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Thread: NY Gun Law Blocked

  1. #1
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    NY Gun Law Blocked

    The ultra-restrictive gun law that NY passed in a reaction to the Supreme Court striking down its rather arbitrary carry permitting system has now been blocked. The judge, whom I recognize as a former prosecutor for the Southern District of NY (covering NYC) ruled that the list of places that you cannot carry (pretty much, anyplace except the public street and not even then if it is near someplace where people tend to be) is too restrictive and violates the Supreme Court guidelines for defining "sensitive places".

    I have a few sensitive places and I do not carry a gun there, but moving on...

    The law was a tantrum, basically, from NY legislators after the stupid carry permit system got struck down by the Supremes. The ruling is on a three day stay to allow the Court of Appeals to decide whether to take sip the appeal by NY.

    Just so you know, each county in NY has its own way of doing carry permits. Some don't allow any public carry. Some are pretty lenient. Some institute a tiered system, whereby you can have a permit that allows you to go hunting with your handgun. There is another tier for home use only, with allowance to go to the range as long as you travel with it in a locked case in the trunk, etc. The real kicker is that it all dependent on the county judge you get. You could have a lenient county but a stringent judge who sees no reason for anyone to carry in public and in that case, no one gets a permit. It was really weird.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Salt Lake City
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    ...each county in NY has its own way of doing carry permits.
    Interesting. I did not know that. It causes me to wonder if the citizens there who carry know the law differs in each country. An out-of-stater, like me, could be a law-breaker without the knowledge of it.

    I don't care if it hurts. I want to have control. I want a perfect body. I want a perfect soul. - Creep by Radiohead

  3. #3
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    You couldn't pay me to carry a gun into New York. And I'm sure they're very happy about that.
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