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Thread: Opening Statement of MarieL.Yovanovitch

  1. #1
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    Opening Statement of MarieL.Yovanovitch

    In defiance of trump mandate this brave lady testifies.

    For those of you who dismiss anything not in agreement with your personal bias---I have no idea how the NYT came to possess this document, since this is a closed hearing--but they have as they very often do.

    This was presented as a hyperlink within the current article on Ambassador Yovanovitch's testimony. I read the parallel article in the WSJ which is currently in agreement but with far less granularity than present in the NYT article--time will tell.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Grubb View Post
    -I have no idea how the NYT came to possess this document, since this is a closed hearing--but they have as they very often do.
    You are kidding right?
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  3. #3
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    Perhaps at some point the public will learn what happens in the House Intelligence Star Chamber Iquisition.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Perhaps at some point the public will learn what happens in the House Intelligence Star Chamber Iquisition.
    Do you think we will ever learn about what really goes on in the trump insane asylum
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Grubb View Post
    Do you think we will ever learn about what really goes on in the trump insane asylum
    I am not interested in process as long as the product keeps coming out satisfactorily. Speaking of that, did anyone even notice yesterday when Trump’s guys successfully waylaid the Chi-Coms’ plans to acquire ownership of the San Diego shipping terminal (reportedly the 2nd busiest in the country), which had inexplicably been ok’ed by the Obama/Biden team? What-the-hell was up with that? Oh, yeah, Smiley Joe told us the Chi-Coms are no threat and our buddies. Of course if your family gets $1,500,000,000 to invest from them, I guess they are no threat to you, right?

    Seems to me all the good stuff Trump is doing gets conveniently buried in the news by whatever the latest bogus impeachment-scheme-du-jour is being played.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Of course if your family gets $1,500,000,000 to invest from them
    Give me that kind of money and you will never see me again. I'm done and out of public office.

    Ben will handle the movement of the money....

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phillbo View Post
    Ben will handle the movement of the money....
    There is of course the matter of the handling charges...I'll handle that too......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  8. #8
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    If you profit from the transaction you may fall under scrutiny.. You sure you want that hanging over your head while relaxing on your new private yacht that some unknown person gifted you?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phillbo View Post
    If you profit from the transaction you may fall under scrutiny.. You sure you want that hanging over your head while relaxing on your new private yacht that some unknown person gifted you?
    It won't be me anyway...My body was never found after my unexplained disappearance, just that enigmatic note saying, "So long, suckers!!"...That guy in all the tabloids with all the young women on his yacht is just some unfortunate schlub with a faint resemblance to me after the plastic surgery scars heal......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  10. #10
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    Again my 'friend' , you need to stay out of the tabloid...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phillbo View Post
    Again my 'friend' , you need to stay out of the tabloid...
    Tell it to the paparazzi......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  12. #12
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    This is “the other side of the story” on why Yovanovitch was removed as the U.S. Ukrainian envoy -

    I am not certain of any of this Ukrainian affair and hope that in the fullness of time it can be sorted out. Some things are certain —

    *Hunter Biden and his company were paid millions by a Ukrainian shady character for something,
    *Hunter Biden had no known qualifications for the job, whatever that was,
    *Joe Biden extorted Ukraine to remove a prosecutor who was investigating that situation and then bragged about it,
    *President Trump removed the U.S. Ukrainian Ambassador this May,
    *President Trump asked the new Ukrainian leader to look into the process,
    *planned financial assistance to Ukraine was delayed.

    There are other factors for sure and the Democrats in the house have conducted a secret proceeding with rules in which the Republican opposition has no right to counsel for witnesses or right to call or subpoena witnesses nor even a right to cross-examine those the inquisitors call. Only the Democrats can release testimony and have chosen to selectively leak bits they find favorable to their impeachment narrative. They are incensed that President Trump does not willingly participate in the farce.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  13. #13
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    You state your list of "grievances" as if they are proven---and that is not correct.

    This will sort out in time.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  14. #14
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    I tried to list only proven facts in my list. Which one(s) do you think are unproven?
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  15. #15
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    *Hunter Biden and his company were paid millions by a Ukrainian shady character for something,

    Ukraine is overrun by shady characters--so that is a none starter. I'd suggest you look beyond your customary sources
    and you might start here.

    Was it damn bad form--without question but not illegal.

    *Hunter Biden had no known qualifications for the job, whatever that was,

    I would argue that, read the above link. He was not consulting regarding energy production.

    *Joe Biden extorted Ukraine to remove a prosecutor who was investigating that situation and then bragged about it,

    Extorted? Really? Believing anything out of Rudy's lips is like believing anything out of trump's lips.

    *President Trump removed the U.S. Ukrainian Ambassador this May,

    And the date of May is significant how?

    *President Trump asked the new Ukrainian leader to look into the process,

    What "process"---as best as we can tell from the limited transcript trump made it clear there was a quid pro quo attached to the transfer of aid.

    *planned financial assistance to Ukraine was delayed.

    ---and for nefarious reasons.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

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