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Thread: More than one of the many reasons/excuses for the hate and division.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Columbia, S.C.

    More than one of the many reasons/excuses for the hate and division.

    Another reason for the rage and the shootings from white men?
    I've been reading a lot about stoicism, the cultures and people of the Roman age for one. I've seen the trend or the use of it to justify why the white man is now the oppressed and a million things in between. I'll let you'll read it, it's not too long, see what you get out of it, I'd like to hear it. I have to read everything more than a few times but the article says it all.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  2. #2
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    I think she is as lost as her brother. Shooting from white men? Has the girl ever visited Chicago? How about the Islamic culture, and their views of women? She never says a word about how they treat women as possessions. How about the Chinese and their culture and how they treat women? Are there some crappy white men, of course there are, a whole bunch of them, but to blame white men for all of the worlds problems is a bit silly.

    Some people may fawn over every one of her words, but I think she made her prejudice known real quick. There are good and bad in every race and culture all around the globe. Always has been, evil knows no color or border, it infests itself in everybody worldwide. The successful people just ignore it and go on with their lives and by success I do not mean rich. I mean the man who loves his wife and family, works his fingers to the bone to provide for them and protects them from all of the dangers of the world. To lump those men in with a bunch of miscreants is not only unfair, but just plain untrue. I guess many people need to blame somebody for everything, but to just blame one certain group without looking at the whole picture is a bit flaky.

  3. #3
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    Columbia, S.C.
    You need to read it TEX, she didn't say a word about shootings from white men. Do you know what the definition of stoicism is? It's the study basically of cultures from way back, their cultures and how they survived or didn't. She didn't blame any white men for the worlds problems, again you'd need to read it.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  4. #4
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Quote Originally Posted by mgrist View Post
    ...Do you know what the definition of stoicism is? It's the study basically of cultures from way back, their cultures and how they survived or didn't...
    I am unfamiliar with the above as approximating any definition of stoicism. Stoicism as I learned about it is a philosophy that teaches the acceptance of reality and the expectation that reality can and will be painful.

    Despite my extensive roamings through the ‘net, I have not come across any hint of the “manosphere” of which the subject author rants. I don’t think we need to loose a wink of sleep over it.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  5. #5
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Stoicism as I learned about it is a philosophy that teaches the acceptance of reality and the expectation that reality can and will be painful.

    I'm sure you are correct, only I've found in the articles that I've read that it leans more towards the habits and philosophy of the times, how Stoicism was practiced. It changes with the times, kind of like the same verse in the bible can mean something different to a dozen individuals. People find what they are looking for whether it's there or not. That's apparently what this woman is finding and the groups she is referring to. In some other articles, I've found slim reference to what she is saying but again she is making what she finds fit her agenda. She concentrates on the misogynists that is what she sees anyway. Those that do carry that hate and there are people that do tend to get weighted down with all the other people that are to blame in their eyes. Hate doesn't hold it's place it spreads is what I was trying to say, did anybody else see the same parallels if there were any?
    This is your mind on drugs!

  6. #6
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    Columbia, S.C.
    HA! I guess not imagine that. That's probably because what Joe said is correct;"Stoicism as I learned about it is a philosophy that teaches the acceptance of reality and the expectation that reality can and will be painful."
    I got off into the fringe and got myself all confused, my apologies.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  7. #7
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    I saw Zuckerberg and was immediately turned off. Then, I got to the red pill part and could go no further.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

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