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Thread: Illegal Immigrant killed Mollie

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Never mind you don't speak or think before you run your mouth so there's nothing I can say. Try counting to a thousand before you answer a question anymore.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Columbia, S.C.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sandi Tibbetts Murphy
    Yesterday at 3:27 PM


    No, no and no.

    Especially for those of you who did not know her in life, you do not get to usurp Mollie and her legacy for your racist, false narrative now that she is no longer with us. We hereby reclaim our Mollie.

    Mollie was a young, intelligent, caring woman with a ready smile and a compassionate heart. So many across the state of Iowa and the entire country embraced her, and us, as we all searched and hoped for her safe return. It was not to be. Mollie was killed, and a man has been arrested and charged with her murder. Yes, that man is an immigrant to this country, with uncertainty as to his legal status. But it matters not. He could have been a citizen, born in this country; he could have been an older, white man from anywhere; he could have been a man from Mollie’s world. He is a man, whose path in life crossed that of Mollie’s life, with tragic results. He is a man who felt entitled to impose himself on Mollie’s life, without consequence. He is a man who, because of his sense of male entitlement, refused to allow Mollie the right to reject his advances – the right to her own autonomy. Mollie was murdered because a man denied her right to say no.

    Our national discussion needs to be about the violence committed in our society, mostly by men, as seen by these grim statistics from the FBI:
    • 89.5% of murders are committed by men.
    • 98.9% of forcible rapes are committed by men.
    • 80% of violence against families and children is committed by men.
    • 85% of intimate partner violence is committed by men.

    We must be willing to address the way we raise our boys and young men, so that violence is not a part of their response to this world. Like the recent murders of the Colorado family or the similarly tragic homicide of Kate Steinle, Mollie’s death is further example of the toxic masculinity that exists in our society.

    Mollie’s murder is truly tragic and horrifically painful for all of us who knew and loved her, the extinguishing of a treasured spirit much too soon. It is not your right to exacerbate this grievous act by hijacking Mollie and all she believed with your racist fear-mongering. You do not get to use her murder to inaccurately promote your “permanently separated” hyperbole. You do not have permission to callously use this tragedy to demonize an entire population for the acts of one man.

    No. We reclaim our Mollie.

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  4. #19
    Join Date
    WOW, no words. She is a certified man hater, condemning all men for the actions of a few lowlifes. I certainly raised mine to be better than that and I have coached many young men to treat women with the respect they deserve. There are some comments I could make, but out of respect for the deceased I will refrain.

    Sorry maam, but when you put it out on the news for all to see, you lose some of the "she is only my kid" results.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    The only thing the lady left out in that was thank you for the assistance of the DNC the ACLU and the me-too movement in helping me prepare this statement. Also in order to raise our young men and to teach our young man to be better and I agree with that point they need to be here in our country so that we can instill those values into them. Kind of hard to put those values into them when they're living in another country.

    And before those that may be predisposed to jump my chops for making these remarks about this mother's statement in a massive time of grief she made it political not me. Also I find it quite disingenuous that she used the remark an immigrant of Uncertain status. That's complete BS.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Just for giggles, replace the word "men" with some other word that describes a race, say like Blacks, Mexicans, Jews, etc and see how far it would go on the news. I will feel bad about the daughter being killed by a person who did not have the right to kill her, but I find it hard to let the mom go with her sexist comments, she should keep her mouth zipped in public.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    I'll chalk it up to her shock and grief. She deserves a little compassion just now.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

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