How much have Trump’s moves toward reducing illegal immigration done to accomplish that goal? He ran on it as a key stone of his campaign, and certainly has not abandoned or significantly altered his goals, but, to what effect? A good argument, and one I am willing to make, is that his efforts have had the curious effect of enhancing the numbers of people coming in who are incentivized to make their move now lest Trump becomes successful later. To add to that incentivization, he has announced the withdrawal of foreign aid to many of the Central American countries whose poverty is providing the impetus driving the moves in the first place. You have to ask the question: Will less aid dollars increase the motivating factor - poverty - that drives the immigration, thus increasing the problem?

I buy that “walls work,” but even if the move for more and better ones should be successful and they are built, plus the laws are made more exclusionary - which all is highly(?) unlikely -, that would be years from now and the great pulse of immigration is now and in the interim. Meanwhile, the Mexican cartels are jumping with joy.

I am very pessimist on solutions here as long as the opposition holds enough power and desire to thwart rational moves to decrease the flow. The more poor, dependent people here the better is inarguably their mantra. It is their ostensible raison d'etre.