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Thread: Antifa Attacks wife and children of Fox Host

  1. #16
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    I would like to express some 1st Amendment rights on your ass right now, but since this is a private forum with rules, my 1st Amendment rights do not apply.............lucky you.
    Amen brother!
    His wife is obviously the man of the house. I've so much running through my head right now that I want to say, wow, to excuse, to make excuses for criminals because of politics. I've wondered if Fred was a low life for real or just on the internet for a while, now I know.
    Got it
    This is your mind on drugs!

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    I'll wait for a final police report.
    I am glad you are not my protector, if having people break your front door and raise a ruckus in the neighborhood you live in, does not get a rise out of you, I feel sorry for you. This is disgusting behavior even for liberals, nobody should be hassled in public when they are with their families, NOBODY. To have people not condemn this action, no matter who it is, is pathetic.

  3. #18
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Kavanaugh may have grabbed a girls boob 40 years ok Tar and feather him and run him out of town! Terrorize woman and children? That's ok, Animals every one!!! That's my opinion but then I have morals.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  4. #19
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Oh look the door:

    Must have missed the cracks.

    In any event, being a right-wing media personality apparently gets you special treatment: a D.C. police spokesperson told the Washington Post that Carlson’s block would be “under special attention” for “as long as needed,” and today, police said they were investigating the incident as a hate crime because of “anti-political bias.”

    Carlson, for all of his hemming and hawing about the “elites”—despite the fact that he’s a multi-millionaire cable news host—sure seems to be enjoying the privileges of an elite. Do you know how hard it is to get the cops to investigate actual hate crimes as hate crimes? It took a week for the feds to confirm that they were investigating a possible hate crime in the Kroger shooting in Kentucky last month, in which a white suspect allegedly killed two black people and told a bystander that “whites don’t shoot whites.”
    and this:
    Carlson, apropos of nothing, thought it was extremely funny when someone sent George Soros a pipe bomb and is a huge skeptic about hate crimes.
    and even here:
    Anyway, like clockwork, a whole slew of media and media-adjacent people took this opportunity to defend Carlson’s right to go on television every weeknight and demonize entire groups of marginalized people without consequence:
    and this is the way I feel about it:
    No one should physically harm Carlson, or his family, or even his door. But the idea that he should be free to peddle white fear on his sizable platform without ever being even mildly inconvenienced is one that isn’t grounded in reality. Actions have consequences. Words have consequences. If Carlson wants to eat dinner in peace, he should maybe just, I dunno, stop being a racist.
    But then again you guys have morals???????? I call BS.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  5. #20
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    RACIST, way to go Fred, the answer to all opposing speech. There has to be another argument for Democrats but they haven’t found it yet.

    There are many who have a larger voice than “ we the people “ . Entertainers who only have the ability pretend to be other people get National notice when they speak. If we disagree with what they say, should we mildly inconvenience them ?.

    And, just what is a mild inconvenience ?. This is an open forum and any who wish can read it. So, if you make a statement that I disagree with, am I allowed to mildly inconvenience you ? As long as I don’t physically harm you, can I slice your tires as my way to mildly inconvenience you is that acceptable ?.

    How about I gather four or five of my fellow deplorable people and scream and holler at you and your wife while you are having a night out. is that acceptable ?.

    Letters to the editor, letters to the company they work for letters to Congress and Senate. THOSE are acceptable responses . Open and respectful protests THOSE are acceptable.

    Middle of the night bull horns by masked people is not acceptable.

  6. #21
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  7. #22
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    Hey Fred, go outside your front door and run into it full steam, the door will crack at the lock and split at the door frame where the deadbolt plugs into it. You make your argument look silly when you say things like that.

    Carlson is not a reporter and does not do the mews as such, he is a pundit, commentator, whatever word you choose for it. He has NEVER allowed race to be an issue on his show and has warned many people that he does not like racism from anyone.

    He is skeptical of hate crimes, as are many, that the crime is a crime no matter the intent or color of both victim and participant. You obviously did not like the person if you beat them up or killed them. Pretty simple to understand actually.

    If you have ever watched his show, he does not demonize, he breaks down the action in a common sense kind of way, without the bias or talking points from either side.

    You and others cheapen the word Racist and racism when you use it for everything, especially when it is not even close to being true. It has become a good to word for those who do not like something, it is filed under racist or racism. People are starting to become deaf to the misuse of that term, and for good reason. A person who he does not agree with most time, Don Lemon, even came out and defended his cohort Tucker, if that does not throw out your whole racism rant, nothing will.

    Again, so you still think it is right for an angry mob to terrorize innocent women and children and to threaten them in their homes because they are not civilized or smart enough to do it on air? I guess it is good that my wife and kids are fully armed, usually at all times. The way the radical left is acting it may be the only way to protect themselves. Just last month I myself made a believer out of a punk who figured he would come and do harm to my daughter, he found out the hard way that a mad fat man with a 45 in his hand was not going to fall for his BS and he was the one who called the Sheriff crying that I was fixing to kill him. I called his bluff, and I suspect many of us are going to have to arm ourselves and give these radical assholes a lesson in manners, since there are many ignorant people out there who think attacking innocent people is okay.

  8. #23
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    I have to give you this Fred, you believe what you say and you believe in the left wing agenda. Thanks for being honest and hopefully some of those here who may not realize just how radical the left is becoming even as we speak might just give pause to realize where this country is heading.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  9. #24
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Honda contrary to those thinkers, I believe in the rule of law. Not one side or the other. However since so many of the folks don't understand this, I'll try one more time.

    If protestors damaged property they need to be punished. This guy doesn't think there are hate crimes, but as we have seen it happened and to him. If he want to spew his line of thinking and there are gullible people to swallow it so be it. They are the people that spew the hate this or that group. Seen it here many of time, gays, blacks, Jews or illegals. They may live in fear because or BS spread by one side or the other.

    Me, I'm too old to care what people think about my stance on issues. They maybe all right or completely wrong and if wrong I'll admit it.

    As to this example the guy's off his rocker if he thinks he can say stuff and it doesn't effect people. In this case the wrong types, and I sure some of those crossed the line according to what I read about the police reports.

    Bully someone and someone may stand up to them. Happened to his wife, he wasn't and neither was any of us there so all we are getting is the usual he said, she said.

    if I believe you Honda you want to give me some 1st amendment rights, which is words. Like my Mother used to say they will never hurt you. Standing up for what you believe is more important.

    I'll leave it at that.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  10. #25
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    Columbia, S.C.
    since there are many ignorant people out there who think attacking innocent people is okay.
    Innocent woman and children won't punch you in the mouth. These cowards that prey on the weak are nothing but cowards! That's who Fred and his ilk are, that's who they represent. That's who is trying to take control, that's who is pushing the right way to far right. There has to be civil communication or nothing will ever get done, we're headed to nothing when one side or the other resorts to violence, violence begets violence!
    This is your mind on drugs!

  11. #26
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Antifa are noted for cowardly moves. A favorite tactic for them is putting on their masks, sneaking up from behind in a crowd and hitting people in the head using a lock-in-a-sock.

    Here’s just the first article I found in a quick search. There are more —
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  12. #27
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    I pose a hypothetical to you Fred.

    A group of young people belonging to the christian coalition decide to deck themselves in all white garb, white masks and show up outside Don Lemon's home.
    They spray a big cross on his driveway. The begin to shout while standing on his lawn and driveway "Gay Gay go away" "Gay Gay go away" "Liberal Liberal leave our town" "Leave Now" "Leave now"......."Let's build a bomb"...."Sleep easy Gay boy" we are watching you". Would you have come on these forums and defended them to the extent you have defended these malcontents who harassed Carlson. Of course the answer is a resounding "NO", but I would like to hear your response anyway.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  13. #28
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    You won't get an answer to that Honda, nor if it was a bunch of radical women, or a group of radical Black Panthers. The only people it is okay to pick on without one bad word spoke against them is white people. You can talk bad about them, kill them, beat them up or torture them and it is okay. You even mention a word they do not like and all of a sudden you are a racist, homophobic, misogynist, xenophobe, you name it. Which means more and more white people just do not give a damn, we are going to be accused of it no matter what.

    These are the same ANTIFA assholes that were in Carolina, and Trump mentioned that there were bad people on both sides and the left fell in love with these beasts from hell. The hatred is reaching a boiling point and we are fixing to have the second civil war.

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