I have been thinking about the problems we are facing today and what the causes are. From MY point of view , there are two major factors. Each having to do with " family " or lack thereof.

For all the screaming white woke folks, it started in the era of Dr. Benjiman Spock and his treat your children like fine china. Never bust their butt and always allow them to vent their anger towards your decisions. We are now living with the children of those spoiled brats and they are even worse than the parents.

On the Black side, we have the children of single parent households and an entitlement lifestyle. When the Govt. provides more than working for a living does, there is no incentive to work. No work equals no mind stimulus and therefore the need to take drugs to escape the boredom . The drugs replace reality and constantly demand more to get the same effect.

No discipline , no responsibilities and no punishment for disobiedence . A street gang to replace family and there you have it. Chaos.