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Thread: With great respect

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    With great respect

    We had an early dinner with our "daughter" and son-in-law yesterday. She was working last night (at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia) and he was just getting back from London. He shared this story with us:

    Prior to departure he returned to the end of the jet way after making his pre-flight check just as the gate agent and a few others were coming down the jet way with an old man in a wheel chair. The gate agent stopped our SIL and explained that this was a VIP---the gentleman in the wheel chair was a veteran of the D-Day invasion and was returning home after taking part in those ceremonies, would he like to escort the gentleman to his seat. Most of the passengers were boarded and they had upgraded the gentleman to business class. Our SIL said he would be honored but felt compelled to offer that honor to the Captain first. He went to the cockpit and told the Captain and with the same feeling of honor the Captain went back and escorted the gentleman to his seat. As he did that, one of the flight crew announced who this special passenger was---to great applause

    Through the thoughtfulness of those employees---from the gate agents to the flight crew, a huge American company was "reduced" to a small group of respectful, warm, and caring people---kudos to all
    Last edited by Dave Grubb; 06-09-2019 at 12:21 PM.
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