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Thread: Update on bird feeders

  1. #16
    Join Date
    All Over
    Quote Originally Posted by CactusCurt View Post
    Here on the winter range we have screech owls and great horned. I think this is a boreal?
    I believe you are right. Here is one of my oft used sites for IDs.

    I did not mean to suggest we only had great horned owls here, in fact we have a wide range of owls but most often I see signs of their presence or hear them at night. As a kid we had a family of barn owls living in one of our silos---they perched on the top ring right above the ladder---it made going up to throw silage down hazardous duty

    Commonly I find pellets around the base of a nesting tree---look close and you will find out what they are living on
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  2. #17
    Join Date
    SW Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    Wow you don't see those out in daylight around here.
    This turns out to be an interesting observation. I was scrolling thru my pictures looking for something and I noticed this was on the same day as the recent eclipse, A couple of hours before.

    "Back after 5 years. I thought you had died.


    Splitting my time between the montane and the mesas

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

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