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Thread: Breakout Of Coronavirus In Same China City As Their Dangerous Pathogen Lab

  1. #91
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    SW Colorado
    Wasn't bat guano by way of its component parts an original ingredient in gunpowder? Another Chinese poop spinoff?
    "Back after 5 years. I thought you had died.


    Splitting my time between the montane and the mesas

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

  2. #92
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    A Chinese Virologist (now in exile) Claims That Chi-Com’s Artificially Enhanced SARS COVID ViRUS From A Bat Virus To Make SARS-CoV-2 And Loosed It On The World

    Some are challenging her conclusions, but none are challenging her credentials. Dr. Li-Meng Yan professes inside knowledge of Chinese laboratory processes, but does not claim to have worked in the labs she says produced the virus. She was a virologist in a Hong Kong virology lab. Her report lays out the technical steps that can be used to reproduce those she concludes the labs used to enhance the virus with “change-of-function” technology.

    She expressed her conclusions on the Tucker Carlson program last night. Here is the video —

    Here is one article critiquing her conclusions —

    If any here would like to delve into these issues deeper - and why would you not want to know if Red China committed a germ warfare attack on the world - I would recommend the below video to explain the processes in this highly technical field, what we know about what China has done in the past and the part Fauci played in partnering the NIH with them. This is a repost of the article from a dedicated thread on the video —

    Warning: the video is 42 minutes long and involved
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by CactusCurt View Post
    Wasn't bat guano by way of its component parts an original ingredient in gunpowder? Another Chinese poop spinoff?
    Yup, Saltpeter, or Potassium Nitrate. It is found anyplace where animal wastes are concentrated.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  4. #94
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    SW Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    [b]A Chinese Virologist (now in exile) Claims That Chi-Com’s Artificially Enhanced SARS COVID ViRUS From A Bat Virus To Make SARS-CoV-2 And Loosed It On The World[/b

    If any here would like to delve into these issues deeper - and why would you not want to know if Red China committed a germ warfare attack on the world -
    Ok, but what motive did China have to do this?

    The virus 1) has done more economic damage than anything else and 2) will result in significant reallocation of the US's spending to the medical industry and 3) unleashed a nationalist movement that will bring manufacturing back home. I could probably think of more.

    It doesn't make sense economically. I'm not saying they didn't do it, but if they did it was stupidity or a rogue.
    "Back after 5 years. I thought you had died.


    Splitting my time between the montane and the mesas

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by CactusCurt View Post
    Ok, but what motive did China have to do this?

    The virus 1) has done more economic damage than anything else and 2) will result in significant reallocation of the US's spending to the medical industry and 3) unleashed a nationalist movement that will bring manufacturing back home. I could probably think of more.

    It doesn't make sense economically. I'm not saying they didn't do it, but if they did it was stupidity or a rogue.
    China is striving to be the world's #1 economy and the world's #1 military. The only way they can do that is to wreck the US economy, which they pretty much did. I think if China thought it was a way to knock America off the top of the heap, they really wouldn't give a crap what it does to the rest of the world. I firmly believe this was a biological attack.
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  6. #96
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    "The only thing that we learn from torture is the depths of our own moral depravity"

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawDog View Post
    China is striving to be the world's #1 economy and the world's #1 military. The only way they can do that is to wreck the US economy, which they pretty much did. I think if China thought it was a way to knock America off the top of the heap, they really wouldn't give a crap what it does to the rest of the world. I firmly believe this was a biological attack.
    It probably hurt them economically as much or more than us that's what makes me wonder about it being on purpose. All the stuff Curt said, China will have longer lasting effects than us also, I believe. But the people feeling it the most are the peons there is that.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  8. #98
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    Livermore Valley near the wine grapes
    Quote Originally Posted by mgrist View Post
    It probably hurt them economically as much or more than us that's what makes me wonder about it being on purpose. All the stuff Curt said, China will have longer lasting effects than us also, I believe. But the people feeling it the most are the peons there is that.
    If they gave a crap about their own people Mao would not have killed 20 million of them in the Cultural revolution
    "The only thing that we learn from torture is the depths of our own moral depravity"

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by TriGuy View Post
    If they gave a crap about their own people Mao would not have killed 20 million of them in the Cultural revolution
    That's exactly what I meant in the last line of my previous post. Maybe that just really didn't care who it hurt the big boys would be fine but it would cost us billions? a trillion?
    This is your mind on drugs!

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by TriGuy View Post
    From the article — “... What's more, Shi Zhengli, a virologist at the institute, said none of the coronavirus samples that had been stored there matched the new coronavirus' genome.

    "That really took a load off my mind," Shi told Scientific American in April. "I had not slept a wink for days."

    Why would anyone put any stock in what a Chinese scientist said denying they had samples matching SARS-CoV-2?

    Another element of the article that draws suspicion of its criticism —

    “It's highly unlikely this was a lab accident," Jonna Mazet, a US epidemiologist who has worked with and trained researchers at the Wuhan institute, previously told Business Insider.

    Mazet said she helped the staff there develop and implement a "very stringent safety protocol."

    It is undisputed that in 2016 a team from the U.S. inspected the Wuhan Institute of Virology safety measures and cited several shortcomings. More telling, the original SARS pandemic is known as the nexus of the disease from a prior escape as well as one other viral outbreak.

    Whatever is in doubt about the origins of the plague, it is undisputed also that Zi (who had taken personal control of the outbreak) and his Chi-Com officials well knew by as late as December that the virus was highly contagious by air human-to-human and in response they rabidly used every means at their disposal to contain it internally, yet permitted large Chinese New Year’s parties of hundreds of thousands of people and allowed free travel of those they had to know were infected to travel widely throughout the world without imparting, hey, concealing, the transmissibility to the rest of the world and our health authorities and doctors.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  11. #101
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    A molecular biologist explains why the evidence points to SARS-COV-2 as a manufactured gain-of-function virus escaping from the Wuhan labs
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  12. #102
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    Joe you have been right on point with this one since your first post......................
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  13. #103
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Excellent rundown on the Chinese lab(s) collection, gain-of-function experiments and nexus to the ultimate release of COVID-SARS-2 virus on the world.

    British tabloid doing the work our compromised media will not do.

    Btw, the chief “leading Western expert” helping finance the Wuhan Institute of Virology in experimenting on making viruses more toxic “so we can see how to combat at them” was Dr. Anthoney Fauci, head of the NIH.
    Last edited by wacojoe; 01-04-2021 at 11:21 AM.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  14. #104
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    The long anticipated return of Joe...Excellent!......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  15. #105
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    About time---good to have you back---now help out with the smoking thread downstairs
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