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Thread: Look I don't know

  1. #16
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    Yo Tex, That would be alleged infraction. Now if she could just remember what year, what house and how many; then we may have something to worry about.

  2. #17
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    Who cares if he did it? 17/18 year old high school student. That does not define a man 40 years later.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  3. #18
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    Who cares if he did it? 17/18 year old high school student. That does not define a man 40 years later.
    While I might agree with what you said Mike, what about the 18 year old kid that has sex with an underage girl get charged with rape and has to register sex offender every time he moves?

    To be sure life's unfair as to what we may have done in the past and bring it forward. If it happened and he comes out says he was drunk and stupid would be better than the denial that's being put up. If she's making it up that will come out.

    So far from what I seen of the reports it's tilted slightly towards the woman as that's about how most victims remember the details. Granted that's 40 years ago and minds get fuzzy on details but to a victim that's been through something they will remember certain pieces of the event.

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  4. #19
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    Well this is from a friend of mines wife, I took the direct quote from what she posted and these are her words....
    I was raped at a party by two men when I was 14 years old. This is after alcohol consumption, marijuana and taking pills including xanax and klonapin. I should not have remembered anything but I remember every detail. His accuser is lying through her teeth. Democrats are paying her for a smear campaign

    You can take this for whatever it is worth, but it is her actual testimony. I am in agreement with Mike, this happened almost 40 years ago when they were minors. Fred, you put up a good point, and I do not agree with that law at all if it was consensual. The big difference is that at 18 the male is considered an adult, this "groping" happened when he was a minor.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Independent Voter View Post
    Yo Tex, That would be alleged infraction. Now if she could just remember what year, what house and how many; then we may have something to worry about.
    The thing that gets me is that she did not remember it herself until 2012, 30 years AFTER it happened? And now she happens to remember who was also there as well? I could maybe see if it had plagued her for all of that time, but to have it just suddenly appear?

    ALso, there are a few extra points to consider. Kavanaugh's mom was a judge that settled a home default dispute for her parents years ago. She is also one of those vagina hat wearing marchers who is very anti Trump and is a card carrying Dem who has signed petitions against the ICE treatment of illegal children being separated from their parents on the border. Just too many things on the outside areas to give her much credibility.

    Not to mention the timing of it all and her not jumping at the chance to give her testimony in front of the Committee. If they say she needs more time to prepare, well she has had since 2012 evidently and she made the requests to her local Congresswoman, who forwarded the letter to Feinstein back in July, so she has had ample time. Maybe she was not expecting this to blow up like it has? I mean how hard is it to remember going to a party, having a few drinks and being groped by a drunken man. She has already told just about all of the story already, not much left to prepare for.

  6. #21
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    Tx, you sound like this guy:
    First, let’s address Cornyn’s outrageous, inaccurate and unfair attack on the alleged victim. He has yet to hear her testimony, so how can there be gaps? Moreover, what we have heard from Kavanaugh is one big gap. (Does he know her? Was he at the party? Did he drink to excess?) The burden is on him to respond fully and completely. Apparently, Cornyn still thinks attacking a woman who has a specific recollection, bolstered by her previous statements and a lie detector, is an effective tactic for Republican politicians; it’s not — as those who witnessed Anita Hill’s testimony at Clarence Thomas’s confirmation hearings should recall.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
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    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  7. #22
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    Fred, the man has only gotten a few things to refute. He said he was never at the party in question. I can only assume, since he does not know which one it was, he did not go to party's. Second, he said he does not know her at all. Aside from that, she has given no other information to verify, confirm or deny. Innocent until proven guilty or the other way around with you guys?

  8. #23
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Someone was interviewing one of her friends who said that she had told her that back in those days she was an alcoholic and really regretted having so many (sexual) partners.

  9. #24
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    Well things are changing rapidly.

    Alyson Camerota of CNN was interviewing her lawyer and point blank asked her if she would be willing to testify in a public setting and her lawyer said yes.

    The lawyer also said there were 4 people in the room and now it is just 3.

    She also refuses to testify without an FBI probe, and the FBI has already said, they do not want anything to do with the case.

    Feinstein is now saying she does not know if all of the things that have been accused are true.

    So many things that point to something fishy going on. You women who are so fired up about women's rights.....what the hell do you think all of this bull**** is doing to his wife and daughters? Are they not considered females because of their political affiliation? Their world is also being torn apart and all because of the Dems throwing a hissy fit? What a bunch of childish assholes the far left party has turned into. The party of love and compassion is nothing but a group of hateful losers who will step on anybody who does not see things through their rosy lenses. Complete and total hypocrites.

  10. #25
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    Deep inside the Central Scrutinizer.
    I ran with scissors when I was a kid....

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phillbo View Post
    I ran with scissors when I was a kid....
    You Bastard!!!
    This is your mind on drugs!

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phillbo View Post
    I ran with scissors when I was a kid....
    Me too...and I bet both of us crapped our pants as well.

  13. #28
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    The Left is spooked silly with the prospect of another Supreme Court judge with a history and expressed desire to apply laws and the Constitution as close to as written as possible rather than as some kind of general guide. They will cut whatever corners they can to make sure such a man is not elevated to the Court. It is not hard to figure out what is happening here.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Reports in the media indicate there were numerous entries in the Rate Your Professor website (suddenly deleted, but still accessible elsewhere) in which students of hers describe her as crazy and disturbing in the classroom. The record shows her as a leftist agitator at the least...
    Errata — subsequent research finds that the Prof. Christine Ford referenced above with the poor student reviews is a different Christine A. Ford not the Christine Blasey Ford who has leveled the charges against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Christine Blasey Ford has no student ratings in her record at Rate Your Professor.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  15. #30
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    And the smears keep coming. See if you posted some of these in your arguments:

    Last week, Christine Blasey Ford told the Washington Post that when she was 15, a drunken 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh held her down and attempted to rape her at a party. Christine Blasey Ford also told a therapist and her husband in 2012, a friend in 2017, and her Congressman a few months earlier this year. She says she risked everything by coming forward out of a sense of civic duty. And Brett Kavanaugh will probably become a Supreme Court justice, anyway. Yes, #HimToo.

    People who didn’t want Ford’s accusation to be true came for Ford’s credibility like they’ve always come for the credibility of other accusers of other men. On one hand, it’s reasonable to expect an accusation as serious as sexual misconduct to be credible and it’s foolhardy to lend too much credence to accusations without any supporting evidence. But on the other, many of the traits that doubters say undermine an accusers’ credibility make no sense. They’ve never made sense.

    Kavanaugh supporters accused Ford of being part of political Hail Mary that aimed to snipe off a Supreme Court nomination at the last minute, despite the fact that it was the Democrats, and not Ford, who kept the accusations secret for months. They tried to smear Ford’s credibility by citing bad reviews on, despite the fact that getting bad reviews on a website that awards a hot pepper icon to teachers students find sexually attractive has nothing to do with telling the truth or lying—and they had the wrong Christine Ford. They pointed out that Kavanaugh’s mother, a judge, had presided over part of Ford’s parents’ case, and thus Ford was motivated by a decades-long familial grudge, despite the fact that Kavanaugh’s mother issued a favorable ruling to Ford’s parents.

    Kavanaugh’s boosters have been playing all the hits in defending their guy against the woman who could ruin it all. There’s the old “What about all the women he didn’t attempt to rape?’ defense. After Ford’s allegations went public, Kavanaugh’s camp offered for the public’s consideration a letter signed by 65 women who claim that Brett Kavanaugh never sexually assaulted them, not even a little bit. Isn’t that nice? If a man has met and had conversations with, say, 2,000 women in his life and only held down and attempted to rape one of them, that’s a pretty solid percentage. Less than 1% of female acquaintances report attempted rapes! Not too shabby!

    There’s also been the “It was a long time ago” response. I say “response” because “It was a long time ago” isn’t a defense as much as it is an implicit admission of guilt paired with an arbitrarily imposed statute of limitations as a chaser.

    We’ve also heard from the “He was drinking” defense. Kavanaugh was drinking, and therefore what he did matters less. She was drinking, and therefore what she did matters more. I find it quite unfair that when a man has been drinking, he can’t be held accountable for how he behaves, but when a woman has been drinking, she’s on the hook for for not only how she behaves, but also for how every man around her behaves. Seems like a lot of responsibility for the second sex.

    Detractors still accuse victims of seeking fame or attention. But accusing prominent men of sexual misconduct has never been a path to wealth or the sort of fame that generates wealth. Accusers often end up stained by sexual misconduct accusations more indelibly than the men they accuse, even if the accusers came forward reluctantly. Just look at Paula Jones and Bill Clinton. Or Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas. I struggle to think of a single beloved female public figure who got her start by accusing a man of sexual misconduct. I can think of several whose lives and careers were sidelined or forever defined by what was done to them, and I know there must be thousands of others whose names I’ll never know. If Christine Ford is attempting to go from accuser to America’s sweetheart, against all the odds, she’d be the first woman in history to do so. What a moonshot that would be.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
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    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

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