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Thread: Trump declassifies FISA docs

  1. #1
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    Trump declassifies FISA docs

    Well we are going to see just what our govt, mainly the Dems, were trying to hide. This is going to really make Adam Schiffs eyes bug out. If you want to make some easy money invest some cash in Tums or Rolaids, because the MSM and most Dems are going to have some huge stomach issues when it happens.

    President Trump on Monday ordered the declassification of several key documents related to the FBI's probe of Russian actions during the 2016 presidential election, including 21 pages of an application for a renewed surveillance warrant against former campaign aide Carter Page, and text messages from disgraced FBI figures Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

    White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Trump had ordered the documents released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Justice Department "[a]t the request of a number of committees of Congress, and for reasons of transparency."

    The documents to be declassified also include all FBI reports on interviews with Justice Department official Bruce Ohr and all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all other applications to surveil Carter Page.

    Trump also ordered the Justice Department to release text messages from a number of the key players in the Russia investigation "without redaction" -- including Ohr, Strzok, Lisa Page, former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

    House Republicans have repeatedly sought more information about Ohr's contacts with former British spy Christopher Steele, a longtime FBI informant who compiled the now-infamous dossier alleging various ties between Trump and Russia that was published in January 2017.

    It was not immediately clear when or how the documents would be released. A source familiar with the timing of the declassification told Fox News that they expected the Carter Page warrant application to be declassified first, followed by the FBI reports on agent interviews with Ohr.

    The source added that the Justice Department is working on a "compressed timeline" and they expect the first release of records in days or sooner. The text messages are expected to take longer because of the sheer number involved and the fact that Trump ordered their release without redactions.

    A Justice Department spokesperson told Fox News that the DOJ and FBI "are already working with the Director of National Intelligence to comply with the President's order."

    Congressional sources told Fox News that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., does not know how soon he will get the documents, but said Trump's order covers "pretty much everything that he wanted ... and the text messages are a bonus."

    According to the sources, Nunes added: "Wow! This is a direct order."
    House Intelligence Committee ranking member Adam Schiff, D-Calif., called Trump's decision "a clear abuse of power."

    "[Trump] has decided to intervene in a pending law enforcement investigation by ordering the selective release of materials he believes are helpful to his defense team and thinks will advance a false narrative," Schiff said. "With respect to some of these materials, I have been previously informed by the FBI and Justice Department that they would consider their release a red line that must not be crossed as they may compromise sources and methods.

    "This is evidently of no consequence to a President who cares about nothing about the country and everything about his narrow self-interest," Schiff added.
    Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., the leader of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, praised Trump's order to declassify the documents.

    "As Congress has investigated, we've continued to see more and more troubling evidence suggesting multiple senior level FBI and DOJ officials acted in a deeply unethical fashion during the 2016 campaign and throughout the early stages of the Trump administration," Meadows said. "Enough is enough--the time for full transparency is now. Let's bring the full truth to light, while protecting sources and methods, and allow the American people to judge for themselves."

    Meadows is one of 12 GOP members of Congress who earlier this month publicly asked Trump to declassify the June 2017 application for a warrant against Carter Page as well as the FBI reports of interviews with Ohr, known in bureaucratic parlance as "Form 302s."

    On Sunday, Nunes told Fox News that witness interview transcripts and other documents from that committee's now-concluded Russia investigation should be made public before November's midterm elections.

    "If the president wants the American people to really understand just how broad and invasive this investigation has been to many Americans and how unfair it has been, he has no choice but to declassify," Nunes said on "Sunday Morning Futures."

    House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said last week that it would be "beneficial" for Americans to see those documents.

  2. #2
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    Columbia, S.C.
    I hope some or any of that is true, nobody in the government ever pays their dues, nobody. Apparently not many care if they do or not but I'd like to everyone of them sitting in a cell full of gangsters instead of being pardoned and offered deals! Same laws for all American citizens, PERIOD!!! No ifs ands or buts!
    This is your mind on drugs!

  3. #3
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    One wonders who cherry picked the docs?

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    One wonders who cherry picked the docs?
    The same could be said for the redactions on the ones they already released. Probably the FBI, who has controled the documents from the very beginning. The same people who made all of the accusations in the first place to get FISA warrants to spy on people. Don't we the people deserve to know what this powerful branch of govt is doing to us? Don't we deserve to make sure that another branch of the govt who is supposed to be a part of the 3 equal branches, is watching to make the checks and balances outlined in our Constitution?

    The documents were not "cherry picked", they were used to provide information to go after American citizens by some corrupt FBI officials who, as it seems were lying or leaving out information, to a federal judge to get a warrant. That is illegal Fred, you should be inflamed about that instead of laughing and joking about it. It has cost several of the top people at the FBI their jobs, fired for breaking the rules by others who are in place to oversee that very thing.

  5. #5
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    I am not going to read the thousands of pages this disclosure will entail, but some few in the press core will. I am waiting with interest to read about the previously omitted parts to see —

    A.) if they reveal anything we should have known all along about the process, and B.) if there was any cogent reason they should have been hidden other than to protect the guilty in the agencies involved.

    One thing is already clear — Carter Page has been surveiled and examined more throughly than just about any “suspect” in history with zip, zero, nada to show for it. The FBI & DOJ (for whom Page worked as an informant) were either lying or incompetent dupes, when they swore that Page was a Russian spy, which is the necessary predicate for obtaining a FISA warrant. I would also like to see the “Returns of Execution,” which all agencies acting upon a search warrant must file with the court issuing same to show what they did and what they found or did not find. Courts do not just issue search warrants and forget about it hoping everything works out OK. Surely the FBI would have to have reported they found something to justify repeated issuance of a string of search warrants...wouldn’t they???
    Last edited by wacojoe; 09-18-2018 at 10:16 AM.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  6. #6
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    And what happens if they lie on the Return of Execution and are caught?

  7. #7
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabe View Post
    And what happens if they lie on the Return of Execution and are caught?
    There are criminal statutes to cover everything in existence. Give me the power, and I can put anyone behind bars. Whether it is exercised is up for grabs and whether it should be is another question. The discretion of bureaucrats holds you in their hands.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  8. #8
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    Expect to see a multitude of new job openings coming up at the FBI, as I expect some retirement parties are already in the planning stages, if not actually happening as we speak. Comey was fired for overstepping his bounds and leaking. McCabe was fired because he was doing the same. Strzok was fired after it was learned, that his input and bias might have swayed justice one way or the other. Rosenstein will be the next to go because I imagine his name is all over the signature lines authorizing all of this. Before Comey left, there had to be a mole in the DOJ in order to pull off some of this garbage they have gotten away with. I also would not be surprised to see a subpoena with Lynch's name written on it as well as a few more from the Obama admin.

  9. #9
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    its interesting to me that the only pols insisting these documents will prove something, haven't read the docments. And we know Trump hasn't, the man doesn't read nor have the comprehension of such a thing.

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  10. #10
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Why isn’t Carter Page in jail?
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Why isn’t Carter Page in jail?
    for what?

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  12. #12
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    for what?
    My point exactly. The swamp swore to the FISA Court that he was a Russian agent on 5 applications (one refused), then was subjected to presumably one, if not THE, most rigorous investigations in the history of investigations and zip, zero, nada came of it. They didn’t even charge him with misleading them, which is the default charge they can always use on anybody. Why? You tell me.

    Now, I am going to tell you why — Carter Page has not been charged with anything because he was never guilty of anything, and the swamp knew that from day one. The phony sworn applications were all a rouse to use every means at their incredibly large supply of resources to spy on Donald J. Trump, which they did. Now, you tell me why nothing has come to light demeaning Trump from that? I posit the same answer applies to Trump — they got zip, zero, nada.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    its interesting to me that the only pols insisting these documents will prove something, haven't read the docments. And we know Trump hasn't, the man doesn't read nor have the comprehension of such a thing.
    Then why were the Dems and the FBI so adamant about keeping them secret and redacted?

    You liberals crack me up, always saying that Trump is so stupid he needs a helper to even tie his shoes. The man made billions in the business world, he won an election that he was not even supposed to be one of the last two candidates, and has started the economy rolling, gotten Nkorea to the table to at least talk and not holler and scream about raining hell fire down on America, reworked deals with several foreign trading partners so that America and the American people get a better deal and has garnered respect among many nations who thought just like the liberals, that the man was a buffoon.

    That is why Hilliary lost, liberals lost and you will lose many arguments, you are thinking very wrong. If you instead would change the way you approach him, thinking he is a very sly horsetrader, you might not get lost in the fog of your ignorance, and he will outmaneuver you again. He continues to do it to the Dems and the media, every single time. Yes they are still paying their stupid games and he "trumps" them every time.

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