Nurse Paula flew up to see the kids yesterday. I put her on Southwest because they had a policy of not booking the center seats and sterilizing the plane after each flight as well as a change in the turn over time for the cabin air with fresh air.

She called me when she got off the flight and said it was kind of strange. There was less than 20 passengers and only 2 flight attendants.. It was like she had the whole plane to herself. everyone was wearing mask and sitting 4 rows apart.

She is a strange bird when she flys by her self she will head to the far rear of the plane and take seat A. I never reserve a seat for her when she is alone. Why pay that fee when she wants a seat no one else takes.

TSA was a breeze as well, she said there was no one in line.

I guess I would have no problem getting my preferred Exit row Isle seat at this time.