So once again, Russia and China use their veto power to block condemnation of the DPRK latest ballistic missile flights. Think about that one for just a moment. There is no teeth in a condemnation resolution. The UN is self-emasculated by nature. So there is no real, actual harm that stems from a condemnation resolution. It is essentially a bunch of hot air. So there is no reason to block it, except that Russia and China want an opportunity to put their thumb in the eye of the West, so they veto the resolution and bloviate about the issue.

Is there any use to this organization anymore? It was a fine idea but relied on consensus about how nations were supposed to act and as a forum where nations agreeing to these basic assumptions could come and work out differences. In practice, it is an absolute failure. I can't think of any example where it did much except provide a place for self-important people to come and yak yak yak to each other.

They can do that somewhere else. Kick their asses out of NY and tear down that hideous building. Seriously, that building itself is an affront to one's eyes. It looks like something Joe Friday might go to work in everyday. The Visitor Centres (pretentiousness even in the use of "Centre") are, each and every one, better looking with more harmony and flow to the buildings. The one in NY sucks.