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Thread: Well as I completely expected

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    This has been bugging me and I thought I would ask a question, since we the men, who had nothing to do with any of this and were probably not with 1000 miles of where you lived, are being blamed for this. Excuse me, all men are being blamed for this animal attacking your sister. What did you do about it? What did anybody in your family or close friends do about it? If you and they did absolutely nothing at all, why is it somehow our fault, just because we are males?

    I am sorry that happened to your sister, or any woman for that matter and I am a firm believer in vigilante justice if nothing else is done by law enforcement. Any man, especially the father of a teenage daughter, who would try to rape their own child is one sick son of a bitch. He deserves to either get the baseball bat treatment to the bones of the legs and arms, basically crippling them, or my favorite, nailing their pecker to a wooden picnic table and setting the table on fire, leaving nothing but a butter knife on the table as a means for escape. They can cut it off themselves or burn to death makes no difference to me.

    Now that I have tried to express how horrible I feel the person should die, I also hope you realize how serious I take accusations of this type. Having a person wrongfully accuse another of some atrocious sexual act rates right up there at the top of my list of no-nos. A teenager trying to get to second base and being turned down is not in that category. If it went any further than that, then yes. Report it to the authorities, a friend, teacher, priest, or someone that could provide protection for the child as punish the culprit. Not saying a word is not something that is going to make the story believable, sorry. I also realize that at those times the stress level and being scared to death also comes into play, but at some point something needs to be done and it starts with telling the story.

    The culture that repeatedly downplays the effects on a woman being sexually assaulted. Our culture says what did the girl do to cause what happened, how did she dress, why did she drink, why didn't she report. I recently read an article by woman who tells of a man groping her on the street while telling her he was going to rape her. Her reaction was embarrassment, looking to see if anyone saw her get her breast grabbed at the bus stop. All she could think was, go to work, act normal. She felt ashamed of crying in the restroom at work.

    At 15, at a party any young girl would feel they couldn't tell their parents, because the question would have been, "how could you be so stupid, to put yourself in that situation??" Parents fear the possibility of their daughter being asked in court, what signals she sent, has she ever made out with a boy, was she known for being loose. Our entire social system says girls are a distraction to boys, school dress codes reflect it.

    When I write about sexual assault, why do you feel defensive if you don't see the culture that exists?

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  2. #47
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    You want to be equal, well take the reins! If something happens tell somebody, whether it be an adult or a friend that can help, but sitting around doing nothing will never fix anything. Saying that they were embarrassed is a bull**** excuse. Stand up for yourself, tell a man who you trust to protect you, be it an uncle, grandpa or just a close friend. Sure, when you get home and your parents find out where yu were and what you might have done, they will be pissed. Same goes for a boys parents, if he is caught doing something stupid, he gets his ass reamed when he gets home. That is equal, both sexes get into trouble for making bad decisions, that is called growing up!

    Why can't you see the culture that exists? You hate all men for the despicable things a very bad few. We all do not treat women like crap, we respect our wives, mothers, daughters and any other female member of, not only our family but society. What you are doing is just as bad as the few bastards that actually treat women bad. Tell one of us good guys, I can tell you right now that we will handle the asshole and you will not be harmed. The way you are going about it, almost guarantees that nobody will want to help you, and that is a shame.

    The liberal left is not taking up for women, how does making rap artists popular, who regularly degrade women by calling them bitches and whores and glorifying the slapping or beating of women? How about the push to protect the muslim faith, where women are lower than dogs? You yourself regularly poke fun at Christian men, we probably would die to help a woman, yet you scorn us as some kind of misled cultists, yet we woul still help you out if you needed it. Think about that the next time you try to blame ALL men for the actions of a few.

  3. #48
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    I strike down the women who do not take the event as serious. The ones who make false accusations or charges because of jealousy or whatever reason, take for example the Duke lacrosse team that was wrongly accused. How about those women who were actually raped and groped by many politicians, Congress had set up an account and has paid out 17 million dollars of taxpayer money, to women who accused them of something. Why are these people still in Congress? Was the accusation made as an easy payday? many young boys have been sent to prison for false accusations and the news has shown several who were released years later because the woman recanted her tale.

    Life is not fair, sometimes we are dealt a bad hand, it sucks but that is why the incident needs to be reported immediately and the truth needs to be first and foremost. As a husband, father and grandfather I have taken up for my daughters, as well as their girl friends and I am doing the same for my grandaughters. Nobody and I mean nobody messes with my wife without some serious repercussions, I can guarantee that. If you are too scared to tell somebody when you have been wronged, maybe you should change that attitude. If you want help ask for it, it will be given.

  4. #49
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    thanks for all the mansplaining

    More than 900 hundred out of every thousand sexual assaults will go unreported. Of the less than 100 of those that are reported, 30 may go to trial and 6 might get convicted.

    Today woman all over the country are identifying with Ford. My friend Kim is unusual in that she did report it, this is her story.

    "#ibelieveher #metoo For the male (and female) 'friends' of mine who have ridiculed, cast doubt, insulted this or any woman who has the courage to talk about this, then or now, you know where the unfriend button is. As a survivor of attempted rape that resulted (when I fought back) in being knocked out and having to have my nose reconstructed when I was in SEVENTH grade...I can tell you that we reported it. My parents reported it to the police WHO.DID.NOTHING. Then, because we reported it, we were tortured by the perpetrator (he would drive beside me as I walked home from the bus and say horrible things to me. Egged our house. Threw 'throwing stars' at our dog in our yard) AND his church going mother (who literally tried to run my mother off the road) until we MOVED out of the neighborhood! I had to go to school with two black eyes. That was one of many, many assaults over the course of my life. And I can ASSURE you, as painful as that was/is, if the perpetrator were to be considered for a position where they would be making decisions and laws about such things, I WOULD SPEAK UP TOO. What do you think other girls who had been assaulted would take away from seeing me suffer like that in high school? huh? I haven't heard a SINGLE WORD (from any of you) doubting the 100s of now men who came forward all these years later about being sexually assaulted FOR YEARS at the hands of religious leaders. I'm not even kidding. If you have so little empathy or understanding of this topic that you would ridicule, insult, threaten, or whatever else...this woman or anyone else (even before they were heard), please do me a favor and remove yourself from my friends list. Peace out."
    Last edited by 2ndthyme; 09-28-2018 at 02:06 AM.

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  5. #50
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    Let's get on with the vote!
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  6. #51
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    I agree. Ford was treated with much respect and most of the pieces of her puzzle do not match. Her witnesses, one being her close friend, said it never happened. The other boy mark sent a letter and under penalty of perjury, said they were not there. To convict a person there has to be some sort of evidence to prove it happened and then that the witnesses line up the story. I am not saying that Ford was not attacked at some point, but through her own witnesses, they said it was not Kavanaugh.

    I have plenty of empathy, things are not lining up the way the accuser said it happened. Make it an issue out of some other instance is not right. Because some women have hard lives and were treated horribly, does not mean that every god damn man is guilty until proven innocent. Report the abuse, tell somebody, hell pick up a bat while the abuser is asleep and beat the **** out of them, thats how you take care of business. To a parent that would allow that type of crap to happen needs to have their brains examined. They could take matters into their own hands, move, do something, but to do nothing is as wrong as what the abuser did Standing up with a bunch of activists, who have nothing to do but have a cause to protest about, is insincere in my opinion.

  7. #52
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    At the end of the day all Christine Blasey Ford has is her word with no detail that could be checked. Every corroboration point of her assertions have failed. All four of the named parties by Ford at the alleged party have denied any knowledge of it. Kavanaugh on his part produced a contemporary callender pretty meticulously kept with no sign of such an event and very few days it could have happened.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    At the end of the day all Christine Blasey Ford has is her word with no detail that could be checked. Every corroboration point of her assertions have failed. All four of the named parties by Ford at the alleged party have denied any knowledge of it. Kavanaugh on his part produced a contemporary callender pretty meticulously kept with no sign of such an event and very few days it could have happened.
    Exactly! Did you see how emotional Kavanaugh became during the hearing? He's a damn good actor if he is lying. I think his strength to continue this circus says a lot about him.

    I'm wondering why the committee chairman allowed this to get so out of hand?

    No more BS, let's vote!
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  9. #54
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    Deep inside the Central Scrutinizer.
    My money is on they will not vote because they will not have the numbers they need... Not voting is better than voting and losing.

  10. #55
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    I thought this was very interesting.

  11. #56
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    Surprisingly Corker came out and said he is a solid yes. I would not be shocked to see several Dems, like Manchin and Heidkamp and possibly a few more vote yes. The radical left of the party was laid bare for all to see today, this was as most have said, a sham. Lyndsey Graham gave every single one of them an ass eating in front of god and everybody, and I think his outburst made some of them see a bit clearer.

    I think the vote is scheduled for tomorrow morning. On another note, wasn't Trump supposed to meet with Rosenstein also today?

  12. #57
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    Moran of Kansas has also given a yes. That leaves two that I do not car much for Collins and Murkowsky. My not liking of them come from their votes on ObamaCare.

  13. #58
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    I spent a life trying to discern the truth of situations. Sadly, testimony of individuals ranks way down in the hierarchy of evidence or proofs. Near the bottom. How do you tell if/when someone is lying...exaggerating...mistaken...holding back...being honest? My experience is that one can rarely effectively tell merely by watching/hearing the words. “Lie detector” test are worse than worthless. I’ve watched them being deceptivevthemselves. Maybe there are “tells” I do not know about, but my experience forces me to look at evidence higher up the scale in a search for veracity such as various species of physical evidence. When there is none, you are often up the creek. In this case, both testimonies seemed believable on their face in the sense that both individuals looked as if they believed what they said was the truth. There is very little in the way of physical evidence (Kavanaugh’s calendar) and a predominance of “witness” testimonials against the complainant’s single account.

    Even if you are not going to honor the adage that “the accused is first entitled to a presumption of innocence,” in this case the weight of the witness’ accounts is decidedly in Kavanaugh’s favor.

    One thing kept striking me during the hearing: the constant refrain throwing the specter of a glorious FBI Ivestigation as some kind of truth serum, when those prattling about it were the one’s who frustrated its possible institution by not referring the charges a couple months ago when the charges became known to them, when they also knew the Senate time frame was running out. Now, they lamely demand a time delay of weeks or months to scour the Montgomery County countryside looking for witnesses with sterling 36 year-old memories. Right...that’s going to happen.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  14. #59
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    the long and short of it. He lied continuously today. Evaded questions of whether he had ever drank enough to black out. Lied about Renate. Lied about the devils triangle. Didn't answer the question of whether he would support having an investigation.
    Virtually admitted that Mike Judge couldn't be trusted to testify. Yelled, was belligerent, cried.. and proved he is still the partisan hack he was as Ken Star's paid leaker.

    If a woman had acted in the way he did today, we would be seeing so many men calling her emotional and hysterical.

    Nobody's ruining his life, its a job. And he is not suited for it. He's got the demeanor of an alcoholic and he's a liar. But hey so what. He and Graham made every republican man feel like they are still in control of the world. Still boss of the household, screaming at women, women who are due the same respect of the position of senator. Does anyone remember McConnels lecture during Session's confirmation? A woman being forced to shut up for questioning a former senators integrity?

    Kauvanough lied many times in the 1st day and many times today AND that doesn't even include whether he ever assaulted anyone. Why rush to vote? Why shouldn't the FBI investigate and Mike Judge, the only witness, be put under oath? You know, the alcoholic who confessed to his girlfriend of 3 years that he was guilty of a gang rape in high school?

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  15. #60
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    The occasion was the totally unnecessary session of testimony by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his main accuser of sexual misbehavior, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. The occasion was needless because Dr. Ford’s story in no way rises to the level of credibility to dislodge the nomination. No decent society smears people for life based on high school misbehavior, so even if the wholly unsupported story were true, there would have been a strong argument against its relevancy today.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

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