with hating Trump and anything Repub that it is slowly and quietly disintegrating their party and followers. While the usual suspects are daily loud complaining about the same old things, the regular people are voting them out or tuning them out. Ocasio wins a race in which the guy she beat was supposed to be the next SOH to follow Pelosi, a guy in Florida wins a race for the Dem nominee for governor, the MSM is continuing to fill the airwaves and front pages with anti Trump drivel and people have quit listening to them.

It has come out in the media that the Chinese had infiltrated her server and every single email she sent or received, had a copy sent to their spy server. It has also come out that Lanny Davis, the "unnamed source" in one of CNN's major stories was also fake, but the media is more concerned with a whore. You people wonder why we make fun of you and dismiss your feigned hatred, because you are fake, your hatred is consuming your ability to think and we are tired of the same old crap.

You are sinking your own ship and are to arrogant to know it. While you keep piling on the BS, Trump quietly behind the scenes is fulfilling his campaign promises that he made, he is making the Country work again, released from the bonds that the liberal regulations designed to kill business and the American participation in it, and is making life easier for the middle class. Your hatred is consuming you while Trump is driving a wedge into your party, the ultra liberal socialists are taking the place of your blue dog Dems, and your party is on life support. You have no cause, you have no story, you have nothing but hate, and that is not going to win elections. It will however cause your demise as a once powerful political force and make you nothing but a laughing stock.