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Thread: Thoughts On “Caminata del Migrante (March of the Migrants)?”

  1. #76
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    Don't see much they can do under the law if they attempt to cross a border point and claim amnesty.

    As for the Tx's idea of face planting them that makes as much sense as face planting you for driving over the speed limit. Zero.

    As for the fine:

    Oh to be so afraid.

    I still say document them, fingerprint them and background check, and if they pass then offer them a SS card and a work permit. No benefits until they are a citizen. Think of all the black-market Bs of phony SS cards/work permits out there gone in one place. Besides who's going to pay for your SS later in life?
    I am confused about what you said about them claiming amnesty. What were they convicted of that they could claim amnesty for? If I understand the word it is something given and not claimed. If there is another meaning for amnesty, please tell me. I'm always willing to learn.

  2. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabe View Post
    I am confused about what you said about them claiming amnesty. What were they convicted of that they could claim amnesty for? If I understand the word it is something given and not claimed. If there is another meaning for amnesty, please tell me.
    Bob, I believe Fred, in his headlong rush to bankrupt the US Treasury, is referring to "asylum," which to Democrat ears has the same sweet tone as "amnesty" and "sanctuary"...I'm sure Fred will accept our apologies for our own ignorance......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    So, you are inviting criminals into our country. That's what they are, Fred, criminals as soon as they make improper entry into our country. To me that means they are of low moral value and likely to commit more crimes while they are here. We already have plenty of criminals as it is.

    Maybe I shouldn't complain - they are job security for people in my line of work!

    [added on edit] note to self - quit feeding him!
    I agree with you Mike, they KNOW they are breaking the law and do not care one bit. They also do not mind breaking ANY other of our laws as well.

    He is a bottom feeder so he can still get full off of the stuff that sank to the floor.

  4. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    What part about checking them out did you guys miss?
    There are no formal paperwork for the US officials to check. You think their home govt has paperwork they are going to send anybody in the US? Foolish idea, but I guess it sounds good to the ignorant.

    That is as dumb an idea as asking the taliban or ISIS to send the documents to us so we can do background checks. The best way they have to identify as to who is who, is to see if a village elder remembers the person being born and if he herded goats with him during any season. That whole idea of being able to check backgrounds of anybody from a third world country is laughable at best, stupid at its finest.

  5. #80
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    One thing that gets me is that for the last 2 years we have heard so much about how foreigners interfered with our elections and now that the Dems can get all of these free votes by giving all sorts of welfare, it is okay for foreigners to "interfere"??

  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    There are no formal paperwork for the US officials to check. You think their home govt has paperwork they are going to send anybody in the US? Foolish idea, but I guess it sounds good to the ignorant.

    ... That whole idea of being able to check backgrounds of anybody from a third world country is laughable at best, stupid at its finest.
    Boing, boing!

    Not so incidentally, when those who are released willy-nilly into the country to await Immigration Court hearings for years on their asylum claims finally are adjudicated should they come willingly or be chased down, only a minute percentage prevail. The whole comical process is a giant goat rope.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  7. #82
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    Don't like the law then change it.

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    stayed alive."

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  8. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    Don't like the law then change it.
    Good talking point but when it takes a very large majority, which includes BOTH sides, nothing gets done and the can gets kicked down the road. Maybe you and others will feel different when it is your family or close friends that are harmed by the despots that hide in amongst the people that may need help. Of course until it is your family member that gets into a wreck and killed or maybe beaten or raped by one of the illegals, you will still stand on your soapbox and throw rocks at us who would like to prevent as much of that crap as we can.

  9. #84
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    President Trump said he is going to suspend the “catch & release” approach for those waiting for their Immigration Court hearings to adjudicate their claims of asylum status and house the arrivals in tent areas. My suggestion is that these immigrants be jumped ahead of the 2-3 year waiting line and given very speedy hearings. He could set up the court hearing sites in the tent areas. Bingo-Bango-Bongo...gone! A major attraction which keeps ‘em coming is knowing how lax the process is now and how long an accounting will take, plus the option of getting lost in the meantime. If economic migration is rapidly foiled and prospective migrants see some futility in their efforts, I would speculate a rather large diminishment of those testing our borders.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  10. #85
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    Last I saw there was 750,000 cases waiting to be heard.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

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  11. #86
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    It is my understanding that you have to accept asylum in the first country that you enter if it is available.

    It is also my understanding that Mexico has offered asylum, jobs and health care for those in the “ caravan “.

    BUT, they don’t want that. They want the U.S. where they can get in on the many available programs. Free housing, food ,health care, education and others.

    Since asylum has been offered, I see no reason for the U.S. to accept any requests for such. Round them up and haul them back.

  12. #87
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    For those thinkers out there:

    From the 1951 Refugee Convention
    There is nothing in international law to say that refugees must claim asylum in the first country they reach.
    That an EU Judge ruled first country doesn't apply.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  13. #88
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    I do not think “first country” is currently the U.S. rule, in fact, I think it is not, but one of the changes talked about in any new law Fred snidely challenges to be passed is an applicant here is disqualified if he or she fails to request same in countries through which they travel to get here. I do not know how that comports with any international compacts of which we are signatory or what kind of President is imposed on the U.S. by a ruling of a Euro judge. I am in favor of such a rule, which goes w/o saying.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  14. #89
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    Well if they are claiming they are leaving because the place they came from is too dangerous, when Mexico offered them a way to stay and work there, they were no longer in danger. WHich also maens they are safe and no longer in any peril, so they must be returned to where they came from, which in this case is Mexico.

    I like that Trump has decided to set up tent cities and will house them right there. That is how it is done in other places, refugees cross over the border and live in areas the host Country has set aside for them. Now, the accommodations are far from the Ritz Carlton but they are safe and have some shelter. Possibly more could be done as to bathrooms and showers but they are not being hacked to death with machetes or dodging bullets. The point is, no matter what, you do not get to illegally enter the USA and then run willy-nilly anywhere your heart desires.

    Consider this, the Dems have made it a point to fine companies thousands of dollars for hiring an illegal, so that means they can not legally work. Second, if people are willing to hire them anyway, they are going to pay them almost nothing, which is unfair and is taking advantage of a people who are already having a hard time. So how can they make the claim that they want to illegally enter our Coutry to find work, when it is illegal for a company here to hire them. Does that make any sense? Remember, we are a nation of laws, that is what makes us special, them breaking those laws is exactly what we are against.

  15. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Independent Voter View Post
    It is my understanding that you have to accept asylum in the first country that you enter if it is available.

    It is also my understanding that Mexico has offered asylum, jobs and health care for those in the “ caravan “.

    BUT, they don’t want that. They want the U.S. where they can get in on the many available programs. Free housing, food ,health care, education and others.

    Since asylum has been offered, I see no reason for the U.S. to accept any requests for such. Round them up and haul them back.
    I have read that many thousands have taken that offer.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
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    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

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