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Thread: RANT MODE - LEVEL 9...STOP The Insanity........

  1. #1
    Join Date

    RANT MODE - LEVEL 9...STOP The Insanity........

    1. Semi-Automatic Rifles have been available since WWI.

    2. Ar15's have been available since the 1960's

    3. It was originally developed as a modern semi-auto rifle that 99% percent of people could operate safely, carry, was ergonomic, lightweight, and low recoiling firing a varmint round (Originally .222).

    4. AR does not mean assault rifle. It means Armalite Rifle.

    5. The AR is not automatic. It is semi-automatic just like guns with wooden stocks and blued steel. There is no publication in the military rifle referring to an assault rifle. They are deemed personal defensive or individual weapons. Assault Rifle was coined by the anti-gun lobby in the 1980's based on the Nazi word "SturmGewehr) or storm rifle based on the STG44. Sadly their was an effort in the 2000's to call them what they are "Modern Sporting Rifles" but the media has rekindled assault rifle, and even we are saying it. "Killing machines" is the other buzz word. It is not a killing machine. The person operating it is. Just like the pilot of plane. It is a plane until he pushes the button to drop a bomb. An inanimate object, harmless without evil intent. Just like the UHAUL truck that killed those people in NYC.

    6. The AR15 was originally developed for the commercial market as a modern sporting rifle. The Army and the Marine Corps wasn't even interested. They favored a much larger more traditional 7.62 caliber.

    7. The US AIrforce was interested in it because it was; lightweight, relatively inexpensive, made of modern durable materials that lessened its weight using modern aircraft manufacturing technology. It could be fired and carried by Airmen protecting Air Force Facilities by Airman of all sizes and genders. It was easy to safely operate and shoot accurately due to low recoil impulse of its varmint round. The ARMY and Marines eventually opted for it to replace the heavier 7.62mm M14 as the soldiers in Vietnam had heavier loads to carry, and could carry almost twice the ammunition for the same weight penalty. This new "killing machine" did not increase the kill ratio. It actually decreased as tens of thousands of rounds were fired per each kill in Vietnam. The lightweight varmint bullet proved insufficient as the lightest vine or twig could change the bullets trajectory.

    8. If guns are the problem, how come less than 400 people are killed a year with "all rifles" mostly bolt action to include suicides and mass shootings? What would David Hogg say if we were to ban smart phones because so many more teenagers die texting and driving. These are the same people who eat tide pods, threaten to cut off their penises if "this happens or this doesn't." These are the same people that rally loudly for someone to deny their biological sex for fear of them being triggered, but rally to take your right away to defend your very life.

    9. If guns are the problem, especially AR15's how come gun crime is at an all time low despite this rifle being available since the 1960's. Even with gun free zones plagued like chicago, washington,DC detroit, baltimore having the worst gun crime in country? Since the Clinton assault weapon ban, (had no impact on gun crime) sales of guns have skyrocketed to an all time high. More have been sold in the last 10 years than the entire history of America. Yet gun crime drops yearly. Why when I moved to San Antonio in 1995 was it the car jacking capital of America, they passed legal carry and it disappeared. Home invasions in TX are unheard of.

    10. Why is it that the US ranks number 53 on the list for violent crime. Why is it that you are far more likely to be a victim of violent crime in Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany, and now even Sweden? Why is Switzerland the safest country in the world when everybody does National Service and is issued a full automatic rifle and a battle pack of ammunition to every citizen?

    11. Why did the CDC study commissioned by Obama conclude societies with more guns had proportionally less violent crime than those that ban them?

    12. Why is it the most popular rifle in America? Could it be because it is the most diverse, modern rifle platform with a wide range of uses and all the reasons that go with why the military finally adopted a full automatic model of it?

    13. Because it made of modern materials, and is ergonomic, why are people emotionally threatened more by a .22 cal AR15 than than a large caliber semi-auto rifle made of heavy wood and steel? It is no different than choosing a modern carbon fiber bicycle by Trek over a Penny Wheel cycle. Materials change, ergonomics has become a thing. Ease of use and safety are paramount. Are guns not to evolve? They all do the exact same thing despite what they are made of or what they look like.

    14. Why to the individual rights of the mentally disturbed and criminal element deserve rights and do not obey laws then the masses individual rights of law abiding citizens are taken? Make sense? What has changed since the 60's. More gun ownership, lower gun crime, no-more mental hospitals or long term commitment of the mentally dangerous, and judges handing out minimal or no sentences for felons in possession, or felons using firearms in commission of a crime. The recidivism rate is very high. Almost in the 90%.

    15. Why is the second amendment so important? I believe it has crafted the country as it is today. It takes any extreme party or political motivation off the table leaving a last resort to tyranny which is exactly what the founders intended as that is what they were up against.....and won. It is part of the reason (admitted by our Enemies) why the US mainland has never been invaded. The way it stands now, there is not a government or coalition of governments that could disarm the US populace if they wanted to. It keeps everyone in check. Tyranny? How about the senior investigative branch of our Government the FBI and Justice Department trying to fix or undo an duly elected president? How about the senior officials at Government Intel agencies using their powers to effect political direction or change? Not Tyrannical enough for you? How about Fast and Furious as a method to take away legal guns. Not Tyrannical? How about killing all the men, women and children at Waco, or surrounding Ruby Ridge and killing a guys wife, 2 kids and a dog because an ATF agent kept offering him more and more money to saw the end off of a shotgun. Tyrannical?

    17. We have all sorts of crime. Cartels, Smuggling, Gangs, Mafia, Street Thugs. How do we tackle that? With hoards of resources, police, investigators, specialized task forces. Why is it so hard to prevent one disturbed individual from shooting up a school when the threats are literally handed to you on a silver plate, through tip-lines and police reports, school reports? How about sending a direct quote to the FBI where the guy says he is going to shoot up the school? Are you worried about infringing on their individual rights as a mentally ill person? You can't tell me it is harder to prevent one mentally ill person from shooting up a school than taking down the Mafia. It is just not a priority, and because they are mentally ill, they do mentally ill things so they are given a pass on what they say and do. **** their rights if they affect the rights of the rest of us. We used to take the criminally dangerous out of society and place them in mental hospitals. No mass shootings. The rights of one should not trump the rights of everyone else just for the sake of them having an illness that could cause them to harm others. None of these guns were obtained legally. This dude lied on his affidavid about mental illness and it was not captured in his background check because they treat complaints and violence from the mentally ill differently because of HIPPA and the rights of the criminally insane. Guess what our jails are full of. The criminally insane.

    18. Why do celebrities cry against guns but surround themselves with Armed security. Are their lives more important than yours? Do you have a cop personally available to you? Is he required to put his life in danger to save yours? Nope, the Supreme Court says no. So what are your choices? A security detail, or the right to defend yourself with a firearm. Those kids in Parkland had officers almost immediately available to them. Didn't help as they do not have to put their lives at risk and run into a dangerous situation.

    19. As long as the second amendment exists, nobody in this country but the people can have absolute power. They would literally have to machine gun people down in the streets and put tank rounds through their houses. Door to door confiscating will work for the first week. Then every MF involved who lives in the same community as the people he or she is disarming has just put themselves and their family in great danger. That pension wont mean **** when dealing with a full on insurgency in America. Liberals think this liberty came about because we are civilized society. Turn all the power off for a month and see how civilized we are. We are civilized because of consequences like breaking the law, or getting shot in the face home invading.

    20. Why don't we strictly enforce the 50,000 gun laws on the books? Why do we advertise gun free zones where almost all mass shootings occur?

    21. The age of consent for sex in many states is still 15. You can vote at 18. You can join, fight and die for your country as young as 17. Now I agree these Millennials are completely immature for their age, leave home later, do not seek part time or even employment until a later stage in their lives. They eat tide pods, they burn **** in black outfits. They don't believe in dissenting speech. They are indoctrinated by Professors who "can't do so they teach." People protected by Tenure, and whom can't be fired. Who are treated as elites even with a complete lack of life experience or first hand knowledge what adversity means. People with corrupted idealistic theories that have proven not to work, but often put them in the Elite category of a society ruled by the elites to keep the dumb workers safe and happy. No thanks. I am educated, but I went out and joined the Military, I got a real job that showed the socialist ugly underbelly of dependence on government.

    22. Why do you protest yet shout people down who have opposing opinions? Free speech and the second are the two amendments that make America great. You oppose both. Why are you always so uneducated about the things you protest? Why do you resort to violence or name calling if anyone opposes your view? Why don't you care about a pre-term baby having a hole drilled in its head but are worried about the one in a "billion" chance you will be involved in a school shooting, then refuse to harden the school with security when we secure money, valuables, celebrities. Why do you always talk about ridding yourself or killing or resort to violence against people who dissent from your opinion or simply ask questions?

    23. You are loud, rash, violent, truly racist in most cases. Many of you represent the very definition of fascism and communist ideals that has done nothing for the world other than starve and murder hundreds of millions of people. Maybe the second amendment is important because of the likes of you and your violent tendencies.

    24. You are loud, brash, nasty people. I listen to you despite you not listening. So are the rest of the normal people. Quietly the silent majority is horrified while you support sharia law but try to rip up constitutional amendments. While you liberal judges block the will of the people unconstitionally. Try and dismantle the most successful country in the history of mankind. They will silently vote against your fake ass media, your Anti-American rhetoric. You better start working on fixing your next election in September.

    25. Have any of you been to the DMV? The Social Security Office? Any government facility? Every one of them is a total disaster because they can't do anything well or right other than bureaucracy and collect higher than market demand paychecks. They are impossible to fire. They are completely not incentivized to do anything other than a poor job with the worst customer service known to man. They can't organize their way out of a paper bag. These kids think the Government is the solution to anything? The only real reason for the Federal Government is collective defense of the country, and if politicians stay out of the way of the Warfighter, they are the only branch of government that is remotely effective. Probably not cost effectively though. They take over health care, you can expect a level of service worse than the rats chewing on the toes of our veterans in VA hospitals. You can expect a lack of options. You can expect rationed care. You can expect to be put in hospice without even being offered the chance at Chemotherapy or a new treatment. You can expect medical advances in this country to stop on a dime. Research to plummet, as it is funded by the private sector in hopes of recouping the investment and making a return. You can expect life expectancy to plummet. Hell, thats these kids are all for it. The wise older generation, historically educated are just in their way anyhow. If there is a Utopia, it is America. It is the economic and stabilizing factor in the entire world. It cracks me up when liberals say, "well Germany and several other countries are doing well, so its not us." Its us idiots.

    -Darren Mellors

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Colorado Springs , Colorado

    I understand you like to do Cut N Paste rants that are written by ....someone... but you really need to get out more.

    Let's just start here:
    25. Have any of you been to the DMV? The Social Security Office? Any government facility? Every one of them is a total disaster because they can't do anything well or right other than bureaucracy and collect higher than market demand paychecks. They are impossible to fire. They are completely not incentivized to do anything other than a poor job with the worst customer service known to man. They can't organize their way out of a paper bag.
    Need to renew your license tag:

    Need to renew your Drivers License?

    Perhaps you need to go in:
    You can even make an appointment so you don't have to wait.

    Social Security? You don't even have to go in.

    Medical? Send a message to your doctor, request refills, make an appointment, see your chart of all your visits, and even have a real time video chat with your doctor.

    Military Medical care?
    My Granddaughter is an RN here taking care of cases and referrals for Military patients.

    Pay your property taxes?

    Maybe take out a buiding permit or check to see the building permits that have been issued on a property?

    Vote? Hell, just look in your mailbox for the ballot and either mail it in or drop it off at one of the many ballot boxes in the county.

    Do you want to copy and paste someone else's rant?

    Perhaps you need to check out if they're legitimate complaints first.

    From what I have experienced government services and employees are top rate here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	8.jpg 
Views:	64 
Size:	49.2 KB 
ID:	36665

    Good rant Dork, covered all of the liberal talking points.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Liberals have talking points? DUH?

  5. #5
    Join Date

    Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.

    Interesting that conservatives are now looking to Russia for their debating style. Guess it fits with who they elected to run the country.

  6. #6
    Join Date

    Picked up some smoke on your way through Colorado did ya?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument,

  8. #8
    Join Date
    You have made history by doing what you just accused me of. We are all big boys here, take a joke.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Or a toke?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Puff puff pass.....don't be a bogart.

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