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Thread: Look I don't know

  1. #1
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    Look I don't know

    I don't know Brett Kavanaugh I don't know Professor Ford I don't know anything about these people other than Brett Kavanaugh has been nominated to be a Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Professor Ford is obviously a very intelligent woman with tremendous credentials. Those are the things I do know. What I do know is that Senator Dianne Feinstein from California knew these allegations in July of 2018. I do know that she fully participated in open hearings involving the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. I also know that on no occasion did she raise these allegations during those hearings when she had full Authority and opportunity to examine Brett Kavanaugh regarding the allegations. For some reason she chose not to instead choosing to wait only days before the vote on his nomination to drop the bombshell allegations of Ford. I'll finish like I began look I don't know. A wise man once told me if you smell a dead fish look around you'll see it.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  2. #2
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    Columbia, S.C.
    A wise man once told me if you smell a dead fish look around you'll see it.
    Won't take long to find it either.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  3. #3
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    We'll know next Monday.

    Of course Seth Meyers said this:
    In a letter sent to two members of Congress in July, Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of trying to rape her when they were both in high school. After the accusation became public last week, 65 women signed a letter saying the nominee was “a good person” who “has always treated women with decency and respect.”

    “You know what’s a little incriminating? If you get accused of sexual assault and you just happen to have on hand a list of other women you didn’t sexually assault,” Meyers said. “If the cops come to your house and say they want to ask you about a murder and you come to the door with a list of people you didn’t murder, you’ll still be a suspect in that murder.”

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  4. #4
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    Fred, maybe there were a whole "list" of people who were pissed at the way the candidate was treated throughout the hearings and that list included both males and females who were waiting their chance to show support for a man who has been run through the wringer. All of this, every single bit, has been to continue the tantrum they have been throwing over Garland not being considered years ago.

    As far as his being accused by this Dem supporter 35 years after the "incident" seems very suspicious indeed. I have made my feelings known about men who mistreat women and I am a firm believer in swift justice for those who do. This does not seem to me as an incident that was totally factual. For one, there was no report made to the authorities at the time that it happened. She did not even tell her closest friends at the time. There was alcohol involved, which is a good indication that it was someplace a 15 year old should not have been to begin with. She was not physically carried onto a bedroom by anybody against her will. the rest of the story is kind of blurry, so far as the details go.

    All of this happened in a whole different time, there has been plenty of time for these details to come out as the accused has been through confirmation hearings before and nothing was ever brought up. She herself did not remember it until 2012, 30 years after it supposedly happened? Why was this not brought up in 2012? Why was this not brought up the very first day of the hearings, as Feinstein knew about it 6 weeks ago? Has there ever been another incident even close to the one she described that he has been accused of? Too many questions without answers for me at this point.

    I do know one thing, if all of a sudden all of the men who were young boys 30-40 years ago, were to be brought up in front of any committee for trying to get to second base with a young lady, there would probably not be a one of us who would ever be exonerated of that charge and would be found guilty, myself included. As I had my first child at 17, maybe I was guiltier than most. Does it make me a bad person today? I guess that is not up to me to decide. Times change, people change, but trying to crucify a person for this particular incident, something they did 35 years ago comes off as nothing but petty. Can anybody pass the "perfect" test, never did anything that somebody somewhere got offended at at some point in their lives and have been hiding a revenge plan for 3 decades to get them back? Think about that.

  5. #5
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Tx, I realize petty to you means something different to the other person. Time does not mean is was ok either.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  6. #6
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    I don't think what he did when he was in high school reflects who he is today. I doubt anyone here could honestly say they didn't do something really stupid while in high school, probably even something criminal since there are laws to criminalize just about everything a dumb, inexperienced teenager might find to do. That said, I don't think the allegations against him are relevant today. Today, we should be measuring the man for who he has become over the past (almost) 40 years. Not for what he did in high school.

    I am posting a link to an opinion in USA Today that is most absolute in its opposition to Kavanaugh being appointed. What interest me is the opinion, while being opposed, is how clear it is on the irrelevance of the high school accusation.

    USA Today
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  7. #7
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    Reports in the media indicate there were numerous entries in the Rate Your Professor website (suddenly deleted, but still accessible elsewhere) in which students of hers describe her as crazy and disturbing in the classroom. The record shows her as a leftist agitator at the least.

    In my former profession, I had many occasions to have lengthy access and interplay with psychologists and psychiatrists both in criminal and civil cases. To cut it short — I give none of them much credence for reasons too numerous to run down here. It does not surprise me much that some of her students found her nutty. My first major in college was in psychology until my first classes, where I found the professors usually needed the same help they were dealing out. It was astounding until I came to the conclusion that many were drawn to the profession by their own needs.

    Now we can start in on the lawyers...
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  8. #8
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    I get your point that teenage boys do stupid things. I did. However I never forced myself on a girl. That is more than stupid. Still your article suggestion is that teenager boys will do stupid and worse things that subsequently should be forgiven and forgotten.
    Lets just add all the other stupid stuff we did and forget that someone may not have thought it was stupid as it harmed them.

    Beating up a gay back then was ok, calling people of color names was ok, only because we weren't the one being abused. We may never know what harm we may have cause a person until something like this comes back to face us.

    Did he or didn't he it's a he said-she said thing. In the end of the day it will be up to the Senate to confirm or deny the position.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    Lets just add all the other stupid stuff we did and forget that someone may not have thought it was stupid as it harmed them.

    Beating up a gay back then was ok, calling people of color names was ok, only because we weren't the one being abused. We may never know what harm we may have cause a person until something like this comes back to face us.

    Did he or didn't he it's a he said-she said thing. In the end of the day it will be up to the Senate to confirm or deny the position.
    OK, let's just say someone did hurt a person or two 40 years ago when they were young and stupid. Does that make them unacceptable for public service now? Taking the balance of a single person being hurt and the service to the country, I'll take the service side.

    To be honest, I really don't care about Kavanaugh one way or the other. But, if he is disqualified for this unconfirmed allegation, a whole hell of a lot of folks need to resign and go home. Probably almost everyone. Talk about an unemployment rate!
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  10. #10
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    Columbia, S.C.
    More babble from the lowest life people on the face of the earth with Seth Meyers explaining it to us. If a politicians mouth is moving they are lying. If it takes a hollyweird actor/writer to get you active in the cause then your irrelevant to begin with, a fake conversationalist, subpar at best.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  11. #11
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    I want them to release the names of all the Washington pols who used tax moneys to pay off sexual assault charges. All of them should be removed from office NOW. Also, it would be worth while to see which ones of them are now attempting to smear the judge while hiding behind some law that they enacted just to protect themselves.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    ............ But, if he is disqualified for this unconfirmed allegation, .......
    As for that we'll just have to wait and see.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Independent Voter View Post
    I want them to release the names of all the Washington pols who used tax moneys to pay off sexual assault charges. All of them should be removed from office NOW. Also, it would be worth while to see which ones of them are now attempting to smear the judge while hiding behind some law that they enacted just to protect themselves.
    I agree with you, but really don't see that happening.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    Tx, I realize petty to you means something different to the other person. Time does not mean is was ok either.
    Okay Fred, we will play the game using your rules and players from the Dem side...

    Ted Kennedy (the lion of the senate) drove drunk, ran off of a bridge and left his date, who was not his wife to drown and did not report it until he sobered up the next day.

    Robert Byrd longest serving US Senator from West Virginia, was a Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops (whatever the hell those are) in the KKK.

    Bill Clinton was accused multiple times of rape and sexual assault on women before and during his time in office, still the hero of the Dems.

    Hilliary Clinton protected her husband and further degraded the women that were on the receiving end of his rapes and assaults.

    Still want to play Fred? Like both myself and Mike have said, to hold a man accountable after almost 4 decades for something he might or might not have done as a teen is silly. Not one single person living in this Country could pass that test, we have all done something somewhere that was not right by today's standards. I am not saying it was right, but let's look at the real facts here. Out of the last 40 years he has only been accused of this, by a questionable person with a questionable motive. He "supposedly grabbed her boob for Christ's sake, he did not rape her, did not beat her and she never reported it to neither her friends or the proper authorities, such as a teacher or the police or even her parents. Why is that? DO not say shame, what she is doing now is shameful and will be castigated either way because of it. Whether she is right or wrong, this is too politically charged of an issue to be running this gambit. If she thought the grabbing of a boob was bad, she will meet some of the more crazier types on both sides now.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Independent Voter View Post
    I want them to release the names of all the Washington pols who used tax moneys to pay off sexual assault charges. All of them should be removed from office NOW. Also, it would be worth while to see which ones of them are now attempting to smear the judge while hiding behind some law that they enacted just to protect themselves.
    I also agree with you there, these bozos do not get to pick and choose what they rant and rave about, one is just as bad as the other, and one thing Kavanagh did not do was pay off his infraction with taxpayer money, or any money for that matter.

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