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Thread: Vilsack to apologize to ousted Agriculture worker

  1. #1
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    Apache Junction, AZ

    Vilsack to apologize to ousted Agriculture worker

    The White House says Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is reaching out to a black employee to apologize on behalf of the "entire administration" for forcing her ouster because of her remarks on race.

    White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Wednesday that Vilsack had been unable to reach Shirley Sherrod so far. Sherrod was asked by department officials to resign on Monday after conservative bloggers posted an edited video of her saying she didn't initially give a white farmer as much help as she could have 24 years ago. Sherrod says the video distorted her full speech.

    The White House called the Agriculture Department about the case Tuesday night and it was agreed that her ouster should be reviewed based on new evidence. Gibbs says the administration acted without knowing all the facts.

    To accept or not now depends no her.

    That it happened by someone distorting a speech is reprehensible. But that is the speed of the internet and how it reaches millions in seconds with stuff that anyone can change for their cause.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  2. #2
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    I guess what they are saying is someone "Acted stupidly.".......maybe he can invite her over for a beer summit...
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawDog View Post
    I guess what they are saying is someone "Acted stupidly.".......maybe he can invite her over for a beer summit...

    I like that... people who can admit mistakes and take their lumps. I'm not missing the Decider at all

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawDog View Post
    I guess what they are saying is someone "Acted stupidly.".......maybe he can invite her over for a beer summit...
    You do realize that tomorrow will be one year to the day, where he made the Cambridge cops out as "acting stupidly". Maybe he and his cabinet should take this week off next week and STFU!

    Actually the guy should have apologized and resigned himself. The lady in question had heard about the video last Friday and sent him and her boss an email explaining the whole deal, guess what, they failed to read it. She keeps saying that the woman who called her and told her to "pull over and resign" told her that it came from the whitehouse. We can just chock it up to another lie and coverup that is being played out here. Dont believe me, ask yourself this question.......

    Out of all the people who have ever been fired over stupid things, has their boss ever called them on the phone and told them to pull their car over and quit? That sounds like a panic phone call that was made because somebody very high up the food chain had made another call and tore off a piece of someone azz! Pretty much seals the deal for me that, the Obama admin "acted stupidly"....again and is trying desperately to cover it up like a cat in a sandbox. Of course they have had enough experience in doing something on a whim before checking the facts, just take a look at the HC bill,Gitmo closing, Bank bill, etc. it comes so naturally to them.

  5. #5
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Dont believe me, ask yourself this question.......

    Out of all the people who have ever been fired over stupid things, has their boss ever called them on the phone and told them to pull their car over and quit?
    Yep, I can cite several instances.The latest was a newspaper carrier that had been delivering papers on the same route here in DeFuniak for 28 years. He had never failed to deliver his route.

    That folks is 28 years of 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year without missing a day.

    The District Manager demanded every carrier give her a drive order list of their routes and he was having problems making it because in 28 years he had always done his from memory. She gave us 5 days to get them in and he called her and left a message on her voice mail on Friday the day they were due that he had one finished and the other would be done by Monday. She emailed him on Sunday (Easter Sunday) and said to turn in his materials because he was fired.

    She told me she was concerned that if he became ill or something she would not have a drive order list. I told her she was full of Chit and she couldn't fire him because he was an indepentant contractor and she said his contract was cancelled.

    Since then she has been fired because so far they have been unable to replace him on his two routes.

    So, yes, I have seen that happen a lot.

    Oh and they were paying him 14 cents a copy to deliver the papers, the same rate he had been paid for all those 28 years.

    I have now hired him as my backup carrier so I can take two nights a week off and I am paying him 50 cents a copy. He is making as much delivering my route two nights a week as he was making delivering his 7 nights.

    Her boss called him and asked him to come back and guess what he told him

    He fired her shortly thereafter. There is now an opening for a District Manager position that for several weeks has been unfilled.


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