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Thread: More crazy behavior

  1. #1
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    More crazy behavior

    The State Police in Oregon said today that Mike Nearman, Republican, was the person who unlocked a door to the Oregon Legislature on Dec. 21, letting in demonstrators who then tried to take over the building. Police used "inert pepper balls" to try to control the crowd. They were met by protesters firing chemical irritants back at the police. It was bona fide riot. Trump signs in abundance.

    Reports showed someone opening the door to the demonstrators, then getting out of Dodge quickly. POS.

    The Republican Party has some work to clear the crazies out of their ranks. Many of them are legitimate office holders, though. I dunno what it will take.

  2. #2
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Is there a democrat anywhere in this mess that is guilty of anything? Not very long ago somebody needed to do something about the democrats the crazies were getting out of hand how long can we survive this!!! Now a long time republican democratic even believes that Biden is going to be the one to pull this country back together. I think there is more to this then a bunch of rednecks storming the white house, it's like a cult leader sent his flock off to carry out the first step of his plan. It's almost to crazy to believe. Harris is the one that we're going to have to worry about, the dems have got us right where they want us. Republicans bad democrats good. I can't wait to see the new plan that is going to straighten us all out and put us all on the same course. Socialism!!??
    This is your mind on drugs!

  3. #3
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    Well, Mike, when the next President tries to overthrow government by siccing a violent mob onto Congress, we can go back to excoriating Democrats.

  4. #4
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    The big difference in seeing right now is that Democrat voters are not electing people that actively want to destroy the very government they comprise. Republicans are, in a number of cases.

    The guy in question here let in a mob into the Oregon Legislature, which led to ANOTHER armed takeover. Others are taking part in armed insurrection and calling for martial law to overturn the last election.

    Q supporters won several elections. A group of people convinced that Democrats are blood drinking pedophile Satanists, joined by Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey, who operate out of the back of a pizza joint in Arlington, just found enough votes to elect a group of true believers to make laws for the nation.

    You have a guy with the nuclear codes who is unstable and just incited a mob to take over Congress, an event where two people died and legislators manned the barricades to keep the violent mob back.

    146 Republicans just voted to burn down the votes of millions of votes, to appease the ego of one man who manufactured a doubts about the legitimacy of an election. These are elected representatives saying they want to find a way to keep the man who lost, in for another term despite losing. I can't think of anything more dangerous.

    Unless, of course, it is the big slice of America, that was just fine with all that.

    All you get with Democrats is questionable policies, not bona fide paranoid schizophrenics. A low bar, admittedly, but a real one.

    There's a real problem within the Republican party.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    The big difference in seeing right now is that Democrat voters are not electing people that actively want to destroy the very government they comprise.
    Disagree. Maybe not destroy but clearly there is an intent to radically change it, and not in a good way, that is unless one thinks all police are thugs and one supports "democratic socialism". These are not my words they were used many many times during the campaigns of Democratic candidates who were voted in.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  6. #6
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    Radically changing it but using the peaceful means the Constitution allows. It is our system.

    If you oppose what they want to do, all you need to do is win an election, not a war.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    Radically changing it but using the peaceful means the Constitution allows. It is our system.

    If you oppose what they want to do, all you need to do is win an election, not a war.
    At the risk of being condemned for equating what happened at the Congress to what happened this summer which I am not, but many cities were burned and looted , police departments were burned , federal courts were defaced and damaged all in the name of change. None of that really looked peaceful to me. I guess that lies all in the eyes of the beholder
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  8. #8
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    Criminal behavior is just that. Your previous post referenced Democratic candidates for office, not criminals rioting and destroying property.

    BTW, I oppose defunding the police. Nor do I like Democratic socialists such as Sanders and The Squad.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    Criminal behavior is just that. Your previous post referenced Democratic candidates for office, not criminals rioting and destroying property.

    BTW, I oppose defunding the police. Nor do I like Democratic socialists such as Sanders and The Squad.
    Many Democratic candidates including our soon-to-be vice president fully supported the criminal acts of the rioters and looters this summer. In fact soon-to-be vice president Harris supported and worked hard to raise funds to bail out those who committed many criminal Acts. Look we can go on and on about this the only reason I'm even on here's the damn Cleveland Pittsburgh game is so boring.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  10. #10
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    Raising funds to bail out someone is working within the system.

    Did any Democratic candidate support looting, property destruction, setting fires? I didn't hear anyone doing that. I heard a lot of stupid talk about "mostly peaceful protest", as if the people whose businesses were trashed should be mollified by such platitudes. That's different than supporting violence, though.

  11. #11
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    If the Red Sox aren't playing...

  12. #12
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    Look we can play which cup is the ball under all night long. I don't really have anything else to add to this conversation but I do appreciate you engaging in the conversation. I'm reminded when speaker Pelosi was asked about the violence this summer and she stated and I quote "people will be people". And so it goes.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  13. #13
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    I didn't remember the comment, so I looked it up. That was said in response to an incident where a statue of Christopher Columbus was toppled in San Francisco. Not exactly looting, burning or rioting. Also a pretty ambiguous statement that could be taken many ways.

    I appreciate the conversation as well!!

  14. #14
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Anything said can be twisted with truth it, doesn't make toppling statures and burning stuff ok just because somebody doesn't think one thing is worse than another.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  15. #15
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Been trying to stay out of this but looters and those rioting are criminals. Peaceful marchers are not.

    Doesn't matter the race, religion, or which side of politics you belong on, if your a peaceful marcher that's one side of protesting, but if you rushing to get into the Capitol you are the other. This had the ugly association of the mob at the Capitol was mostly white and not fired on by Police or troops such as Trump's march to the church or I suspect some BLM protests.

    And truth to be told there are looters/rioters that just look to join protests.

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