I have to agree in a way with what IV mentions, the "breaking of the glass ceiling" thing. It has become a game now, who can make their being the "first" of their type, whatever their type might be. People voted for Obama as the first black, millions of women voted for Hilliary as the first woman. it's almost like a game. Who can make their mark as the first of this or that, and still be dumb as a rock and never accomplishing anything up to that point in their careers, that would make them a good choice.

Nowadays it seems as if we no longer look at the career highlights and what have they done to earn the honor of the office they are running for, now it is just who did they sleep with and how many parties did they attend. Oh and let's no forget the big one, how many women did they talk to in a manner that would make their granny's blush. The fake news bunch have made themselves the focus instead of the candidate.