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Thread: Well as I completely expected

  1. #76
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    She has not proved that he was even at the party. Nothing else matters until that fact is proven, period. She might have been at a party, some guy might have grabbed her boob, but some guy and Kavanaugh are not even close to being the same thing. He was not spotted at said party, so the first fact is false or is yet to be proven. That is what normal people are looking at, not saying it didnt happen, but it did not happen with the person she is saying it was.

  2. #77
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    With regard to the charge of Kavanaugh showing less than a proper judicial temperament, I practiced trial law for 30+ years in front of hundreds of judges, and I will guarantee you unequivocally that zero of them would react in less than the outrage Kavanaugh exhibited if I accused them of attempted rape, gang rape, obscene exposure and being evil in general. None would be calm, cool, and measured in the face of personal attack, even those who under ordinary judicial circumstance are of the most calm and cerebral of temperament. I have been threatened merely for interrupting them.

    If I did anything like that with any judge, my next words would be from lockup.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  3. #78
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    Just another change of tactics from the left, they are doing nothing but trying to delay and cause chaos. When their lies are confronted, they have to change the lie and start again. Even Dem pundits have admitted that they have overplayed their hand. They are probably getting a real look at the voter outrage and those that are truly vulnerable are not liking the way the radical left leadership is acting.

    Kavanaugh has every right to be pissed at the malicious lies that have been floated about him. He and his very innocent family have been threatened and his wife and daughters lives have been upended. To think that sitting Senators would put those women through that type of circus only solidifies the fact that those miscreants do not belong in the Govt of the United States of America. The position and the job dictates that they be better than that, be above the childish behavior of the protesters and bring some calm to any situation regarding very important work done on behalf of the American people. Instead we get the worst type of example that one could ever dream up. The entire political system in our Country is either corrupt or ignorant of what the Constitution says they are there for, and they all need to be ousted.

  4. #79
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    Seems like the ex of Ford has sent a letter saying that she has lied under oath. I guess the past can haunt more than one party.

    In a written declaration released Tuesday and obtained by Fox News, an ex-boyfriend of Christine Blasey Ford, the California professor accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, directly contradicts her testimony under oath last week that she had never helped anyone prepare for a polygraph examination.
    The former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, also said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from about 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her "life-long best friend" prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman, Monica McLean, had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office.
    He further claimed that Ford never voiced any fear of flying (even while aboard a propeller plane) and seemingly had no problem living in a "very small," 500 sq. ft. apartment with one door -- apparently contradicting her claims that she could not testify promptly in D.C. because she felt uncomfortable traveling on planes, as well as her suggestion that her memories of Kavanuagh's alleged assault prompted her to feel unsafe living in a closed space or one without a second front door.
    Ford "never expressed a fear of closed quarters, tight spaces, or places with only one exit," the former boyfriend wrote.
    However, on Thursday, Ford testified, "I was hoping to avoid getting on an airplane. But I eventually was able to get up the gumption with the help of some friends and get on the plane." She also acknowledged regularly -- and, in her words, "unfortunately" -- traveling on planes for work and hobbies.
    And Ford explicitly told Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on Thursday that she had a second front door installed in her home because of "anxiety, phobia and PTSD-like symptoms" that she purportedly suffered in the wake of Kavanaugh's alleged attack at a house party in the 1980s -- "more especially, claustrophobia, panic and that type of thing."
    In a pointed, no-holds-barred letter Tuesday evening that referenced the ex-boyfriend's declaration, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley demanded that attorneys for Ford turn over her therapist notes and other key materials, and suggested she was intentionally less than truthful about her experience with polygraph examinations during Thursday's dramatic Senate hearing.
    "Your continued withholding of material evidence despite multiple requests is unacceptable as the Senate exercises its constitutional responsibility of advice and consent for a judicial nomination," Grassley, R-Iowa, wrote.
    Under questioning from experienced sex-crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell last week, Ford said that she had "never" had "any discussions with anyone ... on how to take a polygraph" or "given any tips or advice to anyone who was looking to take a polygraph test." She repeatedly said the process of taking her own polygraph in August was stressful and uncomfortable, although she testified she could not remember if she took the test on the same day as her grandmother's funeral, or the next day.

  5. #80
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    Good stuff!

    Tucker Carlson Op ED: HERE
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  6. #81
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    At this point I am willing to lose Kavanaugh provided Red State Democrat senators are forced to vote against the nomination. Red State Democrat senators are up against it at this point facing an electorate predominately favoring Kavanaugh and having the issue most likely be determinative in the vote. If they vote “no” on the nomination of Kavanaugh, the incumbent Democrat senators in Indiana, West Virginia, North Dakota, Missouri, and perhaps both Montana & Florida seriously risk defeat and pick-ups by the Republicans. For me, I am happy to sacrifice Kavanaugh for more R’pub senators. We have a dozen replacement nominees standing in line that the Democrats would hate just as much and for good reason, so no loss. This, I think, is why McConnell is forcing the vote. If the R’pubs can get a few more reliable votes, they can then stuff their “moderate” unreliables in a niche, obviate their usual political blackmail schemes, put up another SCOTUS nominee, and go on down the road.

    As much as I like Kavanaugh, and would like to stuff D’rat low rent tactics, I would like increased numbers of (R) senators more. It goes w/o saying that the best result would be forcing “no” votes from vulnerable D’rat senators, plus winning the Kavanaugh nomination.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  7. #82
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    I like Tucker, he gives no quarter to those who would get loud with the BS slinging. Now that the results of the FBI "investigation" has been handed over to Congress, they mush have found nothing new as they did not request to interview either Kavanaugh or Ford. That is a sure sign that nothing was found.

    I did hear a new allegation today, it has been reported that Brett was naked in front of three nurses shortly after he was born. Still waiting on Spartacus to command the podium and demand this new accusation be thoroughly looked at.

  8. #83
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Where the hell did Ford live that only had one door? A Home Depot building? I'm pretty sure at least 49 out of fifty states require two doors in residential property's, they even require at least one window that can be easily removed and crawled out of when said room is at the end of a hall. Fred I think can spell out a little better the code requiring escape from a residence.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  9. #84
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    The issue is over adding a door in the front of the house. Certainly there were other doors in the back and/or side. Her whole theme is that being allegedly locked in the room during the monstrous groping episode so traumatized her that she was/is a nervous wreck without a ready means of escape, such as on an airplane or in a house without multiple means of escape. Subsequent revelations to her testimonies have cast high doubt on that.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  10. #85
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    She was accosted on the second floor, looks like she would want a fire escape if it were a two story. Seriously, a big difference is, you control who you let into your own home. Do not let anybody into your own domicile that you think may be shady, do not allow drunken guests and have other means to exit in emergency if needed. The problem with exits is that they can also be entry points for crooks and robbers.

    I find it hard to believe that this person has a doctorate degree, but is severely paranoid about something.

  11. #86
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    Saw something that was posted by Candace Owens, a black female Repub and she put another perspective out there to ponder. it said.....


    The last time a mob of white liberals demanded that we believe women without due process, our ancestors were hung from trees
    Under no circumstance should we allow this radical feminism to persist."

  12. #87
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    The swamp connections of the Chrisy Ford team become more apparent everyday. Ford’s best friend, Monica McClean, the person identified as a person Ford coached on how to pass a polygraph test by one of Ford’s long term boyfriends (McClean has denied it), is a career FBI/DOJ agent/lawyer who was present with Ford in Delaware (did she fly there?), when the letters were composed to Feinstein and her Congress woman. We now know McClean is represented by a lawyer who was deep into the Carter Page FISA charade. The dots in the Deep State cabal all seem to connect when tracked down.

    Oh, Leyland Keyser, the other girl who Ford said was at the party, gave emails from McClean to the FBI, which Keyser complains were attempts to pressure her to change her story according to reports in the WSJ.
    Last edited by wacojoe; 10-05-2018 at 11:18 AM.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  13. #88
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    In the Village...
    Quote Originally Posted by mgrist View Post
    Where the hell did Ford live that only had one door?
    I saw a reference to Ford today as "Two-Door Ford"......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    I saw a reference to Ford today as "Two-Door Ford"......Ben

  15. #90
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    The rumor I also heard was that somebody was going to also have a business operating out of the house, and for tax or business purposes, the law says she had to have an extra door for the business. Don't know how accurate that is but it would be another lie that has been exposed if this is indeed true. I see the votes were 51-49 with Manchin voting yes. Wonder which Repub scumbag opted out? They should have their ass run off as this was a huge scam.

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