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Thread: Well as I completely expected

  1. #61
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    Yes there are a few Dems running in states where Trump won, that might want to rethink their votes. As far as the evidence goes, Kavanaugh won that part handily, the 3 "witnesses" and only proof that Ford had, all came out and denied what she said about him even being at the party. Another shining example of her "weirdness" is she lied about the whole flying paranoia. I can't be there on Monday because I have to drive because of my fear of flying....BS, come to find out she has flown all over the world.

    Second for me was what triggered the trip to the therapist to begin with...I'm sorry but arguing with your husband over the need for a second front door, so you can escape from your home was way out there for me. Most homes have at the very least a front door as well as a back, not to mention possibly even patio doors going out of the master bedroom. I would think that somebody gaining entrance to the house would be more of a concern, since you as the homeowner control who you willingly let into your home. If you let some guest in that is going to attack you, maybe you need to rethink who your friends are.

    Third, the only game plan that the Dems wanted her for, was to push the agenda of an FBI investigation. They used that woman, whether it was because after their initial meeting with her and decided that she was half a bubble off, or just needed an excuse to play their games, it was shameful. The extensive push for another FBI investigation was laughable at the very least, there have been 6 of them already over many different years and different POTUS admins, Kavanaugh was well known, he was not someone new on their radar. That was probably the dumbest point that they could ever have planned.

    The other thing that really burned me up was that idiot Blumenthal, talking about the phrase about lying. He was outed as a liar years ago when he claimed he was a Vietnam vet fighting in Country, when it was brought up that he had never set foot in Vietnam. So if his phrase of lie once, consider the rest lies, should have alone disqualified that fool from even being on the committee to begin with.

    They will vote today and with the defeat of their big plan of making Kavanaugh look bad, they will have him confirmed. The hell that the Dems put that mans wife, 2 daughters, and many of his female friends through, not to mention the man himself, was an outright and complete failure. In my opinion all of the committee members should be voted off of their seats as the Dem party is not being properly represented by those idiots. We need better government and it starts with those who would play these types of political games with the lives of American citizens. They used Dr Ford, who is obviously mentally incapacitated in some way, and may have been raped or assaulted back in her day. I am not saying she was not a victim, but in this case Kavanaugh was NOT the one that did it. I came out of it feeling the opposite of angry at her for all of this baloney, she has some problems and in a way I do feel sorry for her. My anger is directed more at the Dem party, who would further divide us as Americans, permanently affect the lives of 2 young Kavanaugh girls and make a mockery of our system, for nothing more than a game. Seriously stupid on their part.

  2. #62
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    ...Second for me was what triggered the trip to the therapist to begin with...I'm sorry but arguing with your husband over the need for a second front door, so you can escape from your home was way out there for me. Most homes have at the very least a front door as well as a back, not to mention possibly even patio doors going out of the master bedroom. I would think that somebody gaining entrance to the house would be more of a concern, since you as the homeowner control who you willingly let into your home. If you let some guest in that is going to attack you, maybe you need to rethink who your friends are.
    Now, this is revealed —

    Christine Blasey Ford told the US Senate Judiciary Committee that the memories of Brett Kavanaugh “first came up” when she went into counseling in 2012. In May 2012 Ford and her husband argued over her desire to add “a second front door” to their home. Ford told the committee on Thursday the desire for a second door was because Brett Kavanaugh made her “claustrophobic.”

    But there may have been something else…

    As Paul Sperry reported on Thursday night. The Palo Alto building permits were issued to Ford and her husband in 2008 — NOT 2012...
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  3. #63
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    Oh wonderful, another lie by this star witness. I also see that the little bitch Sen Flake caved to the Dems and wants to have another FBI investigation. WHy is that clown even on this committee if he is going to leave in November?

  4. #64
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    Kavanaugh passes committee vote 11-10. Next stop, the full Senate for a confirmation!
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  5. #65
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    Well now if Collins and Murkowski would do what was proper, he would be working in a few weeks. Good job to 10 of the Senators. WHo knows how Flake will flop after it gets to a full senate vote. I suspect a few of the more vulnerable Dems might cross over.

  6. #66
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    Trump is way too unpredictable. Now, when everything is going his way on Kavanough, he orders another FBI investigation and delays the vote for at least a week. What the hell is wrong with him?..
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  7. #67
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    In the Village...
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post

    Trump is way too unpredictable. Now, when everything is going his way on Kavanough, he orders another FBI investigation and delays the vote for at least a week. What the hell is wrong with him?..
    When I saw the hearing adjourned by Grassley, he said he would ask Trump for exactly that...It looks like Trump complied...Maybe he just doesn't want to give the Democrats something else to complain about......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  8. #68
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    The Dems are gong to whine either way. This just shuts them up for a while. I am not real happy about it either but they now have to sit down shut up and enjoy the ride.

  9. #69
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    Columbia, S.C.
    The push we got from Lindsey Graham is toast now. Trump is an idiot, the Dems now have another week to figure out who they can blackmail to get the vote they want. Probably be another dozen women lined up that just remembered something.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  10. #70
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    If they succeed in derailing Kavanaugh might I suggest that Trump nominate Hilliary for the position, it seems it will be the only way she gets investigated.

  11. #71
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Articles are appearing from people delving into the background of Christine Blasey Ford and they are finding her representation of herself as a “psychologist” does not comport with the law. She apparently has never been licensed in California or anywhere else this person can find.

    I think the FBI should start their investigation of this contretemps with a focus on the complainant and on Senator Feinstein who, to this day, has refused to turn over the initiating document. The first action of the agents should be to knock on Feinstein’s door and demand “The Letter.” One can only assume there is something in it of relevance that the Ford Team does not want us to see. Any investigations starts with the start, right? The Letter started it all.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  12. #72
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Articles are appearing from people delving into the background of Christine Blasey Ford and they are finding her representation of herself as a “psychologist” does not comport with the law. She apparently has never been licensed in California or anywhere else this person can find.

    I think the FBI should start their investigation of this contretemps with a focus on the complainant and on Senator Feinstein who, to this day, has refused to turn over the initiating document. The first action of the agents should be to knock on Feinstein’s door and demand “The Letter.” One can only assume there is something in it of relevance that the Ford Team does not want us to see. Any investigations starts with the start, right? The Letter started it all.
    That's the way it should go, the way you'd expect it to go but it won't, it never does. They could quite possibly end this whole charade were it such by simply asking for the letter but that won't happen. There are to many; "I owe you one" going around. What else would allow all these lawyers to constantly circumvent the law unless both sides are doing it in unison. They know the law but won't or can't? use it? The good ole boys never left after all.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  13. #73
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    Heck while we are at it, lets do 40 year old background and criminal checks on all members of Congress.

    I also read an article today, where the State of Maryland could have opened an investigation all on their own if asked. They have no statute of limitations on sex offenses, although what the Dems say he did was considered a misdemeanor back in the 80's when the alleged event happened. The report also said, with the evidence that was presented, they would never have pressed any charges, as there was nothing to go on.

  14. #74
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    As this play unfolds, we have now learned that one of Christine Blasey Ford’s published articles, while she was contracted with the CIA, was on how to self-hypnotise and “create artificial situations.”

    ...One of Christine Blasey Ford’s research articles in 2008 included a study on self-hypnosis.

    The practice of self-hypnosis is used to retrieve important memories and “create artificial situations.”...
    We are also learning someone wiped her criminal records, which appear to be of a minor nature, yet this was done before she even wrote her Congresswoman and allegedly professed a desire for anonymity, although no one has been permitted to see “The Letter” even though it was sent to a public official charging a criminal act by another public official. What in that letter is there to hide, one must ask? She was obviously being groomed for notoriety well before allegedly demanding anonymity. Further proof of a well-orchestrated scheme hidden for months and sprung to delay.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  15. #75
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    letter was provided to Grassley last Thurs

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

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