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Thread: Trump Says Deadly Force Will Be An Option Against Border Rock Trowers

  1. #1
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    Trump Says Deadly Force Will Be An Option Against Border Rock Trowers

    Good for him! Our border agents and troops should not be subject to injury, or death by stoning!
    President Trump just drew the line in the sand ... if the immigrants who are marching to the U.S. border throw rocks at our troops they will be shot.

    Trump said throwing rocks is like shooting firearms. He noted some of the immigrants in the caravan threw rocks at Mexican troops at the Mexican border, and it hurt some of the troops.

    Trump says he hopes our troops won't have to shoot, but he made it clear ... if they throw rocks -- to him, that's a deadly weapon and our soldiers can react with firepower.President Trump just drew the line in the sand ... if the immigrants who are marching to the U.S. border throw rocks at our troops they will be shot.

    Trump said throwing rocks is like shooting firearms. He noted some of the immigrants in the caravan threw rocks at Mexican troops at the Mexican border, and it hurt some of the troops.

    Trump says he hopes our troops won't have to shoot, but he made it clear ... if they throw rocks -- to him, that's a deadly weapon and our soldiers can react with firepower.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  2. #2
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    We keep reading about those microwave projector thingies that give mobs the hotfoot from a distance. I don’t know why we don’t read about us using them.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  3. #3
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    Great idea! Much better than killing some one . I wonder why we don't use them?
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  4. #4
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    That is a good idea, maybe set the dial to induce a migraine style headache and then play some loud music constantly. I do agree that we need to use rubber bullets or maybe beanbags to shoot at those who would be so brave as to toss rocks or molotov cocktails at border security. I have several good friends that retired from the Border Patrol and some of the stories they have told me would curl your hair, not to mention the ranchers that live far from town and have to deal with this all of the time.

  5. #5
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Shoot them, the hell with rubber bullets and hot feet, send hot lead they will stop throwing rocks, and it will be fewer people to fill out papers on. Time to stop coddling criminals.
    One of the other threads had an Iraqi that was already a citizen making bombs for the FBI. Why is it so hard for Mexicans to become citizens?
    This is your mind on drugs!

  6. #6
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    Many of them do not want to stay. They make money here and send it back home to their family to start a business there. I worked with a couple of guys in construction years ago who were working to buy bulls to mate with their cows on their land so they could become ranchers. Good idea and I respected their efforts right up to the point where one of them go drunk and hit another car, seriously injuring the woman who was in that car. He was arrested and went to jail, but he had a fake license and as soon as he was released he fled back to Mexico. Sadly that happens all of the time and with the politicians not allowing police to check IDs or look deeper into their background they can do this over and over again after a short stay in their Country.

  7. #7
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Many of them do not want to stay. They make money here and send it back home to their family to start a business there. I worked with a couple of guys in construction years ago who were working to buy bulls to mate with their cows on their land so they could become ranchers. Good idea and I respected their efforts right up to the point where one of them go drunk and hit another car, seriously injuring the woman who was in that car. He was arrested and went to jail, but he had a fake license and as soon as he was released he fled back to Mexico. Sadly that happens all of the time and with the politicians not allowing police to check IDs or look deeper into their background they can do this over and over again after a short stay in their Country.
    I've run Mexican crews more than I've run American crews when around this area, I'd much rather run the Mexicans. Early 2000's they started wanted more money than the regular help which were getting paid too little also. But the bosses said no more. They came and went, I stayed out of there personal business if I could but I still ended up helping a lot of them out. There were more of them I trusted with my back than the blacks and whites that's for sure.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  8. #8
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    I have worked with many a Mexican man, still do on a daily basis, and they can be the most hard working, loyal, show up everyday workers one could ever want to be around. They also can not stand a lazy person working around them either, which is why many do not get along with blacks so much, and damn sure no sissy white boys, I have had to break up many a disagreement because of that reason. The mexican figures if he is going to bust his ass, you are going to as well. I can relate to that type of thinking and it goes along with my oilfield "Can't work, Can't stay" upbringing.

    These guys are not a burden on the system and are paying their own way and are worried that the influx of cheap labor will make their wages go down as well, but then again, that is not in the minds of the liberals who are pushing for this caravan thing. These men have learned a skilled trade, in a very dangerous job market, whether it be construction or oilfield work, and are not happy that all of a sudden their cause has been dropped by politicians and somebody else is now their prize.

  9. #9
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    Deadly physical Force should not be used by our military in the current or soon-to-be border issue.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  10. #10
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    In the Village...
    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    Deadly physical Force should not be used by our military in the current or soon-to-be border issue.
    The military is not trained to shoot to wound...Their own lives will be in danger if they can't respond to a threat in the manner in which they were trained...If they're not allowed to do their jobs, then why the hell would they be there?......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  11. #11
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    No means no, whether it be a woman saying No to a man or to foreigners trying to break into our Country by force. If the woman pulled out a gun and made sure her NO is fully understood, I feel the same way about any of our LEO's or service members using their weapons to make sure No is fully understood there.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    The military is not trained to shoot to wound...Their own lives will be in danger if they can't respond to a threat in the manner in which they were trained...If they're not allowed to do their jobs, then why the hell would they be there?......Ben
    Said another way hey you totally disagree with the military being placed on the border.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  13. #13
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    In the Village...
    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    Said another way hey you totally disagree with the military being placed on the border.
    Wrong...Or take it from the source if you'd rather...

    I fully support our military units as they follow the commands laid down by the civilian authorities under the direction of the Secretary of Defense...If you disagree with the direction they take, you have the option of using your vote to replace the directors......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  14. #14
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    I fully support the military's use of deadly force to protect themselves from miscreants who initiate the use of deadly force, and further to use what force is necessary to protect themselves from those who use force against them.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  15. #15
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Incidentally, from what I heard Trump say on the issue, he never said our troops would fire on rock throwers, he merely said the throwers would be treated as if they had fired on our troops. The hysterical TDS’s filled in the rest.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

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