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Thread: Political hatred?

  1. #1
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    Political hatred?

    I keep hearing about how those on the right are the cause for all of this political hatred and I am going to call BS. Have some on the right fired some shots, hell yes they have. If you on the left think that only you can talk nasty and get all butthurt if we say anything back, go pound sand. Let me give you some examples of what the left has said and done and then tell me that we on the right are to blame.

    Now about going way back when Hilliary called half of America deplorables?

    Joe Biden wanting to take Trump out behind the barn?

    How about Madonna threatening to blow up the White House?

    How about the hatred expressed by the vagina hat brigade?

    How about the comedian holding up a severed Trump head?

    A liberal gunman shooting at ONLY Repubs?

    Maxine Waters telling crowds to get up in the faces of Repubs?

    Maxine again constantly harping on impeachment?

    All of the MSM constantly attacking the innocent wife and 10 YO son of Trump?

    How about ANTIFA attacking anybody who is not one of them?

    What about the literal garbage that was shown by liberals at the Kavanaugh hearing?

    How many times have Trump supporters asked a Dem to leave their place of business?

    How many Trump folks have verbally attacked members of Congress in public threatening their families as has been done to Sen Cruz and McConnel?

    Or how about the neighbor of Sen Paul physically beating him while mowing his lawn?

    Trump kids getting white powder sent to their homes.

    I could go on and on about how the left wingers and the liberal media have assaulted Trump and Repub people, and you think we and he are to blame? As grandma used to say, "make sure your own house is clean before you go talking about someone elses place".

    Those on the left want to fight, but are the first to whine when they get punched back. People are tired of the crap from the left and I expect a whole lot more of physical beatings coming to those who do not respect the rights of others. I will stand with them, I have had it with the petty bull**** the left keeps throwing out. Russia probe has revealed nothing, the FBI was exposed for the corruption they have going on there and people have been fired specifically for that cause. Clean your own face before you stick it into mine, because you might come back bloodied and hurting.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Its making America great again. They need to get some gonads if they want to battle with us.

  3. #3
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Rightwing View Post
    Its making America great again. They need to get some gonads if they want to battle with us.
    If gonads were all it took to win we would have already won. The sickest of the sick are held up as heroes to the left, they don't have gonads they have an outy vagina.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mgrist View Post
    If gonads were all it took to win we would have already won. The sickest of the sick are held up as heroes to the left, they don't have gonads they have an outy vagina.
    You got that right, they have no clue that they are the ones hating.

  5. #5
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    Deep inside the Central Scrutinizer.
    And you are doing all the loving........

  6. #6
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Really am feeling the love in the air.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phillbo View Post
    And you are doing all the loving........
    Hell no, I'm past all the prejudice and bigotry, I hate everybody!
    This is your mind on drugs!

  8. #8
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    I give as good as I get. Think about it, they have attacked this guy with all sorts of BS from the beginning. It has not stopped and has only gotten worse as time has gone by. If you think he should just sit back and take it, you are wrong. This is politics at its worse and he has gained his following by attacking the left right back. If you can sit there and blame Trump and not put at least equal, if not more blame on the liberal left, then you are biased. They have attacked this man's grown sons, his daughters, his wife, his 10 YO son, even said he should be sexually molested and raped!!

    They have attacked anybody associated with his administration, ran his press secretary out of a public restaurant, attacked other Repub Congress members in public and in restaurants and gone so far as to have mobs at their personal homes. THAT IS BULL****!! Never before has any of the Repub members or voters done such dastardly **** to ANY of the Obama or Clinton people.

    You damn right it pisses me off, you people want compassion and love, but you fail to condemn what is happening in the here and now. Until you condemn the garbage that we have to deal with on a daily basis I will take your petty comments as more of the same BS. The media need to be taken to task and have their own words used against them and tell them to straighten their own house before complaining about how a man defends himself.

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