Spread the fear Fred? WTF do you even stand for? Are you an opponent for law and order or are you one that likes law and order? You can not be both, you either respect the laws and abide by them or you are in favor of having no laws whatsoever.

In the case of corruption and lawlessness, is that not the very reason these people say they are fleeing their homeland? Is it okay for them to wipe their ass with our laws and ignore them? We have a legal means of entering this Country, in fact every Country has their own legal laws for people to enter their own sovereign territory. Mexico itself has rules for entering their Country....do you not remember the Marine that mistakenly made a wrong turn and ended up chained to a bed in a Mexican jail, while being repeatedly beaten? Was that how you want us to act? I will bet money we can find enough anti immigrant people to go in and whip the **** out of these criminals and treat them in the same manner the Marine was. WIthout laws, that is okay with you? I mean, if we are going to ****can one law why not ****can the whole bunch of them?

That is what gets me about liberals, they try to make laws they like and not follow the ones the do not like. That is not how laws work, you either follow them and change the ones you do not like by voting, or you just deal with and follow the laws on the books. You do not get to pick and choose, without consequences, the ones you choose to follow. That is why we have them, to prevent vigilante justice, but it looks like we may need to use some Charles Bronson style justice, so that the stupid people figure out no means no.