My daughters ex, who has had a history of beating her up decided he was going to come by our place tonight. He has a restraining order on him and the outside dogs went to barking so my daughter got up to see. She said "Dad its him, so I jumped up grabbed my pistol and headed out the door. He was already backing down the driveway, we live about 1/2 mile off of the paved road and the house is not visible because of the trees.

I walked down the road with a 45 in my hand by my side until he got to far. I went back to my truck and went looking for him. He was hiding behind some trees on the property next door to me and was backing his truck up as I passed to stay concealed. I got out of the truck and asked him what he was doing on my place and he gave me a lie. I did not know if it was him or not as I had only seen him one time before.

The sheriff's finally showed up as both he and my daughters had made separate calls to the sheriff. SInce I had the gun in the truck they had more questions for me than they did for him at first. Long story short, I did not get arrested and he was warned very sternly to never set foot on my property ever again. Since he had been warned by the sheriff once I will be pressing charges for trespassing. I got my gun back, unloaded of course, with a warning of my own. Bottom line, I do not whine and complain when men are physically assaulting my daughters, I act. Some may need to take notes. I know that dipstick had better.