I was the only white guy in the last two neighborhoods I lived in. I sat on the porch most nights which cost a few cigs but besides getting a brick thrown through my truck windows so that they could rob it I got along with everyone, broke up a fight here and there was in a few here and there just silly stuff. We were all poor but we were equal why do we allow this PC crap to stir things up? It doesn't take long to put the word out. You are welcome to act like normal friggin people all life's matter quit raising money for the democrats they have never done anything for you. Looters will be shot Burglars will be shot rapists will be shot shoot all black or white people out there taking apart our cities. It's time to start trying to get along it's time to quit acting offended at EVERYTHING, It's time to grow up damn it! Besides all the extra money is going to fix all the stuff your tearing up don't be expecting a check. And my last word of advise to all is to shoot to kill.