Well, after several hectic days and delays, filled with anger, frustration, wailing and gnashing of teeth, we are back!
For those you who did not know where we went, the server we were on was hacked by someone who wanted to use it for email spam. When I killed his emails, he FUBAR'ed the server beyond repair. We are now on a new server and running a newer version of vBulletin. We needed to upgrade both the server and the software anyway, but I was planning a much easier way of accomplishing that. This way, I can no longer procrastinate!
I was able to recover a database backup from 01/05/19 and that is where we are now. I don't remember the exact date we went down, but it was really close the place we are now.
As everyone can see, there is still work to be done:
Smileys and icons and forum images are not working. I'll get to them when I can.
The vB style (color scheme) we were using is not working. Again, I'll get to it.
Feel free to use the site as it is and let me know of other problems that may arise.