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Thread: Tuesday’s Oval Office fiasco is that President Donald Trump

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apache Junction, AZ

    Tuesday’s Oval Office fiasco is that President Donald Trump

    He doesn't want a wall or the "Deal Maker" would have made a deal.

    The sum announced yesterday would even begin to scratch the surface of completing the wall. 1.3 out of 5 Billion is peanuts in the total budget.

    I think the Deal Maker was a crying fool and if reports are true that he acted after the meeting so why:
    According to the LA Times White House report Eli Stokol, however, Trump didn’t like what he ultimately got. He stormed out of the meeting with Schumer and Pelosi and threw a package of briefing papers across the room in frustration.

    Of course I'll wait to see the other spin mister give his report.

    Hope he includes how Mexico is going to pay for it.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  2. #2
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    The Dems just do not get it, he backed them into a corner and now they have their words recorded, yet they still tried to spin them in front of the cameras shortly after. As in everything else Trump does, he forces his adversary to act, to do something, anything, and it works. For example, he got Pelosi to admit that they wanted to do something, so the next time the House brings up the vote, the Dems had better vote on it or Trump was right.

    Schumer got suckered worst of all. First of all the people in Nebraska and Indiana know that the Dem leader of the Senate thinks they are nothing. That idiot said it himself when he chided Trump for winning both Senate seats in those States, basically calling them small potatoes. What a horrible slip of the tongue. He said with a straight face that they wanted to work "across the aisle" with Republicans, and then threw in "elections have consequences". That is an easy one, Schumer has forced his bunch to vote against every bill that Trump has brought up, every single one of them. Now tell me again about working with the other side.

    Trump suckered them both into coming into his office and then leaving the cameras rolling. You can hear BOTH Pelosi and Schumer wanting them turned off and to be left alone so that nobody would see just what was said. Trump reminded her "that is called transparency Nancy".

    It does not surprise me that the writer( I can only assume since no link was provided) was not in the room and that nobody saw the alleged temper tantrum. Schumer was so mad that he would not even look in the direction of Trump, experience has taught me one thing, somebody who can not look you in the eye is usually a weasel and a liar. Speaking of that 1.6 billion, that has not been voted on, so how can he say that they are "giving" him that? History has also shown that Schumer and the Dems have voted against anything that Trump wanted, so why the change of heart, or is he blowing smoke?

    Hate Trump all you want, that little film clip of Chuck and Nancy will be used in the 2020 run up. He now has them on record that they are going to do something, if they do not do it, he can use that for the rest of his time in office. It made Trump look bad? Ha, everything coming out since he was elected has been made to make Trump look bad.

  3. #3
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    Here is a better example of the traps Trump set for the Dems and the fell right in...
    President Trump just set three traps for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Soon to be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi over immigration and they walked right into them, as Thomas Lifson at the American Thinker reports:

    President Trump clearly shocked House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer yesterday with his televising of the Oval Office sit-down over his demand for $5 billion funding for border security, including funding of critical mileage for his border wall.

    Knowing well that Pelosi had already vowed publicly that “transparency and openness” would characterize the Democrat-run House starting next month, her plaintive request to speak in private scored points for Trump and revealed her hypocrisy before any substance at all was considered.

    Getting Pelosi and Schumer to reveal their hypocrisy was trap one, here’s trap two:
    That was merely the first of three traps Trump had prepared for the Democrats’ congressional leadership.

    Trump’s second trap is his bold declaration of ownership of any “government shutdown.”
    Democrats have convinced themselves that what is called a “shutdown,” but really means furloughing non-essential federal workers, is a tragedy, a scar on the nation’s psyche.
    The fact that federal workers are now a major and solid constituency for Democrats skews their perception of the public’s concern.
    Aside from cancelling sleigh rides in national parks and other such photo dramas, the fact is that life goes on very well for nearly all Americans during the furlough.
    They learn that there are a lot of non-essential government workers.

    Here’s trap three that Pelosi and Schumer walked right into:
    The third trap is maneuvering the Senate Democrats into standing for open borders, or at least ineffective border security.
    The current House of Representatives will pass the funding.
    It is in the Senate, where is 60 vote filibuster could be employed, that would be the obstacle.
    Never forget that Trump was the most successful producer of reality television in the history of the medium.
    He understands drama and a story arc.

    Chuck Schumer leading a Senate filibuster right before Christmas to stymie border protection is exactly the story Trump wants the nation’s TV viewers to absorb.
    He is immeasurably aided in crafting his third trap narrative by the Democrats’ acceptance of and belief in the narratives peddled by their allies in the mainstream media.
    Just as they believe that the voters share their own horror over a “partial government shutdown,” they also believe their own rhetoric about a wall being “immoral” (Pelosi) or “wasteful” (Schumer).
    But the arrival of the Central American caravan and the reaction of Tijuana’s political leadership and citizens, has changed the game.

    Democrats think they’re smarter than everyone else, but the truth is exactly the opposite.
    They’re super easy to fool and half of them are insane.
    Thank you President Trump for standing firm on this issue.

  4. #4
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    Columbia, S.C.
    I'm I suppose on par give or take with most people when it comes to politics and I have no clue what you're talking about, in that I've never heard any of it until now.

    Never forget that Trump was the most successful producer of reality television in the history of the medium.
    Really?I don't think I'd brag about that.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  5. #5
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    That's the whole secret mgrist, these are old timers as far as politicians go. They are scholars in the ways of the political game and they do not make a move without having a plan for the outcome they want. Trump has befuddled all of them, taken the old rules for the game and threw the book into the fireplace and is playing the new game. He is so many moves ahead of them and they keep falling into the trap, same goes for the media. He throws out a tweet that is bait, and while they are chasing theories and conspiracy and stupidity all over the globe, he calmly goes about his business.

    It is so simple and for some reason the MSM and the papers can not grasp that concept. They fall for the trick every single time. It is hilarious to watch. Then a while later they have to move on to the next trap and the whole time they spent chasing ghosts, is wasted. I wake up each day thirsty for the next game of catch.

  6. #6
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    Columbia, S.C.
    But nobody in this world knows that Schumer got embarrassed and there probably isn't a dozen people that know what he said about Nebraska and Indiana or that he's voted no to every Trump bill that's come down, not counting politicians anyway. Pelosi?? everything I know about her is from this site. Pretty much everything the people know is told to them by the media and they aren't sitting around writing about it, most don't care that's why they don't vote. Now though they know a lot about Trump, you can't get away from it and none of it is good. The Republicans are going down in flames come the next election. I don't think in all honesty that Trump has helped us at all.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  7. #7
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    So you think Pelosi, Obama and Schumer were better?

  8. #8
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    Look at the signature
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Columbia, S.C.
    Where in the world do you come up with that garbage. Where any where did I say what I thought about anybody, that's just plain stupidity to be able to get that thought out of my post . Are your eyes bad? Maybe your on the drugs that the other guy with no reading comprehension says I'm on. Maybe you need to read things twice?

    "Look at the signature"
    I've actually got brain damage but I'm still far ahead of that ignorance.
    This is your mind on drugs!

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