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Thread: He who is NOT to be Questioned

  1. #1
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    He who is NOT to be Questioned

    or subtitle, temper temper.....

    Yup, this is a guy who is used to being 'king' and not questioned. I've worked for guys like him.

    After a disagreement with a reporter's question whereby the reporter doesn't back down, rather then just leaving it Romney doubles back to carry on. He just can't stand it, he's used to running a 'this ain't a democracy corporation'.

    Then his pitbull campaign manager who I think is the same guy who told a reporter, while in Poland yesterday, to kiss his A@@ decides to chomp down too.

  2. #2
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    The reporter who so rudely interrupted the speech not only didn't deserve a response, he should have been removed by security. I see nothing wrong with what Romney did other than respond to the jerk.

  3. #3
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    If you're going to be in politics it goes with the territory. President Obama got heckled badly by a reporter recently and we've got people hanging signs telling Obama to 'kiss my a##'. Politics is a rough business.

    Secondly and more importantly I'm specifially referring to when Romney double backed to continue the argument. The reporter was seated and Romney turned around and went after him like a bully.

    He didn't have to do that, at that point Romney lost it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    The reporter who so rudely interrupted the speech not only didn't deserve a response, he should have been removed by security. I see nothing wrong with what Romney did other than respond to the jerk.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Linda View Post
    If you're going to be in politics it goes with the territory. President Obama got heckled badly by a reporter recently and we've got people hanging signs telling Obama to 'kiss my a##'. Politics is a rough business.

    Secondly and more importantly I'm specifially referring to when Romney double backed to continue the argument. The reporter was seated and Romney turned around and went after him like a bully.

    He didn't have to do that, at that point Romney lost it.
    Awh Linda, Linda, O did the exact same thing a few weeks ago, except the media roundly spoke out against the questioner who was not a heckler but a credentialed member of the media. Give it up......Please

  5. #5
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    I really think Romney is a bully. I really do and FWIW I did NOT think that about George Bush, as much as I think he was a lousy president.

  6. #6
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    If Romney can be that easily flustered by a rude, blowhard reporter, I have doubts whether he's ready for the Presidency...It's a shame this is the best the Republican party can produce, and it's a further shame there are only two predominant parties from which the American voter can make a viable choice......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  7. #7
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    President Obama didn't walk away, then turn around to and really try to intimidate the reporter AND then have a campaign manager go after him too.

    He's a bully.

    Quote Originally Posted by chew 'n' spit View Post
    Awh Linda, Linda, O did the exact same thing a few weeks ago, except the media roundly spoke out against the questioner. Give it up......Please

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    If Romney can be that easily flustered by a rude, blowhard reporter, I have doubts whether he's ready for the Presidency...It's a shame this is the best the Republican party can produce, and it's a further shame there are only two predominant parties from which the American voter can make a viable

    Vote for O Ben

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by chew 'n' spit View Post
    Vote for O Ben
    Not a chance......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  10. #10
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    Actually I think you are making a accurate assesment and reporters are often pushy that's nothing new. We were warned about this. Mitt Romney is not used to having his authority questioned and he handles it very poorly when someone does question him.

    That is just who he is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    If Romney can be that easily flustered by a rude, blowhard reporter, I have doubts whether he's ready for the Presidency...It's a shame this is the best the Republican party can produce, and it's a further shame there are only two predominant parties from which the American voter can make a viable choice......Ben

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Linda View Post
    Romney turned around and went after him like a bully.

    He didn't have to do that, at that point Romney lost it.
    I don't like Romney, but he is all we have between us and Obama, so Romney it is.

    "Romney turned at went after him like a bully". Really? It sure didn't look like any bullying I've ever seen. It looks damned peaceful to me. When Romney saw there was no communicating with this jerk he turned and walked away.

    "Romney lost it." Lost what? He tried once again to respond to the reporter and once again the reporter refused to listen to the response and continually talked over Romney. Ther reporter is a rude jerk that should not be allowed to attend any more of Romney's functions.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Linda View Post
    That is just who he is.
    I also don't see him as the bully you portrayed...In the video he comes off as a blundering flummox who didn't have control of a small crisis......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    I also don't see him as the bully you portrayed...In the video he comes off as a blundering flummox who didn't have control of a small crisis......Ben
    Extra points for the use of "flummox".

  14. #14
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    When he double backed and stood over the reporter glowering down at him that was being intimidating and I call that being a bully, the body language speaks volumes. If you look at his face as he re-engaged the reporter, he's steaming mad it's so obvious.

    By loosing I mean he lost any 'high ground' by not just walking away, when he turned around he gave in to his anger. Then is campaign manager gets in the reporter's face. Pay attention to what is said then too.

    Yeah...and I'm thinking about that story about Mitt pinning the kid in his highschool and cutting his hair off with some buddies of his. Mitt and his posse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    I don't like Romney, but he is all we have between us and Obama, so Romney it is.

    "Romney turned at went after him like a bully". Really? It sure didn't look like any bullying I've ever seen. It looks damned peaceful to me. When Romney saw there was no communicating with this jerk he turned and walked away.

    "Romney lost it." Lost what? He tried once again to respond to the reporter and once again the reporter refused to listen to the response and continually talked over Romney. Ther reporter is a rude jerk that should not be allowed to attend any more of Romney's functions.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Linda View Post
    When he double backed and stood over the reporter glowering down at him that was being intimidating and I call that being a bully, the body language speaks volumes. If you look at his face as he re-engaged the reporter, he's steaming mad it's so obvious.
    We must be watching different videos.

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