kept trying to claim it was all the disabled. The LAWYER didn't want to even acknowledge the meaning of adjudicated by a crt.

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    I'm not sitting on the net twiddling my thumbs on your schedule. I'm a working woman with two companies to run.

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    I'm not sitting on the net twiddling my thumbs on your schedule. I'm a working woman with two companies to run.
    Thank you for working hard and supporting your family.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  13. #13
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    For starters I did not write the headlines that those articles used, they did that themselves. Second, do you personally think that anybody that would walk into a school, church, mall, music concert or any other place where innocent people are, and randomly start shooting them is not mentally messed up?

    You argument is BS, as the local cops had been to the Cruz boys house 38 times, the FBI had been notified and did nothing and the school itself had been throwing him out for violent and disrespectful behavior for years. The guy was nuts and nobody lifted a finger to stop him, nobody, not even the damn chickenchit cop being paid to be at the school to help protect the students. DO NOT try to convince me that it was something the NRA did or did not do, it was the laws that you liberals keep pushing that DO NOT WORK!

    The shooter at the church outside of San Antonio was a mental case, the Air Force failed to put his and many others like him, names on the list so that it could be picked up when he filled out his NICS form when he purchased the weapon legally. If they had done their job, he would have been turned down and would not have been able to purchase any weapon. Your laws failed....again.

    You keep demanding facts from everybody when you challenge their statement, either put up or shutup about the NRA. You are spreading nothing but lies with absolutely no proof to backup your lie. Please provide a link to where the NRA said to send them money, as a definition for gun grabbing.

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