I'm not going to get into a philosophical debate as it relates to the current spending bills and debt ceiling---but I have to admire the Democrats---at least they aren't a bunch of follow the leader spineless sheeple.

There is a huge divide between my thinking and the progressives----but I admire their tenacity---and I admire the tenacity of the moderates and all the different factions in the Democratic tent. I can't help but compare their outspoken positions to the emasculated (that is an old sheep farmer's term for no balls) lambs on the republican side. As a matter of fact---it is pretty damn sad that one of the only republicans with big enough balls to publicly break with the trumper puppets happens to be a lady. I haven't always agreed with her politics but I sure as heck agree with her moral posture and courage. If you failed to see her on 60 min Sunday night----you owe it to yourself to spend 13 minutes and listen to that interview.

Speaker Pelosi might be a masterful cat herder (my Mother always counseled me that I could find at least one good thing in anyone---but then my Mother never met trump!)---but I admire the independence of those cats. We, as a nation, are the result of differing opinions, willingness to respect them and the courage to argue those beliefs. trump's avowed focus to destroy anyone not kowtowing to his sickness is counter too who we are and what we represent---and the spineless following should all hang their heads in shame.

This bunch of "willows in the wind" have stolen the Republican party---and I hope there will come a day when there are enough like me to take it back---it should not be that difficult---they are easy to identify, they all carry purses