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Thread: Shooting at YouTube

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by mgrist View Post
    I think your giving to much credit to children Kevin. These are the children that are doing the shooting. I understand it's always been "protect the children" If one ever wanted to get the public riled up about anything all they had to do is bring up the children, any children. The innocents, we've got to protect them at all costs, all of them all of the time. We've made it so they never lose, your all winners just play the game, no worry about the score. When they screw up we can no longer punish them that's child abuse. Children will make mistakes, they will learn, they are just children for gods sake. Sadly it's the same children that are killing there peers, do they even know right from wrong? We've got little acronyms for everything they do "ADD" is one, I can't for the life of me think of any more right now. We've got pills for all of their problems also, poor things. We've gone way to far in protecting our sweet innocent kids, they have turned into a bunch of spoiled arrogant rude monsters with no regards for anything or any buddy. No not all of them of course not but far to many of them. There's the sugar defense and there's the kid that ran over four people and killed them, he got the spoiled defense, he didn't know he was doing wrong when he drove off leaving the people dead. I may have mixed up the incidents but they happened. Kids are getting away with murder because we don't want to hurt their feelings it may scar them for life.
    Kids need to get their butt whooped when they screw up and they ought to learn how to lose because that's life. We've all wanted to make life better for our children, guilty!, but we've gone to far. They can't deal with their emotions they can't deal with NO! They think they deserve any and everything, they individually think they are the single most important person on earth. Thank god I got enough of a need for education in my daughter, she is finishing up her Masters in nursing now. But she already knows she's better than everybody else because of that. I've got a daughter with a Masters and I'm worried about her, shame. Her husband is a youth minister, he's looking for his third job because only my daughter knows how things should go in the church, just like her mother who has been sucking off of the good will of the people at church for twenty years. Yes it's my daughter and I love her and omg do you see how he's talking about his child!!!!! The truth hurts sometimes.
    I don't have any problem with going after Hogg and his supporters on the issues of gun control.

    I draw the line at smearing them personally. They are children. Some things are just plain wrong to do.

  2. #32
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    You know better than that. Banning all firearms would only make criminals out of good people. Should we ban trucks too, as one was used to mow down a bunch of folks out for a walk?

    MY point, and I think you know it, was to prove that an AR is not the go to gun for mass shootings. There was no "scary" assault weapon, so the story goes away quickly. Yes it could also be that there were not a bunch of deaths involved either, but you get my drift. Ia all of the other shootings the gun was mentioned first thing, second was the amount of rounds it carried, third was the number of killed or injured.

  3. #33
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    Hogg put himself out there personally, he deserves all of the accolades and criticisms from whatever side gives it. He made himself a public figure and poster child for his cause, so he gets to garner the rewards, good or bad.

    He has complained about the clear backpacks he has to wear so I am going to hound his ass about that too.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    This kid was making her living off of videos she posted on the internet, think about that. Is that what most people would consider a real job? These videos are not like commercials or anything that would be clicked on by people looking for real information about a topic, they were propaganda and her opinion of things. When somebody, in this case youtube disagreed with her and pulled her videos, she reacted with violence and shooting innocent people?

    Just like the kids making the biggest noise at Parkland, the shaved headed girl admits that they bullied the Cruz kid, he reacted in his way of dealing with it, and now it is our fault? The school makes it a policy to have them use clear backpacks so that everything in them will be visible and the kids are upset at that? That idea is as silly as what they are proposing to do with their opinion of how to solve their problems. Knee jerk reactions on either side will not solve the problem, neither will being pawns for a political agenda, but these youngsters are going to learn some nasty facts about life.

    Really Kev, on one thread you lecture us about how gays are people too and then you throw out a racial slur in a fit of rage and we are supposed to take you serious? Why are you blaming conservatives for anything, they are as mad about this and all shootings as anybody. For one, we all know who and what will be blamed, the same old song and dance we always hear. Second, we know what the resulting outcry will be and it is as dumb as making kids use clear backpacks, taking rights away from law abiding people. Third, after all of the hoopla dies down, the same culprits will go back to the same things that caused the shooting in the first place, bullying their fellow classmates and falsely making accusations for other things that only inflame others.

    Agendas use people, the solution proposed does not always solve the problem. This Iranian girl was against violence and the bad treatment of animals, yet thought it was okay to shoot innocent people who had nothing to do with the problem she was mad about. I could maybe see if she had the names of the very people that took her videos down, that would at the very least mean her anger was aimed in the right direction, but to not know exactly who she was mad at, and just blaming any and everybody for her woes is just plain ignorant and insane and was not going to remedy the issue that she was mad about.

    That also reminds me of those who are blaming the gun, the NRA and Conservatives for all of their problems without knowing or caring what the real problem is. That is not going to solve anything and will only inflame others on both sides to make other stupid decisions. And in the end, nothing gets solved.
    Everyone who brings their issues to the political forums we have established for our society (legislatures, peaceful assembly, etc.) has an agenda. They want what they want.

    Agenda: an underlying often ideological plan or program.

    The NRA has an agenda - maintaining the 2A as is. Gays have an agenda - equal treatment Blacks, women, people who want to nationalize the Twinkie industry - everyone who brings their wants in front of the public to achieve an outcome has an agenda. It is only a bad word when describing your OPPONENTS desires, not your own, apparently.

    I don't remember assigning fault for Cruz. You've been doing pretty well blaming everyone in sight all on your own.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Hogg put himself out there personally, he deserves all of the accolades and criticisms from whatever side gives it. He made himself a public figure and poster child for his cause, so he gets to garner the rewards, good or bad.

    He has complained about the clear backpacks he has to wear so I am going to hound his ass about that too.
    So we no longer treat children differently than adults? Where do we draw the line, then? Is everything fair game? Should we be talking to his past girlfriends to find out the size of his penis? Maybe his friends to see if he has looked at girly mags?

    What does any of this have to do with the issue of gun control other than to say it is OK to tear apart our children if they dare to speak up? And how do you think they will react later, when they decide to go vote? Think that tearing them a new butthole will endear your cause to them?

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    You know better than that. Banning all firearms would only make criminals out of good people. Should we ban trucks too, as one was used to mow down a bunch of folks out for a walk?

    MY point, and I think you know it, was to prove that an AR is not the go to gun for mass shootings. There was no "scary" assault weapon, so the story goes away quickly. Yes it could also be that there were not a bunch of deaths involved either, but you get my drift. Ia all of the other shootings the gun was mentioned first thing, second was the amount of rounds it carried, third was the number of killed or injured.

    Since no one is suggesting that all firearms be banned, I don't know what relevance that comment has to the discussion.

    Claiming gun control is about banning all firearms is a boogey man to scare people. Kinda like what gun control people do when focusing on the black scary gun. Both sides are using fear tactics. You just see your opponents doing it and say it is wrong but fail to see how you are doing it yourself. Kinda like your blindness on the word "agenda", so you are at least consistent.

  7. #37
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    David Hogg will be 18 years old in 7 days. He is not a child.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  8. #38
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    Hogg attacked the NRA, I am a member so he attacked me, I think he is full of crap, tied up. No biggie. Children can be manipulated, he is being manipulated and is attacking people in public. In my day he would have had to face his opponents behind the barn and make his points with his fists. Opening your mouth in public has consequences, I know that every time I reply to a thread here or post something on my Facebook page, I can handle it. He needs to understand the same thing applies to him, when he is attacking people he does not know, and putting his slimy fingers into things he is ignorant about.

    Kinda like one baker not wanting to make a cake? Ban all cakes?

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    David Hogg will be 18 years old in 7 days. He is not a child.
    He's a high school student, Mike. I don't think of high school students as adults so I don't treat them as such.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Hogg attacked the NRA, I am a member so he attacked me, I think he is full of crap, tied up. No biggie. Children can be manipulated, he is being manipulated and is attacking people in public. In my day he would have had to face his opponents behind the barn and make his points with his fists. Opening your mouth in public has consequences, I know that every time I reply to a thread here or post something on my Facebook page, I can handle it. He needs to understand the same thing applies to him, when he is attacking people he does not know, and putting his slimy fingers into things he is ignorant about.

    Kinda like one baker not wanting to make a cake? Ban all cakes?
    He didn't attack you. He attacked your opinion. Stop personalizing everything. Do you even listen yourself? Offering violence to shut someone up that you can't best in a contest of ideas? Is that how you roll? Bully those you can't beat with a better argument?

    Slimy fingers? Good grief. The level of anger directed toward a high school student in an effort to silence him is astounding.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    He's a high school student, Mike. I don't think of high school students as adults so I don't treat them as such.
    In my opinion, he is not an adult, but the law and common practice say otherwise. Or, not!

    I don't know about other states, so what I'm listing below is how it is in Texas.

    At 16, they can get a driver's license and maneuver several hundred pounds of deadly steel down public roadways. So, the people that make the laws think they are mature enough to wield this deadly weapon. I disagree. I think they should be at least 18 unless accompanied by a licensed adult driver in the vehicle.

    At 17, at least in Texas, they are considered an adult in the eyes of criminal law. Again, I disagree. I think they should be 18.

    At 17, with parental consent, they can join the military and get themselves killed in our meaningless war in the middle east. They can do the same thing on their own by waiting until they are 18. No disrespect for our military, I thank and support all past and current heroes who have served.

    At 18, they can buy long guns and ammo, but not handguns. Why is that? Could it be because they are not mature enough to own a handgun until they are 21? I fail to see the logic. I think 21 is a good age for both types of weapons.

    At 18, they can vote. Do we really want children to vote? Apparently some folks think they are mature enough at 18. I prefer 21.

    At 18, they reach the age of majority when you become a legal adult in 47 out of 50 states

    At 21, they can buy alcohol. We tried reducing that age to 18 and look what happened! The immature used those hulking chunks of metal they speed around in to go buy alcohol and reek havoc on our roadways while intoxicated. Back to 21 and it didn't take long.

    So, I guess I almost agree with you, Kevin. I'll settle for calling him a kid, but not a child.

    Back to the list above. This is a really screwy way to run a country. How the hell is a child/kid supposed how to act when every time they turn around the rules change? We need to make an effort to settle on a single age to determine when they become an adult and are entitled to adult privileges.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  12. #42
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    I can go with "kid".

    18 is a weird time of life. One day before that age, you are not considered an adult. The next day, you can be handed a rifle by the United States Army and sent to kill people.

    But don't buy a beer.

    I don't get it.

  13. #43
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    If Hogg is supposed to be a spokesman, role model, or whatever for his cause he would be better off without his nasty potty mouth.

  14. #44
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    I give up, not worth arguing with someone who sees nothing but what they have in their head. That is not a conversation and DOn used to do that all the time. DO NOT PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH. If you misconstrue something I said, ask me, do not throw out some total garbage that I never said.

    Oh and by the way, all I attacked was his opinion, we all get one.

  15. #45
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    Not when you start disparaging him for his "slimy fingers" or suggesting that in the good old days, he'd be beaten up for what he says. Or when you justify smear tactics by personalizing his opinion against the NRA.

    I'm pretty much as obstinate in my opinions as you are with yours. Maybe what you don't like about me is that I'm so similar to you.

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