Wowzers.. I’m in the middle of it and didn’t know it!!

Note.. I’m 16 miles west of the White House.. one mile east of NRA museum..

The Second Amendment Sanctuary movement is in full swing around us..

Have heard nothing about confiscation..

Aware of four goals by new Majority..

1.. one handgun purchase a week , we are a source for illegal handguns in the cities of the Northeast.. there was a one handgun a week law that was repealed by the current (GOP) majority.

2. Background checks for all ownership transfers.

3. Limit magazine size.

4. Red flag law.. is that the right term? If a person is having issues the court/sheriff can hold the household firearms until the issues are resolved.

I’ll do some local research and see what I can find out..

Background.. two years ago the State House of Delegates was tied and the last deciding seat was decided by pulling a name out of the hat

On edit: After the name drawn out of the hat.. the GOP acted like they had won a landslide..

And.. after the “mass shooting “ in Virginia Beach the governor called a special session of the General Assembly to work on gun issues.. the GOP majority “tabled” all proposed legislation and went home..