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    San Antonio, Tx.

    BLM Outrage Misplaced

    Why do BLM (Burn Loot Murder) activists pick their lowest common denominator to use as excuses to protest and riot? To illustrate the point —

    Travon Martin (Florida) 2/26/12

    BLM was first formed around the death of petty criminal Travon Martin on 2/26/12 who was killed by a “White” Hispanic while beating his intended victim’s head against a concrete sidewalk, and after the not guilty verdict of the real victim of the incident;

    Michael Brown (Ferguson, Missouri) 8/19/14

    BLM got its sea legs and became a household name and meme fomenting protests which rapidly turned into burning and looting riots over the justified shooting by a policeman of “Gentle Giant” Michael Brown on 8/19/14 who had just robbed and mugged a tiny store owner and attacked a policeman, when he tried to wrestle his service weapon away. Brown was initially sanctified as a victim in the infamous “Hands up; don’t shoot” lie, which was subsequent disproved by even Obama flunkies;

    George Floyd (Minneapolis) 5/25/20

    BLM sprang on the offense when George Floyd died on 5/25/20, while in custody after being arrested for attempting to pass a counterfeit $20 bill. Floyd had a long history of crimes and drug addiction. During the initial investigation he informed police he had been “hooping” (placing drugs up one’s rectum) and seen to swallow pills during the stop. After becoming uncooperative being placed in the police car and showing marked signs of drug impairment, while complaining that he could not breath, he asked to lay down and was subsequently restrained in a face-down prone position with an officer’s knee on his back in accordance with written MPD procedures, while an ambulance was summoned. Floyd died while in that position speaking out that he could not breath.

    The final autopsy report revealed Floyd died with over 3 times a lethal load of fentanyl in his blood, which depresses the respiratory system that in Floyd was measured to have 2-3 times more fluid than normal;

    Rayshard Brooks (Atlanta) 6/12/20

    Police are called on 6/12/20 to a Wendy’s Restaurant because a guy is passed out and blocking a drive through lane. The responding officer has a difficult time waking the driver who is obviously drunker than a waltzing hoot owl. After a 2nd officer arrives and a series of field sobriety test are administered the officers inform him that he is under arrest for DUI and attempt to handcuff suspect Brooks. Brooks fights violently committing numerous felonious assaults on both officers and takes one’s taser, another felony. One officer shots Brooks with his taser to no effect at which time Brooks runs but as he runs he fires the taser he had stolen at the officers, and as he continues running and as he turns once again pointing the laser at the officers is shot dead.

    Brooks had previously been convicted of False Imprisonment, Simple Battery/Family, Battery Simple and Felony Cruelty/Cruelty to Children. He was sentenced to one year in prison and six on probation for one count, and 12 months for each of the three other counts. He was on probation at the time of the incident and could have gone back to prison for the arrest explaining the motivation for the actions of the perp;

    Daniel Prude (Rochester, N.Y.) 8/5/20

    BLM and allied groups rioted and burned Rochester NY on 8/5/20 in the name of Angle Dust Freak, Daniel Pride, who died after getting zombied by enough PCP to strip naked and run through his brother’s neighborhood going crazy. When confronted by police he screamed he had the WuFlu and would infect them without understanding the cops must restrain him until he is neutralized for their and the community’s safety. The police used a standard “spit hood.”

    Sorry people, but the truth is that Angle Dust Freak’s Lives do not much matter. They are society’s detritus.
    If you get zombied on Angle Dust and run around naked telling cops you have WuFlu and are going to infect them, you can bet a cop is going to have to handcuff you and safeguard himself with a “spit hood,” while also protecting the public. It’s just the way it has to be;

    BLM Thugs in Chicago Looting Fun 8/10/20

    BLM mobs, eager to cash in on Chicago’s Miracle Mile jumped on a chance to pilfer, burn and destroy that city’s top shopping district on 8/10/20. The mayhem comes hours after violent protests broke out over a police shooting. Police officials claim that the suspect involved was armed and had fired on and wounded an officer. They said that misinformation and rumors began to spread about the incident, sparking the unrest;

    Jacob Blake (Kenosha, Wisconsin) 8/13/20

    In Kenosha, Wisconsin on 8/13/20 the police were called to a domestic disturbance phoned in by the ex girlfriend of a known criminal, Jacob Blake, who had a prior history of gun threats and an outstanding warrant for sexual assault (rape). When confronted and placed under arrest for the outstanding warrant, Blake resisted violently and feloniously assaulted the arresting officers, managed to break free exhibiting a knife and was shot multiple times as he tried to get in the driver’s seat of a car or, alternatively was reaching for something in it, all with children inside the vehicle. Were the officers supposed to watch as he drove off from the scene of the crimes with the children inside?

    Unnamed Minneapolis Suicide/Murder Perp 8/26/20

    On 8/26/20 in Minneapolis, Minn., a black suspect being hunted for committing murder shot himself to death in front of video cameras, yet the infamous BLM Minneapolis mobs quickly grabbed on to the incident to somehow blame the police and use it as an excuse to loot the high-end mall they had missed in the original George Floyd rash of burning & looting;

    Ricardo Munoz (Lancaster, Pa,) 9/13/20

    Police in Lancaster, Pa. on 9/13/20 called by family under threat of known lunatic son with a history of previously knifing 4 individuals who is subsequently put down after charging within feet of a policeman with a raised butcher knife. BLM thugs seize the opportunity to riot.
    Last edited by wacojoe; 09-15-2020 at 08:24 AM.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

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