For several months I've been looking for a small farm near Tyler, Texas. That's where my mother and brother live and I'm ready to get back to family.

My brother's friend told him of a property next to his that might be for sale soon. So, Sunday afternoon, my brother, his friend and I paid a visit to the current owner. It turns out they were ready to sell and just hadn't quite put it on the market yet. I had my real estate agent contact their agent (who knew nothing of this) and a deal was struck. I just got a call from my agent who told me it is a done deal - I'm soon to be the owner of a small farm where I plan to live and raise Longhorn cattle!

Now, the real nightmare starts. I am the child of a Great Depression child and was taught from birth to never get rid of anything because you might someday have a need for it. I learned my lessons well and have accumulated a massive amount of "good stuff" over the 31 years I have lived on this property. I haven't gone out seeking stuff, but I just don't get rid of stuff, either. That can be cool when I need something to complete a project or fix something that is broken. I just walk out to my stash and find what I need. But moving all this stuff? Not going to happen! What to keep and what to get rid of? Oh, my! That is going to be very difficult for me. I'm not a hoarder like you see on TV, but I can see getting there just over the horizon........