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Thread: Well here we go

  1. #1
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    Well here we go

    The Administration has just filed a lawsuit against the state of California over this Sanctuary state giving up the agent complete utter Defiance of federal law on immigration. It won't go anywhere in California but it'll be interesting to see what happens when it gets to The Supremes. I'm glad that at least now we have something going forward for some guidance.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  2. #2
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    I live here and any help would be appreciated. Live in a little town far north so nice here, but south its very bad.

  3. #3
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    Deep inside the Central Scrutinizer.
    California and Texas should just be ignored. That would neutralize the political balance.

  4. #4
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    What did texas ever do?

  5. #5
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phillbo View Post
    California and Texas should just be ignored. That would neutralize the political balance.
    Well, that just flew right over my little noggin. Please explain.

  6. #6
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    Seems to me what California has done in many of the disputed provisions, as I appreciate them, clashes severely with the SCOTUS ruling that recognized the Supremacy clause of the Constitution as applied to federal immigration authority when Arizona tried to enforce or bolster those laws, which would be much less in conflict than California trying to block their enforcement.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Seems to me what California has done in many of the disputed provisions, as I appreciate them, clashes severely with the SCOTUS ruling that recognized the Supremacy clause of the Constitution as applied to federal immigration authority when Arizona tried to enforce or bolster those laws, which would be much less in conflict than California trying to block their enforcement.
    Does the Supremacy Clause mean states and local governments must use their resources to enforce federal laws?

    The reason I ask is, to my knowledge being undocumented is not a crime, it is a civil offense. Local and state authorities should only arrest folks who have committed a crime. ICE can arrest someone who is undocumented for the civil violation of not having documentation but they are not charged or prosecuted in local or state courts but special Federal immigration courts.

    To force states and local authorities to perform as Federal agents without the governmental entities being compensated would not seem to pass constitutional muster.

  8. #8
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    I would think that a federal law, that is protecting the citizens of the US and states how a person may enter our soil and the things that have to be done before legal entry is allowed, is a tad more than a civil matter when illegal entry is gained. The crime was committed when they stepped foot across our border, without first checking in with customs and then presenting documentation that allows customs to judge whether they will be allowed entry.

    Growing up next to the border of Mexico I spent many nights partying in Mexico, when you cross into their country you have to go through their border checkpoint. On returning to the USA you have to check in with ours, talk to a customs agent where they usually ask if I am a US citizen and the vehicle searched if they feel any reason to do so. If you declare that you are bringing back liquor or other items bought across the border you will be required to pay the taxes on it, or will be told whether or not the item you bought is even allowed to be brought back. Mexico does the same thing on their side, look at the America soldier who was thrown into prison for months for making a wrong turn and had a gun in the car. Where was your outrage at him being chained to a bed like an animal and beaten?

    States on the border know the federal laws. We keep hearing the phrase "Obstruction of justice" thrown about around here lately in the news, if there was any reason for that charge to be used it would be this one, where federal laws are not being upheld and with the mayor of Oakland actually warning criminals that they are going to have a raid, this would be it. She should be charged with obstruction, locked up and await trial for her crimes against the USA.

    Maybe deporting her to Mexico for a 6 month or 1 year stint would serve to make her realize just how and why we have the laws that we do.

  9. #9
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    If the states or local governments want to make a law or statute making being undocumented a crime they would be expected to use their resources to enforce that law or statute.

    However, if it were legal for those entities to make and enforce such a law it would appear they could also make a law declaring the undocumented legal citizens of that state.

    As I slowly take out my pocket-sized copy of the Constitution, I see no place that would forbid a state from declaring whoever they wish as a citizen of that state.

    The problem, as I see it, is should a state or local government be forced to use their resources to enforce Federal regulations, whether it be drug laws, immigration laws, or even tax laws?

    "Show me your Federal Income Tax Form" should not be the first thing an officer demands when pulling you over in a traffic stop.

  10. #10
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Is it right or wrong for the LEO to release a violent criminal back on the street because ICE is on the way to pick them up or to warn some one that ICE is on the way? What does that have to do with local resources. Common sense and common courtesy is lacking in both cases.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabe View Post
    Is it right or wrong for the LEO to release a violent criminal back on the street because ICE is on the way to pick them up or to warn some one that ICE is on the way? What does that have to do with local resources. Common sense and common courtesy is lacking in both cases.
    Nope, it is not right for a police officer to release a violent criminal. A violent criminal has committed a violent crime and the state, county, and local governments have laws that make violent criminal acts a crime that is punishable by State, County, and Local Courts.

    A civil offense that violates a federal regulation is not a violent crime just as not filing your income taxes is not.

  12. #12
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    Add to the list of stupidity, the illegals can freely walk into Kali because they do not care. Then they hitch a ride to any other State in the Country and do as they please. The people in those other STates are directly affected by the ignorance and audacity of Cali. Maybe there should be a wall and a checkpoint to enter the other bordering States, since Cali does not seem to care about the safety of anybody, they need to take it upon themselves to police what Cali does not.

    That way if Cali wants all of them, they can sure keep them as nobody else will let them enter.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Add to the list of stupidity, the illegals can freely walk into Kali because they do not care. Then they hitch a ride to any other State in the Country and do as they please. The people in those other STates are directly affected by the ignorance and audacity of Cali. Maybe there should be a wall and a checkpoint to enter the other bordering States, since Cali does not seem to care about the safety of anybody, they need to take it upon themselves to police what Cali does not.

    That way if Cali wants all of them, they can sure keep them as nobody else will let them enter.
    Oh TxMusky, The majority of undocumented immigrants never walked across the border illegally. The majority simply overstayed their legal visa.

    How big of a problem is it? Well the number of undocumented immigrants entering the US has continued to drop every year. The number entering in 2015 was one-tenth the number in 2005.

    The findings run counter to public perception, Roberts said. At the Cato presentation, Roberts noted a CNN/ORC 2015 survey that said the majority of Americans, 69 percent, believed illegal immigration had increased in the past few years.

    “Think about that. That's amazing. That is a very untold part of what is happened at the border over the last decade,” Roberts said in the interview. The percent change in migrants giving up and going home after being caught "is incredible. That is a sea change in behavior in Mexican nationals who are trying to illegally enter."

  14. #14
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    Well I think the administration was very smart to approach it this way throw it to the court and let them make a decision. That's better than taking unilateral action and being reversed
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    Well I think the administration was very smart to approach it this way throw it to the court and let them make a decision. That's better than taking unilateral action and being reversed
    Maybe the President is starting to listen to his advisors.

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