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Thread: H.R.5087 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

  1. #46
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    AND....the 9th circuit among others has ruled that IF you use marijuana it is illegal for you to own. buy, posses, shoot firearms & it's got a block specfically for that on the 4473, so if you use pot at all since it's a federally illegal substance, no guns for you....

    This is causing lots of pissed off people and a bunch of druggies saying from my col dead hands, guess pot heads are not peaceful after all......

    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    I do not know who keeps repeating that lie, the one about no background check is required, that is a total lie, unless you get your gun from some shady dude at night in a back alley. You have to fill out and answer the NICS questionnaire and it is checked out. Now the person can lie, like the Cruz kid that shot up the Florida school did, and if the Fed Govt did not follow the laws already in place and report like they should, as in the case of the church shooter in Texas, the laws already in place do no good.

    It goes to say, that MURDER is already against the laws of our Country, there is no going around that one, so the stupid parroting of "another law would have stopped this" or the even dumber "assault rifle ban" would have stopped this, is lying to nobody but the fools saying it. You can not obtain one weapon you will use another, it really is that simple!

    Knives and fists have been used to murder more people than guns every single year, the facts are there to look at. DUI kills many times more people than guns, texting kills more, etc.

    The liberals are after the guns, period. They will not get them, and I will take any bets.

  2. #47
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    Deep inside the Central Scrutinizer.
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    DUI kills many times more people than guns, texting kills more, etc.
    Only problem is guns are used to kill in a blaze of glory that can be sensationalized in the media that people are glued too.... Not sure of the last time I heard of someone killing 17 people with a knife or while texting...

  3. #48
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    Abortion clinics kill that many babies everyday and that is okay with the left.

  4. #49
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    Comparing DUI deaths to gun deaths it's not a fair comparison. Alcohol is an endemic problem in our society and a has-been for centuries. That will never change. Remember liberals drink just like conservatives do. However guns are one of the Prime points of liberal ideology. The first is the right to an abortion at a close second is the right coming to this country anyway you want to and neck and neck is the desire to take guns away from our citizenship. And that's about it for them. So it is what it is you just got to vote.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  5. #50
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    I do not think those three things are what the Left is restrained to desire at all. I think the list is much longer. Let me indulge and repost my observations on the subject —

    My list of what Leftist authoritarians and Statists want first and most:

    Goals —

    ☼ Control all levels of government, their plans & implementations;
    ☼ Instill, promote & enforce dependency on government;
    ☼ Make SCOTUS their weapon;
    ☼ Control all levels and apparatus of public education, especially schools of education;
    ☼ Dominate social messaging;
    ☼ Feminize society - revile maleness;
    ☼ Defend the “Right To Abort” consequences of and promote promiscuous social norms;
    ☼ Normalize deviant sexual & drug behavior..."define deviancy down;"
    ☼ Infiltrate and control all schooling/indoctrinate children from early age on;
    ☼ Raise taxes;
    ☼ Confiscate private property...collectivize wherever/whenever possible;
    ☼ Equalize income & results/denigrate & demonized excellence/achievement;
    ☼ Seek to remove all vestiges of open competition as “unfair” to losers;
    ☼ Replace "self" with "community;"
    ☼ Command & Control healthcare of citizenry making government central repository of citizens' healthcare to which all must prostrate and beg for relief;
    ☼ Rigorously control energy production, access, allocation & use;
    ☼ Fund and direct climate research aimed at justifying government control of energy production/use;
    ☼ Pick and subsidize favored industries, companies & NGO's...regulate the stink out of everything else (put your apparatchiks in control of as much as possible);
    ☼ Disarm the public;
    ☼ Castrate & control the police, except when they own them;
    ☼ Concentrate power, weaponize & populate bureaucracies at all levels;
    ☼ Identify niche constituencies, capture as voting block or alternately isolate/marginalize/destroy;
    ☼ control & manipulate voting processes whenever and however possible;
    ☼ Shout down opposition at public speaking events or overwhelm by force as necessary conflicting debate;
    ☼ Move to despoil the currency/print money at whim;
    ☼ Open the borders/overwhelm the voting polls over time with foreign takers/ideals/customs;
    ☼ Respond softly, if at all, to foreign aggression;
    ☼ Reduce/defund armed forces;
    ☼ Private ownership (except their own) is to be honored only to the point others' need is greater;
    ☼ Appoint/elect fellow-travelers and smear right-thinking opponents;
    ☼ Insinuate into, control and appoint board members locking up endowed foundations & putting them to work on the agenda (Henry Ford would be aghast at what his has become);
    ☼ Control communications industry through regulation, bureaucracy & infiltration/ownership of their own.

    How are they "progressing" with that list to grab you by the 'nads and squeeze? For each incremental appropriation of power of their goals, how much has been reacquired by the individual once ceded to the hive of the state collective? Only in the last (communications) are we seemingly holding our own, as illustrated in part by this board. That is our biggest advantage in the struggle to keep freedoms.

    "They mean to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." — Daniel Webster
    After all, the leftist elites are our betters, so why shouldn’t they rule us?
    Last edited by wacojoe; 03-30-2018 at 12:11 AM.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  6. #51
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    I happen to agree with you Waco, the left wants absolute power and I am not so sure that a bunch on the right are not helping them get there. That is why the removal of our guns is the final big step in their plans. They need the assurance that the "Deplorables" are disarmed so that we can't throw up any roadblocks to their plans of seizing complete control. That is how the other assholes like Hitler and Stalin got power, disarm the public and in Hitlers case he used the youth to carry out his plans.

    Herr Hogg, would have been a good little Fuehrer playtoy, as far as his little bald headed girlfriend, not so much. She is not "pure", so she would have been sent to the camps or the ovens. Maybe then that little snowflake Hogg would see just how bad he was used.

  7. #52
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    This could be a young Hogg, he is just too immature to understand he is being used as a tool. Come to think of it most liberals are as well. The NRA is the last resistance to their freedoms and they are all just to blind to see it. If the gun owners are defeated and the guns removed, they will lose all of their precious freedoms and will be the very first to be enslaved.
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  8. #53
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    I wonder how many of those Hitler Youths in the photo became fertilizer around Stalingrad?
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    I wonder how many of those Hitler Youths in the photo became fertilizer around Stalingrad?
    Probably most of them, it is a shame how people fall for the latest "hope and change" salesman that comes along. Sadly it creates very large problems for the planet to deal with.

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