...and he is right here at home

---Senator Pat Toomey

Standing with Peaceful Protesters and Law Enforcement
I was in Philadelphia last week to talk about the tragic death of George Floyd.
The video of Mr. Floyd's death was sickening to watch and deeply disturbing. In the coming months, the officers charged will stand trial for their actions, and I am hopeful and confident that justice will be done.
The vast majority of police officers across Pennsylvania and across the country are hardworking, honorable men and women who do the right thing: protect and serve. Recognizing that every organization has bad actors, those individuals must be held accountable when they commit misconduct.
I also fully understand the anger that so many people feel. I felt that anger watching the video, and I still feel that anger. I support the right of people to peacefully protest - an act that goes back to the beginning of our republic. The right to protest is enshrined in the very first amendment of our Constitution. Pennsylvanians routinely come together to exercise that right peacefully in an effort to effect change.
Unfortunately, the protests have been marred by some who have chosen violence and lawlessness, and have left a wake of destruction in their path. They're also undermining the effort to honor George Floyd's memory, and to spark dialogue and constructive action.
I am grateful for the brave police officers in Pennsylvania who have gone into harm's way to quell the lawless rioting and looting, and for the good Samaritans who have helped clean up the damage and tried to dissuade rioters from engaging in destructive acts.
You can watch the entire press conference here.