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Thread: Well I managed to avoid jail today

  1. #1
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    Well I managed to avoid jail today

    My daughters ex, who has had a history of beating her up decided he was going to come by our place tonight. He has a restraining order on him and the outside dogs went to barking so my daughter got up to see. She said "Dad its him, so I jumped up grabbed my pistol and headed out the door. He was already backing down the driveway, we live about 1/2 mile off of the paved road and the house is not visible because of the trees.

    I walked down the road with a 45 in my hand by my side until he got to far. I went back to my truck and went looking for him. He was hiding behind some trees on the property next door to me and was backing his truck up as I passed to stay concealed. I got out of the truck and asked him what he was doing on my place and he gave me a lie. I did not know if it was him or not as I had only seen him one time before.

    The sheriff's finally showed up as both he and my daughters had made separate calls to the sheriff. SInce I had the gun in the truck they had more questions for me than they did for him at first. Long story short, I did not get arrested and he was warned very sternly to never set foot on my property ever again. Since he had been warned by the sheriff once I will be pressing charges for trespassing. I got my gun back, unloaded of course, with a warning of my own. Bottom line, I do not whine and complain when men are physically assaulting my daughters, I act. Some may need to take notes. I know that dipstick had better.

  2. #2
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    In the Village...
    The responding deputy could have issued a criminal trespass warning on the spot if all the evidence supported it...You can still request one I believe...I've done it before......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Columbia, S.C.
    Running after somebody with a gun is not acting very smart. If he had pulled a gun and you shot him you'd have definitely been in jail. You went after him he was defending himself would have been the portrayal. Use your head next time and drag him back up on to your property before you do anything.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    The responding deputy could have issued a criminal trespass warning on the spot if all the evidence supported it...You can still request one I believe...I've done it before......Ben
    I did just that Ben. He gave me the report to fill out and I came back inside and did it. He was warned by Sheriff on two separate occasions, he lives 150 miles away, so he can not just claim he was "passing by". Plus I do not live in the city and my road ends at my house, you do not just "drive by" on the way to the grocery store. Deputy said he would either come by tomorrow and pick it up or since my wife works across the hall from the sheriffs office, she can drop it off. He has beat up my daughter twice and the second time put her in the hospital, she has moved back in with us and is making a fresh start. He will NOT get to her again.

    Mike he was on my property almost the entire time. We have 24 acres and I own the road all the way back to the house. I was only protecting myself as he also owns a firearm. It was for my protection if he got a little stupider. If I wanted to just randomly shoot him, I would have used a deer rifle from a distance, no sense in letting them get any closer than necessary.

  5. #5
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    Columbia, S.C.
    You couldn't think of a place on 24 acres to bury the SOB? knowing now that he came 150 miles to beat up my daughter AGAIN I probably wouldn't have had your good sense.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  6. #6
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    I never said that, in fact I have several places in mind.

  7. #7
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    Deep inside the Central Scrutinizer.
    Is it not legal to have gun in your vehicle in Tx?

  8. #8
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    Yes it is legal and I was on my own property. The problem was the little prick is a sociopath narcissist and he called the sheriff acting like he was scared to death saying I was threatening to shoot him. Ny daughter left him and took the baby with her after he repeatedly beat the hell out of her. He has been hacking into her social media accounts and email accounts, as well as stalking her friends and family trying to track her down.

    The sheriff that responded only heard his side of the story that he told the dispatcher and did not realize that my daughter had also called in as well. We got it all sorted out, but it was a bit intense there for a few minutes. He has a history of beating women and playing the victim and he is a good actor. My local LEO's now know his game, and it helps that my wife works in the County Clerks office and knows all of them personally. They are now keeping an eye out for him and will respond quickly to arrest him if he trespasses again. There is no way he can get within even seeing my house as we are way back in the trees and I actually own the road that goes about 1/4 to 1/2 a mile back to our place. He can not get withing a half mile at the very least.

    His history of assaulting women will stop now, or at least with my family will stop now.

  9. #9
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    As a start, it sounds like you could use a good gate.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  10. #10
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    Probably, but I will let some one else tell my dear wife that she is going to have to open and close said gate rain or shine and in the ice of winter. There are 3 other houses that use a potion of the same road that I have granted an easement to. They have county road access but they had an agreement with the previous owner that I bought the property from. We all chip in and maintain it so it has not been a problem up until now.

  11. #11
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Your shared road is different, but I once had my farm with a similar road to the houses. The property was fenced, but there was no gate on the road. I left it ungated until an incident not unlike yours caused me to build one. Fortunately, there was a power poll nearby, so when I decided to build a gate entrance, I could install an electric one with remotes in all my cars. If you have nearby power, perhaps you and your neighbors could share the expenses and multiple remote controllers. I’m sure solar power is a possibility, but more expensive.

    Such an arraignment might give some peace of mind and put a level of difficulty in the face of miscreants. Your daughter’s tormentor is not the only scumbag out there.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  12. #12
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    Tx, read and understand Texas Penal Code, Chapter 9. It explains what you can and cannot do. Of course, there is always a chance an overzealous or ignorant cop might not follow the law, but at least you will have the law on your side if you don't exceed the boundaries.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  13. #13
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    I really did not have any problems with the deputy sheriffs that showed up, they were a little tense at first until I willfully told them the gun was in my truck and waited for them to go and get it. Then after explaining all the facts of the situation as well as the past history, we all got along well. I volunteered to go stand by the back of my truck while the deputy took a statement from my daughter as well as the bozo that was not supposed to be there to begin with. When it was my turn, he had pretty much figured out why everything had happened. The last time he beat my daughter, the officer that came to the house answering the 911 call, was the one who called the ambulance and actually pressed the charges, because it was so horrific. He could plainly see the bruises on her neck where he had attempted to choke the life out of her.

    I took that as a "reasonable cause" to not trust this guy period. He was served with orders to avoid anywhere that my daughter and her baby were and to avoid my property all together. I also consider any and all breaches of that warning he was given is a deliberate attempt to physically or mentally harm her or the baby again. If I can prevent any of it, I will. I will not go hunt him down as I do not consider him worth my time, the best way is if he avoids me and my family completely, but as we have learned from some of his other ex wives, this is his MO.

    I do not think he has ever been through what I did to him, as he was extremely shaken at the thought of how close he had truly come to having most of his head blown off and very large 45 cal hollow point slugs through the middle of his chest and abdominal region. He did not stick around after the deputy that was talking to him released him and warned him to never return. That is not normal for him at all, he relishes the thought of scaring his victims. This big Texas boy does not scare easily and he saw that, he also knows that I will not allow him to get close to my family ever again. He served his false fake papers from another County, which turned out to be ironic, he was serving a Court ordered restraining order so my daughter would stay away from him! He had to drive at least 150 miles to get to us, my daughter was the victim in both instances and he has had numerous violent charges, as well as drug and alcohol charges filed on him and he has served jail time for those. The deputy's when finding all of this out, were much more relaxed and sympathetic to what we had been through. It was real easy to check as my daughter had filed for a restraining order from him a month ago in their very offices.

    Thanks for the penal code Mike, I will keep that handy and hopefully I will never need to use any force other than to let the court handle it.

  14. #14
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Nave you taught the daughter to shoot, you wife? I think you answered that but I can't remember now
    This is your mind on drugs!

  15. #15
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    They all know how to shoot.

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