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Thread: Look I don't know

  1. #46
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    It's one of those long distance relationships you hear about all the time.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  2. #47
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    All Over
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Oh, and glad to see you back Dave.
    Thanks James, it is good to be back.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  3. #48
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Mike, you asked me how I feel about the issue. While i suspect something happened I do not have enough information to go on.

    This guy sums up more of what I want from a Court Justice:

    Character demands context. The moral arc of a lifetime matters. Not everything is equally relevant.

    Mistakes of youth can be humiliating and painful, but they can also help you grow into a more serious, more compassionate adult. To my mind, Kavanaugh deserves the opportunity, at least, to be judged through that wider lens.

    This, however, leads me to what I think is now the central question surrounding Kavanaugh’s imperiled nomination.

    Is Kavanaugh lying to us now when he says that none of this could possibly have happened? And what does that categorical denial tell us about his fitness to serve?

    Because whatever else is or isn’t true, whatever has been clouded in memory by 36 intervening years, a few things about Kavanaugh back then seem undeniable.

    He traveled in the same social circle as Ford, or at least for a while. He was immature and callow. He probably wasn’t great to the girls he knew. He drank more than a kid should.

    It’s something he himself alluded to, later, when he joked to graduates of his fancy prep school: “What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep. That’s been a good thing for all of us, I think.”

    Judge, the buddy whom Ford places in the room that night, later wrote a fictionalized addiction memoir, in which a character named “Bart O’Kavanaugh” drinks himself into a vomiting fit.

    Like I said, high school isn’t the totality of a life. But here’s the point: There are plenty of ways someone as eloquent as Kavanaugh could have responded publicly to the allegation against him.

    He could have said: “Like a lot of misguided teenagers, I drank irresponsibly, and I have only vague memories of that time. I am certain as I stand here today that I never attacked anyone, and I have no specific recollection of Dr. Ford. But if I or any of my friends were involved in immature behavior that was painful to anyone at the time, I regret it.”

    He could have said, in effect: Judge me for my lifetime of service, not for whatever may have happened at 17 that I was too stupid and drunk to remember.

    But that’s not what Kavanaugh is saying. He dismisses not only the allegation but the context around it. He says he wasn’t that kind of kid. He says he wasn’t there, in the house Ford can describe in detail.

    He makes a victim of her all over again, by essentially calling her delusional. He makes no allowance for the possibility that his own memory is blurred by inebriated youth.

    And maybe there is a pattern here. This is essentially what Kavanaugh did when he was asked, during his last confirmation hearing for the federal bench, whether he had been involved in internal discussions over the detention of enemy combatants during the George W. Bush administration.

    He denied it completely, when in fact the more complicated truth, that he had been tangential to those discussions but sometimes involved, would have sufficed. Just as he flatly rejected the assertion that he’d ever lived beyond his means and racked up credit card debt to pay for it, even though the truth was probably more shaded than that, and not really so damning.

    My fear about Kavanaugh isn’t that he’s a sexual predator; barring new revelations, there’s no evidence to suggest he is.

    My fear is that his experiences as a partying teenager didn’t actually teach him a hell of a lot about fallibility or shame. He seems not to have emerged with much appreciation for the gray areas in which most larger truths reside.

    A Supreme Court justice doesn’t need to be a perfect person, or to have led an unfailingly exemplary life. None of us can say that. But, especially on a divided court in a divided nation, we deserve a justice who demonstrates a capacity for nuance, reflection and humility.

    Whatever else is true about him, Brett Kavanaugh doesn’t seem to be that guy.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
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    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  4. #49
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    Well Fred, what you have quoted is saying nothing more than he is guilty of what has been said about him. The writer has picked the side of the accuser and is demanding the apology go the way the writers fantasy deems it necessary to him/her in order for pardon to be given. You get that line of crap from Joy Behar of the view?

    Here is what I think would make this whole thing more believable, instead of using this as a last minute "gotcha" moment, it could have been addressed in the very beginning behind closed doors with the public never having to find out until some adequate proof was given or an admission of guilt was confessed. Unfortunately that was not the case, instead it was tossed into the public domain as a National Enquirer headline by the very same people that have been against ANYTHING Trump does. As it has been following the same MO as the Russian "collusion" dossier, where the fable is front and center, yet the facts seem to be hidden and vague, people are tiring of this game.

    I think it keeps getting more fishy by the day personally, first she comes out guns blazing and willing to rip the mans throat out and then given her time by the Chairman of the Committee, she now says she does not have enough time to get her story straight by Monday? She has had 35 years to get the story straight, she is the one who initiated the outing of her story by giving it to her local Representative and then mailing the story to Feinstein, who passed it on to the FBI and probably a media outlet as well. There are therapists notes that could be used to document her proof so the facts are already there to present. Yet nothing but crickets after the first salvo was fired.... what does that tell me, you might ask? Well it tells me that this woman either had some kind of a vendetta or was willing to be used as a decoy by a political party to "Resist" and cause chaos. If the truth be known, I see George Soros's fingerprints all over this. Typical for his organization, play loose with the facts and just cause as many distractions as possible, then let the stupid talking heads and politicians run it into the ground.

    To me it is more proof that the old politicians need to go away, this is why nothing gets either solved or fixed, because the "Game" is the main focus of these idiots. The game, not the realization that there are families and children, on BOTH sides of this, that are being affected. To the "normal" people this is why they cast their votes for Trump instead of the angry old white lady. This is exactly what they were trying to get rid of, the endless BS and fighting back and forth because one or the other did not get their way. The peoples business is being ignored for the political circus that these imbeciles thrive on, because they do not know how to go about the peoples business and solve problems. This is why they get voted out by little known socialists and why many of the people are chartng a new and different course.

  5. #50
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    Ford never named her [ assailant ? ] if such a thing actually happened. She can't remember the year and too many other aspects of the alleged groping to be able to make a positive statement. She is a democrat supporter and is politically active. Given that, the lack of accurate memories is troubling. NOW, just for ****s and grins, allow me to state that current Justice Niel Gorsuch attended G Town Prep. Both he and Ford were born in 67 so they would have been in the same school year. Perhaps her memory has misidentified the person . Or the possibility exists she is just trying to make a political kill shot and nothing of the kind happened. OR, it could have been a teen ager trying to cop a feel and she has made it into more than it actually was with the passage of time.

    Popcorn is available at most grocery stores. Jiffy pop saves clean up time.

  6. #51
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    From what I understand, out of the mumbo jumbo collage of garbage being put out there. She was a 15 year old girl, drinking at a high school party. She decides that she is going to go into a bedroom with TWO equally inebriated young men. One got a little handsy and tried to grab her breasts and when she supposedly tried to say no, he covered her mouth. The other boy jumped on both of them and evidently the courtship was over and both party's went their separate ways. There was no rape, no choking, no other mention of any other physical contact has been reported. The girl does not mention it to anyone, even her closest girlfriends in the passing days or weeks.

    About 30 years pass and the same girl is at her therapist for whatever reason, and suddenly remembers this incident, the person involved, and what exactly happened. Her supposed "breast bandit" has been working in the White House for years, has been a circuit judge on the DC court and has worked his way up the ladder to now accomplished enough and has impressed enough people that he is one of the most respected judges, so respected that he is on several lists as a choice for the highest court in the land. He has passed no less than 6 FBI background checks and has been a public figure most of his life.

    Now and only now, is some professor remembering a dark drunken night from almost 4 decades ago, where at a party her breasts were fondled and she is mad about it? Sorry people, it was what happened back in those days, young people drank and experienced their own sexual revolution. As dreadful as it may sound, young men have been grabbing for breasts since the age of the dinosaurs, we are fascinated by them for some reason. This woman was not raped or physically harmed in any way, or she did not release those facts to the Feinstein or the media.

    She must be either a very weak person for having a doctorate, that takes some hard work and dedication in itself, or she is playing a very deadly game. As has been reported her and her family have had to leave their home because of death threats and other threats, and I have to ask, was it worth it? Was the alleged groping worth enraging the whole nation against each other? Was it worth having the lives of your children being threatened with harm? Was it worth the notoriety you wanted to accomplish? Was it worth the lives of others that are going to be affected in a bad way?

    If her story is true, she acted in a very naive and unscrupulous manner as a 15 year old, and luckily nothing worse than a breast grab was all she experienced. It could have been so much worse. Now she is replaying that same 15 year old ignorance, but this time on a national stage. If it meant that much, confront the man face to face, make him apologize to you for his groping, but to inflame an entire Country, to somehow "even the score" is naive and dangerous to all of those that are close to you. Now not only is your life ruined, AGAIN, you have paased the ruin onto your husband and children and put them in peril. Ma'am, you are playing a game that does not need to be played and the politicians and pundits will ruin the rest of your life as well. I hope the money was worth it and I hope that your family does not get harmed in any way, by any of the crazies out there.

  7. #52
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    Well it seems that at least one person has done some real investigating
    Accuser Christine Blasey Ford is waging a war on Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh with decades-old, unsubstantiated claims of sexual assault in an effort to derail his confirmation to the Supreme Court.
    Judge Kavanaugh has categorically denied the allegations and even told Senator Orin Hatch he wasn’t at the party in question.
    Ed Whelan, Justice Scalia’s former law clerk and president of conservative think tank the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), came out in defense of Brett Kavanaugh and said compelling evidence will come out next week exonerating Kavanaugh.

    On Thursday afternoon, Ed Whelan started dropping pictures and evidence that may blow Christine Ford’s case wide open.

    The “Maryland suburban home”–the scene of the alleged sexual assault described by Christine Ford to WaPo as being ‘not too far from the Columbia Country Club’ may have belonged to Kavanaugh’s friend named Chris Garrett, says Ed Whelan.

    Follow this thread by Whelan…

    Who lived in this house? Chris Garrett, a Georgetown Prep classmate, friend, and football teammate of Brett Kavanaugh’s.
    Garrett and Kavanaugh looked a lot alike in high school.

    Ed Whelan went on to say, “If you’re at a gathering of “four others” in someone’s home, you’d ordinarily think that the four others include the host who lives in the home. And that host would be the person least likely to act like a guest and most likely to use private areas of the house.”

    “If the gathering was at Garrett’s house and Garrett was there, then one of the “four others” wasn’t there.” Whelan continued.

    Ed Whelan concluded his tweetstorm saying, “To be clear, I have no idea what, if anything, did or did not happen in that bedroom at the top of the stairs, and I therefore do not state, imply or insinuate that Garrett or anyone else committed the sexual assault that Ford alleges. Further, if Ford is now mistakenly remembering Garrett to be Kavanaugh, I offer no view whether that mistaken remembrance dates from the gathering or developed at some point in the intervening years.”

  8. #53
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    Another thing that sticks in my craw is if this woman was so worried about "justice" and doing what was right, why would she demand what terms she will need to tell her story under oath? You brought it up lady, you started the ball rolling by coming out with this outlandish story and now you are demanding things in order to actually show up? What kind of cockamamie BS is that? Just like her "friend" that posted on social media that she remembers the incident, and had to delete it and retract what she had supposedly "heard" around school, yet the ACCUSER herself had said she told nobody and did not remember it until 2012.

    How many defeats is it going to take before the liberal media finally figures out that AMerica is not buying into their lies?

  9. #54
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    Ford was so “reluctant” that she first called the WaPo on a hotline and when that went nowhere she sent letters to her Rep & Senator, then hired a hardcore activist Soros lawyer and took her own “lie detector test” and found the D’rat fixer who dredged up Anita Hill as advisor/strategist all before leaking of her story at the striking of midnight, while her team refuses to release either the mystery letter or details of her claim. Now the primadonna witness is the tail wagging the dog trying to dictate terms of her own testimony demanding who questions her and to follow testimony of the accused before he even is let in on the details of the charges and when the testimony occurs.

    This is lunacy, which appeals to some so hidebound in their beliefs they shout that, “We believe her testimony,” when there is no testimony, only a letter the accuser refuses to allow to be seen alleging, supposedly, an event with no time or place to refute.

    At least the lacrosse team and Tawana Brawley’s accused knew what the charges were to defend themselves although it took many months to clear themselves, but the stain remains.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  10. #55
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    This whole thing is a joke. The part that really burns my ass is that women who are actually assaulted and raped are going to be affected by this bogus attempt by the Dems to delay or deny a nomination. These same asshats also want to say they are all for womens rights and then they participate in this kind of circus, that mosy can see is nothing but a ruse. Women need protection, they need to be believed when something real happens, not this type of crap.

  11. #56
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    I’ve both seen and tried many of these “she said/he said” assault cases, and speaking from solid experience, I can say it will turn upon whether Ford can cry, whimper or sob convincingly. A woman’s tears are magical for a jury. A trump card, if you please. Anita Hill was so cool and calculating she did not even attempt to pull it off, hence she lost the day. I speculate that Ford’s team is dragging its feet to give more time to coach its witness. Someone needs to frisk her looking for gelatin when she enters the room.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  12. #57
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Well it seems that at least one person has done some real investigating
    Hope he finds the second shooter on the grassy knoll.

    Tx you really believe this stuff or just passing on disinformation?

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  13. #58
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    I do not think he did it and I am just passing some info along that might just be truthful as well. So far he has come up with more than the one claiming she was attacked. As far as her lawyer demanding that he testify she stupid? Thats not how this usually works. If he is supposed to go first what is he to say that he hasnt already said, "I did not do this". Waco can correct me if I am wrong, but normally the prosecution lays out who, what, where, and how the crime was done, the defense gets to show how they did not do what they are being accused of. How is the defendant to know what they are defending themselves from if the prosecutor has not said , you did this and this and... just plain dumb all the way around.

    even here at the CB, if one of us comes out and says something, it is quite normal for another member to ask where did you get that and how do you come to that conclusion. Here we are talking the Congress of the USA, should it be like some kind of kangaroo court?

  14. #59
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    Maybe it's payback for not asking her to the prom....................
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    Maybe it's payback for not asking her to the prom....................
    She has to admit it was better than going to a BBQ with Ted Kennedy.

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