Bernie could best be described as the Burlington “town crank” for decades as he slummed around town as a n’er-do-well odd jobs Bolshevik harassing anyone he could corral or would listen to his rants against the wealthy, while living in a dirt-floored, Sterno-heated shack until he was 40 years old. He was the joyless, raving Marxist-admiring bum who ran for various offices and got 0.01% of the vote for 15 years until he caught on with the Leftist cabal in his little town and became the town crank mayor. It is a measure of our lunacy that this mook is now at the top of one of our two major political parties and isn’t even a member of one. Go figure.

Bernie has a long and uninterrupted history of Marxist training and thought from his first instruction when he sought out and went to Israel to live in a Stalinist Kibbutz and was a member of various Communist political parties advocating for and praising every known communist dictator and regime on the planet. As an active member and official of the American Socialist Workers Party - the last known political party of which he was a member, btw - he even heaped praise on the Ayatollah of Iran and his mobs during their hostage taking of our embassy!

Sanders needs to be openly confronted with his past and thinly hidden present devotion to Marx so those outside the “can be fooled all the time” voting contingent are exposed to what Bernie really is. I have a suggestion of how to do that.

Someone with access and a camera needs to be the one to directly confront Comrade Sanders in front of a camera with, “Will you disavow and rebuke here today the mantra, ‘From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs?’” His response in words and/or expressions will mark him as the unadorned Marxist he is. This is the heart of his ideological being and the prescription for the theft which is its center. I doubt he will lie. In fact, I’ll bet he will stick that gnarly old finger in our faces, as is his disgusting habit, and try to convert us proletariats to his brand of Command & Control collectivism...with him on top, of course.

The same confrontation could be extended to the rest of the D’rat contenders, especially Pete Buttigieg whose father was an avowed Commie professor, if one thinks the rest of the pip-squeak field is even worth troubling with. Has the failed ex-mayor turned his back on his upbringing, or is he merely hiding it underneath his group-tested bromides and BS? I’ll bet Pete would weasel in some group-tested bromide rather than give a straight answer.