I must remind myself that the committee presentation will have a slant (editorial spin) and to take what is presented and analyze it …

IMHO.. The slant/bias will exist because the committee members were physically threatened on January 6. The physical threats, the fear that committee members experienced were something that they were not expecting or prepared for and to different degrees it traumatized them.

After January 6 the committee members were (and continue to be) verbally attacked (if it were me, I would awaken every day defaulting to pizzed off at the mention of my attackers (physical and verbal attackers) So the committee members probably have varied degrees of bias.. again analyze the presentation.

Additionally, we would have an independent council doing the investigation but the Republicans would not allow it..

Just my opinion, I could be wrong..

And as stated previously.. someone is hiding something big and stories have changed, serious attacks on our LEOs are being down played and talk show hosts are preaching a more and more biased/inaccurate “analysis” of January 6..