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Thread: Demonstrations have begun.. locals told to stay away..

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Deep inside the Central Scrutinizer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    Why was DC law enforcement not prepared for this. They have known for many days that Trump called for it.
    My question exactly... They never should have been allowed close to the capital.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    SW Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Phillbo View Post
    My question exactly... They never should have been allowed close to the capital.
    The whole thing was completely predictable. It’s almost like they let them march right in I can’t believe these geniuses walked right into the trap.
    "Back after 5 years. I thought you had died.


    Splitting my time between the montane and the mesas

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

  3. #18
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    While sad to see. Hopefully the Congress gets back today and puts aside the BS of stolen election and admit Biden won.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  4. #19
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    16 miles west of the White House, Northern Virginia..
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    Why was DC law enforcement not prepared for this. They have known for many days that Trump called for it.
    It is hitting the fan here..

    A reporter asked DC mayor the same question.. mayor explained that the capital is not part of DC.. Capital has it’s own police force.. Dc Metropolitan Police must be asked to assist, DC was ready and standing by.. but not asked.. also ATF and Marshals Service teams were ready but not asked..

    Both Sargents at arms (house and senate) and Capital police chief are now history..

    Also.. DC (not Capital,) has video of a kizillion law breakers.. pictures and rewards are on MPD website.. some warrants being issues others after 1-21 to avoid pardons..

    Serious fencing to be installed before inauguration.. suburban riot support will be in DC before inauguration, not just standing by..

    It’s not over..

  5. #20
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    "You knew what I was when you picked me up."
    He was the best of the two. The system is broke! Are we to arrest everyone that voted for Trump also? Might as well while we have the lynching ropes out. But there's hope, we have Biden taking office with a wonderful vice president as a back up when Biden resigns for medical reasons. That's the scenario right? what are we going to do then? Kamala Harris has made history as the first female, first black and first Asian-American US vice-president-elect. Another box or two checked, that's all that seems to matter anymore. There certainly isn't a need for honesty or integrity.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  6. #21
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    Well, as for being the best of the two, I think that recent events have called that into question.

  7. #22
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    Well, as for being the best of the two, I think that recent events have called that into question.
    I certainly can't argue that but I wonder if we would have been having the same argument with different names. No not with the first woman pres that would have been racist or misogynistic at least.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  8. #23
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    In the Village...
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    Well, as for being the best of the two, I think that recent events have called that into question.
    The least malevolent of the worst might be more accurate even if that doesn't really fit either...We paid our money and called the tune...Let the dance begin......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  9. #24
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    I have been encouraged, by what Biden has been saying since the election, as it relates to the healing and reuniting of the nation. I agree, and that might be the most important thing that he can do in his term in office.

    I am willing, to not only give him a chance, I will pray for his success in this most important endeavor.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  10. #25
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    Even now, we talk about Trump when he is just a symbol of a bigger problem in the Republican party.

    He just attempted a coup where people died. Two days later, he's the darling of the Republican National Committee meeting and cheered by attendees who were just fine with what he did. Republicans have a serious issue on their hands. Some attendees realized it but also said that since he brought a lot of voters to the polls, he would remain in good odor with everyone.

    You knew what I was when you picked me up. Republicans are willing to dance with the devil if it gets them the power they seek.

  11. #26
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    Dave, I'm not sure I want to reunite with the people I saw at the rally Wednesday. Even the people who did not go in expressed the sort of alternate reality nonsense that Trump and Hannity and Limbaugh fed them.

    How do to even talk to people who live in an alternate reality?

  12. #27
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    SW Colorado
    The distance between us is easier to see in rural America.
    "Back after 5 years. I thought you had died.


    Splitting my time between the montane and the mesas

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

  13. #28
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    Yeah, I live in an extremely rural/isolated area of my state. On my travels, I see A LOT of Trump flags, billboards that speak of him as a Savior (which I find unbelievably offensive), pictures of him as Rambo taking out liberals, etc. I keep my opinions to myself in public or in interactions.

    The gulf is wider than some might think. People are far down the rabbit hole. They will do things just to provoke people, like it is a cathartic event for them to be able to make someone else angry. If it gets publicity, so much the better.

  14. #29
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    I don't know that I have any solutions but I do think part of the cure is no different than the cause----feed them a message, but this needs to be a message of truth. Will all of them hear it---no, I accept that. Those are the ones who are entrenched in an altered reality, but some will hear it and wake up to the truth.

    The only thing that I am sure of is that we are on a bad road
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Grubb View Post

    The only thing that I am sure of is that we are on a bad road
    Anyone who thinks a bus driven by biden , harris , pelosi ,shumer and the four horsewomen of the apocalypse will get us back on the pavement , I believe is living in dreamland .
    Individual rights are protected only as long as they don't conflict with the desires of the state .

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