My veggie garden patch has dwindled down to an area too small to do justice, plus the trees impinge on the sunlight. When I had our farm, I wrote here several times about tomatoes grown on it. We produced many bushels each year until the bane of Texas veggie farming, stink bugs, caught up with us each year. Below is a thread which discusses some of my efforts, that would be vastly different from high altitude growing of CC. He is probably in a zone 4 growing area, while we were in zone 8+. My favorite variety, Donna, was a French hybrid variety, that was perfect for my soil and climate, but it is not sold anymore last I checked. Story is that some AH bought the patent rights to the variety and stuffed it for some unknown reason!?! The small varieties, Sungold & Matt’s Wild Texas, are wonderfully flavorful and prolific...a must choice. The black varieties, especially the Black Krim are really good too. I see some “black” maters in the photo above.
