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Thread: Obituary of the republican party

  1. #16
    Join Date
    I tend to think, that after looking at the " science " they decided that allowing people to make an informed decision was in the best interest of their respective States. At this point , it looks as if they were correct , however , it may take more time to finally determine if they were correct.
    Individual rights are protected only as long as they don't conflict with the desires of the state .

  2. #17
    Join Date

    Death rate per capita in South Dakota was the highest in the nation a couple months ago. As was Florida's over the summer. I don't think anyone is going to put these two up for any awards on handling the pandemic.

    But by the same token, my governor got an award for his handling of the pandemic and we are only now learning the extent of his crimes.

    I'll be glad when this time is behind all of us.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    In order to quantify the death rate , it would be useful to know the age and underling factors that contributed to it.

    Also , population wise , those states with a lesser population would have a higher per capita rate [ with fewer deaths ] than the states with a larger population. In that case S D may actually have been a safer place to live. Floridas rate on the other hand could very well have been influenced by the influx of summer tourism and Spring Break
    with the non Floridians spreading the WO HAN VIRUS to an older population while the younger " guests " were not as vulnerable .

    Who knows ?...... I also agree , I will be overjoyed when we are finished with this.
    Individual rights are protected only as long as they don't conflict with the desires of the state .

  4. #19
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    The Spring Break excuse misses the point that, had DeSantis enforced social distancing and masking, there would not have been the sort of transmission you hypothesize.

    I've heard the "underlying factors" angle before and it is a dodge, in my opinion. People may have had COPD, perhaps, but until COVID came along, they were alive. Getting COVID ended that, so blaming underlying factors is back to the canard that unless someone died of only COVID, then you can't count that as a COVID death. That ricocheted around the conservative sites but it is false. It was an attempt to minimize the pandemic for the benefit of Trump.

    Per capita statistics work the opposite as you describe. Per capita statistics put bigger states and smaller states on the same footing by factoring out differences in the size of populations. Consequently, SD, for example, saw fewer overall deaths but as a percentage of it's population, had the highest rate in the country in December. Noem also refused to cancel Sturgis, which became a superspreader event for other states as participants went home.

    Both of these two actively denigrated the severity of the pandemic as well as basic public health measures and their populations suffered. Both will need major efforts made on their behalf to make that history go away.

    Seems to have started, though.

  5. #20
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    SW Colorado
    Are you denying that co-morbidities are a risk factor in dying from covid?

    Everything I have seen says that if you are old or frail, you have a higher chance of dying. I believe here in Colorado, something like 78% of the dead are over 70.

    I anxiously await an honest analysis of what happened. I don’t think we will get it because the usual suspects spinning yarns in support of their agenda.
    "Back after 5 years. I thought you had died.


    Splitting my time between the montane and the mesas

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    I don't think I implied that co-morbidities are not a factor in mortality statistics from covid-19. What I said was that I had read that many conservative apologists for Trump tried to minimize the death rate from covid-19 by claiming that the statistics should not include anyone with co-morbidities. I disagreed.

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